San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

You literally did all the work for them, they should just cut u a check and put them in the game but theyre wack so they prolly wont :expressionless:


I wish San’layn were a playable Race, Allied or non-Allied, for Horde. As an Alliance counterpart, either the playable Naga (Naz’dorei concept), or High Elves…ohhh…wait! HIGH ELVES FOR EVERYONE!


Just me again, checking in on my favorite elven vampires! :grin::vampire:t2::black_heart:


You race changed?

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Yeah I get bored and race change every so often. This priest has been like 9 different races, and my warlock has been 13-14 I think

I actually have a problem


Not judging, just thought it was a bug or something since i see you from frequenting the ever so pleasant priest forums.

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I think I might have found my permanent race this time tho. Dwarves are awesome, their heritage armor is the best of all the races, and the beards are just magical

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Sounds a lot like the venthyr whom our beloved one true king. kael’thas sunstrider was sent to live with and become.

Sure but they ugly.

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Many know this by now, but I personally dislike the Venthyr. A lot. Hard pass on them, and would never play them. Not to mention, San’layn lore is what I’m interested in. Not some random vampires that they pulled out of nowhere. I was excited that they might be building what they started in Wrath, only to be given… that. Ugh.


the san’layn are created of the energies from the venthyrs area revendreth kael’thas looks a lot like a san’layn if any were to come it would be through him which would make me happy id switch this dk to one in a heart beat

Hey if that unlocks San’layn cool.

If it unlocks Venthyr I don’t think I’d personally be for that.

That’s not confirmed, however if they linked it to be that, it’d satisfy the “Where did the vampyr curse come from” question I’ve been having. If they either morph the two together, or give Blood Elves San’layn (INCLUDING FANGS AND CLAWS BLIZZARD) customization after filling in that bit of lore (and of course showing that they’re fine to be accepted by factions), I’d be fine with that.

Just exclusively Venthyr, I’m with Fezzy there.

Thus far there’s been no linking lore, but there could be side quests to explain it eventually. I’ve been told many times over it’s not finalized.


the venthyr are shaped in the image of the ruler of revendreth who no longer holds that position and we rescue kaelthas from his hold.

I mean, that would be pretty ironic :stuck_out_tongue: Is there any lore yet out there that Kael is taking things over? I thought it was that prince guy.

the current leader of the vethyr is no longer in charge and we do rescue kael’thas from him in the raid in that zone. id love him to be brought back they screwed him over back in TBC like they did illidan and lady vashj


Pretty sure they meant he shaped them into Venthyr and that’s just what they are now…

If Kael’thas got control and could shape folk into more Belf San’layn… Sure but I doubt that would affect the current Venthyr.

Yeah that would be pretty cool, though I’ve seen people voice their anger on the idea of the previously dead lore characters coming back to the living. Although if Kael’thas did come back as a sort of “Blood King” or leader of the San’layn, then I guess it’d just be like bringing him back as an undead, which has happened to lore characters before? Plus, there’s Illidan too.

I suppose that’s yet to be seen. I’m for the idea myself, a blood king would be really neat.


there are many undead thal’assian elves with no leader atm kael’thas would be very helpful as he is their rightful king


or phoenix king would would be more fitting lol

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