San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

To that end I’m sort of hoping for some sort of quest or dialogue in the pre patch, it does take us back to Northrend? For the HE community we could see new and official HE’s that never left the Alliance pledging themselves under a new name, or a merging with the SC. Assuming this now leads to possible new skin pallet for BE’s which I don’t see why it wouldn’t, San’layn/ Undead BEs would be the logical new skin pallet for them, also lore in Northrend to go along with the pre patch? Just my thoughts anyways. I am more of a “I want Dark Ranger customization on BE’s” but I also support San’layn as an AR, so if they did it as a customization with lore for San’layn too I would hope they had a few skins just as Undead BE’s for those that don’t specifically want the San’layn look. I don’t think it’d be that hard to do, we could have fangs and claws, or simply choose not to have them.

I think just speaking from what I’ve seen, far more are celebrating and hoping for lore additions. But like you said this is the forums.


Honestly, what would be nice would be some dialogue or tiny quests for things like High Elves, showing that many of them are transitioning to practicing void magic, and boom there’s the lore reason. I know people really want paladins too, and I’m on team ‘race/class restrictions are stupid’ anyway :stuck_out_tongue: So that’s where I stand there. But yeah, this could work for Wildhammer and Sand trolls too.

Some flavor, you know? That would be really cool and add a bit of depth to the customization. Also would bring me hope that if ever this comes to fruition, we’d get some flavor text in the very least as well.

That’s true, I think I’m just being a negative nancy right now due to circumstances outside of the forums and game. Shaking my fist at the sky and yelling at a cloud, per say :stuck_out_tongue:

But! I do have hope for San’layn customization, hopefully. And perhaps others will be made happy too, like Kelfin or Taunka. Something like Sethrak or Saurok though would definitely need to be an Allied Race, so there will still be battles for that (of which I fully support). Ogres too, I believe wouldn’t be able to reasonably be customization options either, and would need to be an AR.


Yeah I hope most of all this was a precursor for the other communities also, we all want dialogue / lore additions though no faulting that on anyones end. Anyways I just wanted to say I think this good thing for the HE community can turn around and become a good thing for the San’layn community and others too.

So here’s to anxiously awaiting more announcements, and hoping for our lore affiliated stuff! :heart: :blue_heart: :clinking_glasses:


Not sure how I feel about a third blood elf model being used

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It’s pretty successful, you have to admit.

Have to admit, the more I think about it, the more disappointing it is that literally going into an expansion with an entire zone having the vampire theme, we’re not getting the vampyr elves we’ve been asking about two years for formally(with the information we have right now). No word on any additional lore for them either. Let’s face it, now it’ll be said ‘elves are getting too much attention’ and we’ll be back-burnered once again.

I guess I’m just so tired of being led on and getting hope only to be let down again, and again, and again. Now it feels like San’layn and their lore will be shoved aside for this new Venthyr stuff (which I personally really dislike.) So I guess that’s where we’re at. Sorry for being a bit of a downer today, but I’m sharing my thoughts. There’s word and announcements for others, but there’s been silence for us ever since we started.

The Sethrak community likely feels the same way too. I understand them entirely :confused: Kelfin too (though I strongly believe yet still that those will be there in goblin customization and have lore to back them up)


Yeah we feel this.

I was kinda hoping to see Blizz add the San’layn skintones and eyes or at least Dark Ranger stuff with this recent announcement to give it some sort of balance.

Prefer an AR of course though. Always prefer a full race.

These are probably easier for Blizz to add as a Goblin thing but again AR preferred. :stuck_out_tongue:


This would be really nice.

Also, new voice lines would be great as well. Cause it’s gonna be weird for all the people who are gonna RP as pure High Elves, and then they got all these void related jokes and flirts and what not.

Also, if San’layn do get added via Blood Elf customization, id like them to have vampire related jokes. This is the main reason i hope San’layn eventually become their own allied race, rather than customization. I just don’t think Blizzard would put the extra work into new voices/lines. :frowning:


Forest trolls feeling it too, even though it only seems like myself and 3 other people at the moment lol, we’re small ;(. Lore, things Horde and Alliance are getting in Shadowlands, there’s no reason they shouldn’t be playable in some form yet, and several reasons why they should be.

Still holding out hope for them too.


Support for the (hotter) vampires though, they make much more sense than venthyr as playable.


Well until they do that, it’s just Void Elves in High Elf cosplay.

Considering Allied Races can be as little as gold eyes, robot parts, or moose antlers it’s not entirely unreasonable.

So things like High Elves, Forest Trolls, and yes, San’layn could still be their own things with their own Heritage Armor/Mounts/Racials/Voices.

And Paladins.

I say they cut the middle and do a Nightwarrior like quest for High Elves/Wildhammer/Dark & Sand Trolls where we get a set of Armor, a mount, and some specific customization options.

How about if sometime after launch we get a patch where Blood Elves go to see Kael’thas and they get the San’layn options.


Good choice. Forest trolls are a lot more than just green Darkspear too. If HM tauren became a new race, than forest trolls can too.

Yeah, this was a real let down overall. It’s better than nothing though, I guess. I still feel Horde get the better end of the stick here. More new eye colors, new hair colors, the same new skin colors, a few new hairstyles, and what is currently totally unique to Horde, body jewelery.

But, something tells me that’s the best we’ll ever get in terms of high elves. Whilst they’re not my thing, to those happy, congrats on getting the race you want, and to those who are disappointed, I feel you. I’ve wanted sand trolls for a while (though they’re not my absolute most wanted), and we’re just getting a skin, when they’re totally different (besides being trolls), especially politically.


At least you get something. I’d be happy for actual customization but we’re likely getting nothing at all. So yeah I’m not happy. Maybe someone should start a thread asking for additional lore with the options, could get far.

Chances are we’ll be given red eyes and told to shut up which is great for the DR community but… Well you know my thoughts on that.

Most of those things should have been customization blended into the race with voice line suggestions as well, and maybe a choice of cosmetic racial. We would all have been in so much more of a better spot right now if that was the case because then they could just add things to the cores and give selection options… Which they still could do but -.- I doubt it

(In this instance blood elves would be made neutral which let’s face it who cares)


If this has taught us anything. It’s to keep at it and have hope.

Well, at this point there’s no excuse not to add them fully now.


You can always push for a quest for a mount and"Heritage" armor.

Like a Basilisk and a… Sandy Loincloth/Mummy bandages with a leather Fanny Pack?


See I think this would be such a great case scenario, we saw that they can do this with the Night Warrior stuff, which added some lore even if minorly. With some of these racial options, it’d be great to see that sort of thing added, and would give more hope for future possible racial options.


General Jazkra’zet’s armor is pretty cool. It just needs a helmet. He also has a, sort of shoulder cape thing that’s pretty cool.

Yeah, and that’s a good idea to be fair. But the racials are still the same. And, I’m a bit pessimistic about the chances of that succeeding. But yeah, you are right. We’ll see if they do end up doing anything special for sand troll skins.

No, there really isn’t. The same can be said for forest trolls. But, it’s looking like they’ll just be a skin as well, if even. It’s the way of Blizzard. Something over nothing, at least.


I agree that Sethrak, Saurok, and Ogres need to be fully playable races. It wouldn’t make much sense for them to just be plopped onto existing races, and they would get a lot more love and care being their own playable race.

I do think more needs to be addressed regarding races that appear as customization options in whether they have their own identity and in-game presence outside of aesthetics of player characters. Maybe we’ll see something more on the livestream coming out, hopefully.


I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high for the livestream, I will admit, because time and again has Blizzard just let us down. It seems they’re listening to the majority of the community, but sadly those that care about this sort of thing are in the minority. I bet if someone started a thread bringing points up about how we’d like to see some lore even if just flavor text for the customization options like Sand Trolls/High Elves/ Wildhammers, the responses would be mostly negative and minimal.

It’s a sad reality, and very unfortunate, but the community has always leaned to caring more about PvE or PVP, which is considered far more important than any of that. As such, the stream will likely primarily focus on that, and scratch the surface of stuff these communities are talking about.


They don’t even have to be high effort things.

Just the equivalent of the NPCs talking before Cataclysm that created entirely new race/class options.

Wild Hammer Dwarf: Well, eah guess we’re movin’ 'en!
Ironforge Dwarf: What?

Player earned the achievement [Let’s get a little Wildhammer]

Player receives [Wildhammer Vestments] and [Fledgling Gryphon Mount]

Allera with an entourage of Void Elves: We’re homeless.
Vereesa: Sighs and rubs temples

Player earned the achievement [Get off your High Elf Horse]

Player receives [Silver Ranger Garbs] and [Silver Unicorn Mount]

Sand Troll: Walks up to a gathering of horde For da- ‘Checks notes’ Horde!
Dark Troll: Yes, for da gorde!
Sand Troll: Shows notes
Dark Troll: Dons spectacles and reads notes Ohhhh.

Player earned the achievements [Sand between your Trolls] and [Whispers in the Dark Troll]

Player receives [A collection of Loincloths] and [A small pack of Raptors]

Kael’Thas: More blood!!!

Player earned the achievement [Bloodier Elves]

Player receives [Vampiric Garments] and [Flyn’ Coffin’] and [San’layn Customizations]


Hahaha ok I love that I sincerely hope they see this.

And here’s the thing? There’s so many unused mounts! They can just grab from that pile what matches up!


I humbly suggest this minor modification.

Works on two levels.