San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Okay so now that we are gonna get some HE flavor on VE’s, does this make Dark Ranger flavor on Blood Elves more possible than ever before? And does that affect San’layn possibility?

We have the lore set up of Velonara saying many dark rangers and herself stayed with the Horde, so will DR customization given to BE’s?

I can see the merit of grouping thalassian elves of either factions under the same “race” and I wonder if pretty much this could lead to the same answer for San’layn/Dark Rangers than we had for High Elves.


Damn it, I can’t like your post. :frowning:

Lol why XD

Out of likes. :frowning:

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Mood :confused:
Not sure why that’s a thing.

Awn don’t worry hehe :D!!

It’s dumb.

I feel like everyone on this thread someday is going to band up and utterly decimate me for Constantly bringing this up, but this question comes about so frequently and I want it to be seen! Sorry if you’ve seen it already Talendrion :stuck_out_tongue: But yeah! This is my idea for that, it’d be pretty simple in my opinion!


While I do like the idea of a questline, how it seems these customizations are being added, doesn’t seem we would need one! But it would be fun if there was related content through quests.

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The problem is, San’layn are kill on sight; in the case of the High Elf additions, High Elves are already a part of the Alliance if that makes sense. Same with Wildhammer dwarves. But San’layn in particular are a unique case. Unless Blizzard comes out and says explicitly somewhere: “Dreven’s San’layn are in fact a part of the Horde and might have joined via Sylvanas, but their loyalty remains within their faction and Silvermoon” than it really wouldn’t make sense to add them in at all.

Sand Trolls are another example of that weirdness. Technically they’re enemies, but I suppose they can be explained by a splinter group joining through the Zandalari. San’layn, however, are just… odd.

We saw in BfA they were 100% looking for a home, and had nowhere to go. That was stated explicitly. Problem is? Nothing came of it. The San’layn on the ship were killed by the Alliance, and while we have no numbers/confirmation all were wiped out (questgiver even says that’s ‘enough’ for now I believe), most people are under the assumption that all on that ship and with Dreven are dead. Now, again, there’s nothing confirmed on that. Nor is there ANY numbers of San’layn left (people claim they’re ‘less than xyz’ but nowhere in lore are their numbers stated anywhere, and new ones came about in BfA.).

Basically, that’s where we’re at, sadly. Whereas Wildhammers + High Elves are a part of the Alliance already, San’layn are most definitely not a part of the Horde. We’d need that hole filled in somehow.

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I think Kael, the scourge invasion, and the San’layn still having sway over the mindless undead is the best option for this imo. Especially if we get to help Blood King Kael resurrect Lana’thel the Blood Queen. :bat:


Yeah that would explain how they could join Horde and would be satisfying to me, to be honest. So long as, along with that, we get fangs!

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Yeh, I do agree with that, but I feel it’s the sort of thing that can be addressed with some NPC’s with flavor text, you know?

Of course an immersive questline would be better, but how customization options are being added, it doesn’t seem we are going for a lot of immersion, so I really hope we are getting some flavor text overall.

And if so, might be all the San’layn would need. Which let’s be frank, just with “High Elves” is not the preferred scenario, but a compromise.


I think another interesting angle now that we see Drust death magic as druidism in Ardenweld is that in theory the San’layn could be druids. Hir’eek is a Loa that will be in the Shadowlands as it was killed by us because of it corruption by Ghuun. Cleansed and right of mind it could be persuaded to aid it’s true followers the San’layn. They are the embodiment of everything that Loa represents. Not to mention there could be a Blood King + Loa bond made similar to Rhastakhans with Rezan. With Hir’eek and Kael, they could show the San’layn how to exist without always preying upon others for blood.

Just a fun thought for San’layn druids :bat:

Though their flight form should totally be a swarm of bats.


Heck even that would be satisfactory as long as we got something. Flavor text wouldn’t be the most ideal thing, but I mean, it would give the explanation we’d need. You’re on WrA and I’m sure know what I mean when it comes to sticklers for lore. Even if we got customization, we’d still not be able to play our toons openly in cities if there was nothing explained. I know how people are ><

If flavor text is what it takes, then I’ll accept it.

You don’t know how badly I want this to be a thing, lol.


Since they chose the route of combining races instead of new ones I think the best thing for High Elves/Wildhammer Dwarves/Sand & Dark Trolls would be if there was a quest line that reworded the equivalent of Heritage Armor and racial Mount that tied up all the lore loose ends.

This would work just as well for San’layn as well. A quest to explain the new options and add the things they would have gotten as an Allied Race.


Honestly it’s what I hope “High Elves” get, cause otherwise the HE customization will feel kinda hollow :confused:


I mean to me, especially after today’s announcement about void elves, it’s kind of a no brainer for the San’layn as an Allied Race for the horde. They were already invited, and if we do get a redeemed Kael’thas it just makes sense.

I’d even give the alliance Sethrak and an entire pyramid in Vol’dun for the amazing stuff San’layn could bring to the horde.

  • Blood King Kael & Blood Queen Lana’thel
  • A San’layn necropolis similar to Archerus
  • Hir’eek as their loa who was betrayed by the trolls
  • Sway over mindless undead to aid Silvermoon from the tainted scar

Makes perfect sense to me and, AND finally opens a non troll tauren druid race for the horde.

Dear Blizzard, you have my contact information. I will write the entire quest chain, dialog, help build the scenarios, and get this all done for 9.1 EZ. Hit me up! Also I’m bringing Fallynn.


Hello just dropping by to show support again, I really think todays events were a victory for the HE community especially if we get added lore. But I think it can lead to new skins for BE’s hopefully San’layn and undead BE customization… again hopefully with added lore etc.

Anyways I think it’ll lead to a lot of good things for a lot of potentially asked AR’s again with an emphasis on some lore added, but just wanted to pass the positivity to you guys and hope we see something for this community next or in the near future!


Yeah I think alls you guys need now is lore! Admittedly I’m hardcore rolling my eyes at the people still complaining. At least high elves are now playable and lorewise they’re already part of the Alliance. Now that can be reflected with characters, and flavor text or a short quest would make it better. But now people are demanding a separate allied race entirely, etc. etc.

I’d literally just be satisfied with minor lore additions and San’layn customization (with fangs) if it came to it. (No fangs = me not being happy though, that’s one thing I will be a stickler over.) It just bugs me to see so many people just screaming about this when they finally get a true compromise. Most people for their wishes would be extremely happy with this for their wants too. Not speaking for others, but things like Kelfin, taunka, and other ‘races’ at least being customization and hopefully with some tiny lore additions would be awesome.

But alas. These are the forums.

Edit: On a lighter note, I’ve been practicing art. We probably won’t get what we want for a long while. So in roughly a year or so I’ll be able to make decent art. But for now, I’m practicing, and with my characters.

Here’s some San’layn art for keeping things upbeat. If anyone has art to share, share away.

When I have more time, I might even offer to draw some vampyr characters (wouldn’t have to be elves) just as some fun activities in this thread. Some other time though. Right now I’m feeling not that upbeat.