San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Ugh, I’m going to the store at four and get some sangria. Life has been stressful for me lately.


I should join you, ugh I know exactly how you feel ><


I really hope we can still get San’layn at some point. I don’t know that it would work as just added customization to Blood Elves or we’d have vampire paladins. :roll_eyes: I wish Blizz would make High Elves a sort of unlock subset of Void Elves and San’layn an unlock subset of Blood Elves. Not totally a new race, but customization we can only use as that subset and maybe some slight differences. Like maybe the San’layn subset can’t be paladins and the High Elf subset can’t be warlocks. Maybe even different racials. I dunno. All I know is I just want to play a vampire.


Yeah that would be sweet. I wonder if starting a different thread specifically for this customization idea would get more traction, to be honest (I can’t change the first post of this one anymore). However, it might be marked as spam, so I’ll likely avoid doing that. But yeah, if they can give neat customization, I think it’s something many of us would be thrilled for. I hope for lore too, of course!

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Forest trolls are already part of darkspear? Im confused… They also have moss on there skin and altered physique. Darkspear already have green skin tones.

No, they aren’t, but forest trolls should absolutely be playable and our best shot at it is customization for Darkspear.

The Revantusk should be their own allied race and all the things that come with it, but it’s extremely unlikely.

Yeah, but not the same forest troll green.

I linked my thread on it earlier, it explains it all if you’re willing to read it because it’s really long (the initial post, that is).

I’m so happy to see this thread still going. With the announcement they just made about blood and void elves, and with vamps in the expansion. My fingers are def crossed.


There are San’layn bloodknights in ICC.

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Thanks very much for the kind words. Yep… am hoping we get some good news. Sadly we’re not as large as some communities, so I’m worried that we’ll be looked over/ignored again (or replaced by Venthyr, something I hate ><)

But we’re still kicking! Even if there’s a Night Warrior-Like Questline for us, that’d be just fine to me, should we get fangs/claws/red eyes for our blood elves and a tad bit more lore.


I always hope that they do pay attention to the forums and megathreads, which is one of the reasons I admit I post on the forums. Even if it would take awhile to see the results, at least some support is being shown. Not to mention that it’s likely more fun to look at posts of people who do enjoy the game than some other posts.

If San’layn happen to be destined to be a customization option for Blood Elves, my main hope is that there is story shown in-game of them officially being welcomed into the Horde and having some story presence. Even if it is an occasional NPC who gives you quests to collect blood droplets or something.

I like the backstory for San’layn and would love to see some potential storylines you could do with them. I just don’t want to see them just plopped onto Blood Elves and then forgotten about in-game with no representation.

I’m still rooting for them to be an allied race, of course. :bat:



Yeah, me too. Still hoping for forest trolls though.

Can relate. There isn’t nearly as big a community around most things as there is for princess blood elves.

At least blood elves are looking really good in SL though. Just hope other races get the same attention.



Just find a group of people dedicated to saying no to your ideas that also posts and bumps your threads everyday like the Helfers managed.

Yeah but the person who made it his life goal to pester/bother me including outside of the forums has been silent lately :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is he, by any chance, a green orc? If you know, that is.

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That sounds like they’re going to far lmao why even do that? And when I’ve added people from the forums and became friends with them and they ask why I post on an alt character. I have to point at things like this. Classic characters are the best thing ever, no in-game stalkers for me.

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2 weeks till we get official news. Though given his last interview saying blood elves wouldn’t get blue eyes seemed to be a lie.

However I’m still hopeful. We could see a new alpha push this week and next ahead of whatever announcement they make. So data mining could find new stuff.

We’ve not seen a lot of the Kael storyline yet either. So I’m still hopeful he leads the San’layn.


There is in fact an orc that’s highly rude and just terrible in general, but nope, not him. It’s a void elf that hops alts :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah this happened a while ago and he PM’d me on discord, telling me that “San’layn will never happen get over it, give up”, then came into my discord community to do the same. I told him to leave me alone, along with my community, then blocked him. LUCKILY he’s left me alone since, though not on forums. (Well, lately yeah.)

Well the devs also said they have no Allied Race plans so… :slight_smile: Hekhekhek


Then why is he so adamant about telling you about it? Clearly he fears it will happen someday.

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I’d link the x-files themesong but if it’s a male void elf that’s quite believable as well.

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It also wasn’t an old god expac, and the Sylvanas story wasn’t like Garrosh. I think we need to believe from now on that what they say is the opposite of what they mean, lol.