San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

There is also the masked variant of Kael’thas:

Which looks really awesome to me. :bat:


I always forget to share that one yet it’s my favorite version :stuck_out_tongue: Oopsie. Thanks once again <3


Considering Keleseth, Valanar, and Taladaram were all once dead before being resurrected by Lana’thel, I think the San’layn may be similar to our characters. In the sense that their spirits can move back and forth between Azeroth and the Shadowlands. Could this be potentially from the curse/gift of the Venthyr that Arthas used to create them?

The San’layn already seem to have the powers of the Venthyr. If Kael became their defacto leader, Blood King, he could represent the interests of the Venthyr on Azeroth in a servitude capacity to the lords in Revendreth. Kael and the San’layn hunting down those with large amounts of anima needing to be brought to justice and their souls sent to Revendreth.

Also I don’t see why the San’layn wouldn’t have druids as a class option. I’m sure they can shape shift already, it would just take blizzard slapping a string of text on to them to explain it. Similar to how the undead priests use shadow magic to heal instead of the “light.”

Something like:
The San’layn call upon the powers of Revendreth to contort their form into more sinister shapes and call upon the powers of ght blood anima to heal themselves and allies in battle.


Love the art, Fallynn! I always enjoy seeing other peoples art. Especially if the art is of something i like, like vampires. :slight_smile:


I hope Kael leads the San’layn sort of how Jaina lead the Kul Tirans.


You know, the thought just occurred to me…if San’layn are a customization race for Blood Elves…how do we explain some classes they would be able to be?

There are only two classes that may need some explanation: Paladin and Demon Hunter.

How exactly would San’layn Paladins work? Would we consider them Blood Knights of some sort? Would they get their spell/skill effects changed to reflect that? Or would it just be the same game mechanics and effects with a few sentences of explanation of how they work? Would they even get their own charger mount for that one skill that lets Paladins ride indoors for a few seconds?

As for Demon Hunters, it’s doubtful they would get their own starting area, so it would then stand to reason that Illidan would have had San’layn among his ranks…which might be a bit hard to fully explain that. Unless they do open Demon Hunters to other races, have coding to detect you have San’layn customization on your Blood Elf, and plop them in a new area much like the new Death Knight starting area.

Some things to consider if San’layn were to become a customization race for Blood Elves. Not impossible to explain it, but it seems a bit…challenging, and I wouldn’t want it to just be there, suddenly a thing, and go unexplained.


Stuff like this is probably why the story department has been gradually easing away from the presumed incompatibility between the forces of light and death. In vanilla WoW we had Sir Zeliek, who could still use the holy light despite being a death knight. Now we’ve got lightforged draenei death knights and… whatever Calia is.

Ultimately, yes; I think San’layn paladins would probably just be brought into the Blood Knight order.


Having an order of undead paladins who are in constant pain would be pretty cool.

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See, the thing is that I’m not against San’layn Paladins. If they were an allied race, they would get some form of explanation for their existence.

The issue is if they’re plopped onto Blood Elves as a customization race, would they still get an explanation and things to make them unique? Or, again with my worry, would they just be Blood Elves cosplaying as San’layn that don’t get any explanation of any kind?

Having an explanation of some sort, even a lame explanation, is better than just something suddenly being a thing without any explanation. It’s a reason why customization races not having an identity is a worry to me.

Not to mention that San’layn Demon Hunters would be going through the starting area as part of the Illidari, which would hopefully get an explanation of some kind since they weren’t there before and the San’layn were under control of the Lich King at the time.


Blood Elf Paladins bend the Light from the Sunwell. So they kinda have a workaround.

And since they are called Blood Knights they likely would have signed up before realising what it was. /s

I don’t think undead options would happen for Demon Hunters.


This would imply that customization races would be coded in the character creation screen to be able to lock out the Demon Hunter class if you have San’layn selected.

I mean, they have the ability to have two different Orc models, hunched over and standing, and that could be a way to code it and still have San’layn as a Blood Elf customization race. Then again, I haven’t seen the new character creation sliders and stuff in action, so I don’t know how different it would be come Shadowlands, nor am I programmer, so I wouldn’t know with the current system if that would even be possible with WoW’s coding.

I’ll need to look at the new character sliders and stuff in action to see if it would be possible in that particular context to do what I am thinking.

Quick edit: This is assuming San’layn are a different model instead of customization options…which kinda raises the question of why do it this way if they do things they would still do if they were an allied race to begin with.


Demon Hunters and Death Knights are essentially separate races under the same menu as other races.

They have options only available to them and are missing options available to the rest of the race.

Animations are different as they all are the same rig. They’ve had the ability to override them since the start. Like when you are carrying something or feared or mounted. It’s a simple this=that.


how about elf ears and eyebrows in the forsaken model

Personally not interested, I’m sure some would like it, but
a) I don’t like forsaken, no offence
b) San’layn are practically living anyway, they need to ingest sustenance to survive and probably maintain their rot far better/don’t rot at all due to consumption
c) San’layn = / = Forsaken, they’re unique undead elves, vampiric specifically, not zombies


I wouldn’t mind seeing San’layn get hair styles that end in dark glowy blood red much like how Dark Iron Dwarves have fiery hair/beards.


Horde San’layn and Alliance Satyrs. Both Elves for both factions.

Forsaken haven’t gotten an Allied Race yet and nor have the Worgen. Every other race has an AR match but these 2 and the Pandaren, which I think should be Mogu for them. :wink: Is it a coincidence a female Mogu general showed up with the non-hostile/friendly Mogu faction we’re helping in 8.3?

Satyrs are cursed Night Elves, like the Worgen being cursed Humans. They’re both originally hostile, but Satyrs still are currently but that can change just like Worgen.

San’layn and Forsaken are both ex-scourge but San’layn just joined the Horde in BFA. So make it happen. If one faction gets an elf, the other one needs an Elf. This is why Void Elves came into existence lol.


You are going to have a hell of time selling Satyr to the Night Elves.

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Saw some entertaining “cured” saytr ideas. I could go with a story for that.

Made em look vaguely like the fauns.

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I saw this and was thinking things through, that’s honestly mighty interesting if you really think about it. If thematically we get an Allied Race for the four covenants, this would work very well for the Alliance, and give them something I see them site they want. The night fawns could ‘bless’ those cursed as satyr, which would morph them to look very similar (if not identical) to them, or have more night elf features in some cases, all depending on how they go with it. Meanwhile, if we find out the origin of the vampyr curse is through the Venthyr, the rep for that would be San’layn.

If some people really want vampires as ugly as possible, there could be options for that, but there needs to be options for regal vampyr as well, San’layn that don’t look horrid. Again, monsters don’t need to be ugly as all heck to be horrifying and violent, the art I shared above is testament, all of those characters are highly dangerous though antihero.

As for the other two factions, not sure what they could do, but perhaps something. Am weirdly tired to come up with ideas right now I will admit.


I don’t know if it’s been mentioned in here or not but when it comes to the San’layn i’ll post something I posted in one of the High Elf threads going on.

With High Elf customization being added to the Void Elves I think the same thing could be done for the Blood Elves if that’s the only route we have for High Elf or San’layn to be made playable. This could be the first “Sub Race” or “Allied Race Lite” options we have.

I mentioned that “High Elf” customization for the Void Elves should allow the player to change the tag of their race if they want to be labeled as a High Elf and give them access to classes such as Paladins. With this their racials would change to reflect the High Elf aesthetic. Spells such as Entropic Embrace and Void Rift would change to “Arcane Embrace” and “Arcane Rift.”

Perhaps the same could be done for the San’layn?

Their skin tones and other options could be added to Blood Elves and allow the players to change their racial tag to “San’layn” rather than Blood Elf. In exchange for that they’d lose the Paladin option. They could also get their own racials or a remodel of some of the Blood Elf racials.

Just my idea though. I understand people probably want them as their own stand alone race. I support San’layn either way!