San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Fair enough.

I don’t like the Venthyr being used as a San’layn replacer so long as we get San’layn I’d be good.


not a replacement but a method of making sanlayn with kael’thas being the maker of them for all of his people who are in the shadowlands


Speaking of, if the new covenant races were to become allied races, I think what ruffles my jimmies the most is the claim at the beginning of BfA of how “every race with two legs was considered for allied race status,” only to somehow potentially plan for beings in the afterlife to become them instead of any in the living world that would have popular feedback, which their “living or not in the afterlife” status in of itself is also an issue I have with them being allied races. I’d be more receptive if the four covenants were in the living world as opposed to the afterlife, though introducing a new vampire race of any sort after teasing San’layn in the Alliance war campaign would’ve rubbed me the wrong way some.

That isn’t to say brand new NPC races we see in future expansions should never be created and also should never become playable ever. We got the awesome Vulpera playable and Sethrak are still a contender for playable race status, IMO. It really depends on the context of brand new races’ introductions and also the reasoning that they were not added as replacements for an already existing NPC race for whatever reason.

As I said before, though, I’m not entirely convinced the covenant are destined to become allied races. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be a naysayer to anyone that particular wants them (we all have races we want playable). It’s just my current opinion, is all.

We’ll see what happens, but as I said, I’m not convinced at present. I’ll still be rooting for San’layn all the way through Shadowlands and helping to find any information or mentions of them. :bat:


If Kael’thas becomes lord of the Venthyr I know what his first decree as the new tormenter of twisted souls.

“Bring me Garithos!”


That’d make me laugh so hard.


San’layn for horde!


I feel like as long as this thread has been around, Blizzard should seriously come out and talk about it at some point. Just to let us know… cause the waiting is terribad.


As cool as it would be to see recognition, Blizzard can’t really outright mention the race megathreads in general. It would cause a lot of problems on the forums, including seeing several of them suddenly popping up to be the “one true megathread of (insert race here)” We’d likely see different variants as well, such as multiple versions of “The (insert race here) for (insert faction here) megathread!” to the point that it muddies the water and defeats the purpose of megathreads being one place to go to for general feedback. I don’t really see it ending well for anyone.

In my opinion, the best we can hope for is just suddenly seeing races we’ve been supporting to become playable appearing in the current expansion or even just an announcement that said races are forthcoming allied races in an upcoming patch. Likely, all that would get referenced with regards to megathreads is Blizzard saying “we’ve been listening to a lot of community feedback!” as a general statement at best, which would be fine.

On a similar note, seeing a blue icon next to my own megathread would terrify me that something happened as opposed to blues just interacting with us. Even if they just popped in to say “MY TOES ARE COLD!” Not to mention it would also cause a “NOTICE ME BLIZZARD SENPAI” trend as I mentioned before.

As for the waiting game…yeah, I agree that radio silence from companies in general have been frustrating. Not to mention that San’layn specifically were teased in BfA…then forgotten about and not expanded on in any way. I feel like the waiting for new races in general will get worse as we move away from BfA, and who knows what will happen in Shadowlands? I doubt we’ll see 10+ new races in another expansion again, too.

Still, it won’t stop me from continuing support for my wanted races. I hope others will continue to march for their wanted races as well. It may be a long wait, but hopefully we’ll see the fruits of our labor sooner than later. We got room for several new races, and hopefully we’ll see people get their wanted races to fill up that space. :smiley:


Well, when i say wait. I mean I’ve been waiting since San’layn were introduced in wrath back in 2008. And yet again since Worgen was introduced in 2010 cause werewolves, I mean why not add vampires?!

10 years later… ???


Werewolves vs Vampires would have been a logical path to pursue during the faction expansion. They even seeded Horde San’layn in the Alliance War Campaign. Missed opportunity really.


The theme for BfA is more or less “missed opportunities” in more ways than one. I could probably write a thesis paper on that if I were so inclined to.

You know, I’ve just now been thinking of San’layn since WotLK and wondered how they weren’t really given the same treatment as the Forsaken did when they broke free of the Lich King. Are they not really in the same boat in which some would retain who they were when Arthas was defeated? Why would the Horde see that in Forsaken but not in any other of the Lich King’s former minions? Not to mention the Val’kyr that joined Sylvanas.

Sure, I could see some San’layn interested in power and doing dubious things, much like how some Forsaken did, but is that really them as a whole? I don’t really see that, myself. It’s why I usually harp on the whole “twice cursed, an affront to the living, fighting to survive” theme. Things like Talanji being dubious to them could be hearsay and not necessarily be true for all of them.

It’s also why i’m worried that they would just be mooks working for Sylvanas. No exploration of their past, none of their plight or feelings expanded upon, just evil for the sake of being a minor annoyance for us. I really hope that isn’t the case.

I’m not missing something, am I? I feel like there is something wrong with them sticking with the “evil without a cause” personality despite having been freed from the Lich King. It’s why I keep saying they’re more than that and would make for a great narrative lead-in to them as an allied race.

Not to mention they’ve already been offered a spot in the Horde, technically. If only we were going someplace dark and spooky like…an afterlife or something…


Is it sad that I’d read it?


We need fearsome San’layn like one of my Blood princes!

(Been practicing art a bit more and wanted to share because it’s relevant :smiley: )


I’ll post that for you. Trust level 3 powers, ACTIVATE!


Thanks very much! I appreciate it :slight_smile:

Figured sharing art here on this thread would keep spirits up (even if I’m just a silly beginner of course). In like a year it’ll probably be a bit better :stuck_out_tongue:


Imagen those new Blood Elf necklaces.

But they’re bats instead of Phoenixes.


Ironically this character wears something similar to that. I’d love that idea so much.

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I’d like helping Kael’thas in the Shadowlands lead up to playable San’layn, having a redemption arc on his part, but not where he goes to Bastian or anything, but he gets a chance to make things right back in the world of the living or undead where he is raised as a San’layn and is given a chance to do right by his people by leading the San’layn and doing right by his people who originally died for him in Icecrown, and eventually serving as a worthy ally to the Sin’dorei, but never again their leader.

The San’layn however were still loyal to Kael’thas up until their death and vice versa as they were never involved with the business surrounding the Sunwell.

And ultimately from both a meta and lore perspective, San’layn would make far more sense joining the Horde than the Venthyr, as Covenant races would not and should not have a stake in either faction in the world of the living as they should be impartial to the world of the living on a lore level, and because of this would need to be neutral on a meta level.

The San’layn have no such problem as they’ve had dealings with the Horde, but I feel Kael’thas is key as he has ties to the Horde via his former people and would help bridge the Sin’dorei and the San’layn by regaining the trust and being a worthy ally of the former and helping to lead the latter proper, and redeeming himself in the process.


What about San’layn Gnomes?

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Vampire customization for all races would be pretty cool. Id probably make a Night Elf Vampire.