San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Every time we get a new alpha build I’m immediately scanning for new models posted hoping some will be San’layn :grimacing:


Apparently there is going to be a Shadowlands related livestream on June 9th at 9 AM PT according to Gamespot:

"Blizzard Entertainment is gearing up to show off more of World of Warcraft’s next expansion, Shadowlands. The developer has confirmed it is hosting a livestream event on June 9 where executive producer John Hight and game director Ion Hazzikostas will provide a new look at the expansion.

Hight and Hazzikostas will give the presentation from their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The stream begins at 9 AM PT, and you can watch on the World of Warcraft Twitch and YouTube channels. GameSpot will also carry the stream as part of our Play For All campaign."

Note: The following link has autoplaying videos, so please keep that in mind if you click it:

Will be keeping an eye on it for any San’layn sightings. :bat:


Both high elf fans and those that wanted blue eyes for blood elves ended up getting what they wanted. That’s exciting for both parties, and really something that isn’t a big deal at this point because points to pandas on both sides.

This leads me to believe that Blizzard might be paying attention to the forums and people speaking on it, as well as the communities. It gives me quite a bit of hope for perhaps us too, and maybe our ideas.


Give me my red eyes, tear markings and undead skin Blizzard. Please!


I’d wager for San’layn than having high elves,

No offence to you elf fanatics but your crusade for them is relentless it made poor Santa Claus cry,

I don’t care about high elves and will never play one; I’ve wanted playable San’layn and have run this thread for roughly 2 years now, since the old forums pretty much.

I’d settle for customization if we got fangs/claws/red eyes, and a little bit of lore to go with it too. Just like a night warrior questline. The Alliance could get human vampyr (Stormheim) too, then both factions would get something neat.

Edit: Though I am happy for high elf fans but that’s not my point :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not a player of one myself!


Well one thing to inspire some hope… Blizzard originally said no customization for allied races or blue eyes for blood elves and that has been walked back as we have seen today… maybe they will sneak in some San’layn customization for Blood Elves as well!

I know it’s not the ideal like an actual allied race would be, but it would at least allow you to get the aesthetic.


Right that’s the other thing I was considering, first they said: “Nope those are for NPCs”, “No Allied Race customization” and “Nope, no Allied Races”

But 2/3 have just been disproven.

What would be pretty interesting is if they gave Void Elves and Blood Elves San’layn (meaning beyond dark rangers, again like what I mentioned above) customization (hopefully with lore too). ALTHOUGH that I don’t see happening because people would complain elves are getting so much already.


I’m seriously thinking about quitting WoW if I don’t get at least some customization I want. It just doesn’t seem fair that most people are getting what they want or in the ball park of it, but I ask for red eyes and undead skin and don’t get it. I’m asking for very little here. Void Elves get all Blood Elf skintones (I’m happy for them, but at the same time I feel immensely disappointed) yet blood elves get two new skintones.

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I want forest trolls. They’re iconic to the Horde, in the Horde, and loyal, yet we’re not getting them in SL, at least nothing is suggesting we will be yet. Yet, we’re getting sand trolls, who hate the Horde and have never been a part of it. Makes no sense, so I feel you.

However, I’m happy we’re getting blue eyes for Alliance and Horde. Neither bothers me.


Well those red eyes and dead pale skin are available for Blood Elf npcs already… it’s only a matter of flipping a switch to make them accessible to players. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that at the very least for you!

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Huh I could have sworn we’re getting forest troll skins! And yes–see Sand Trolls are confusing to me. I feel that they (along with if we ever GOT San’layn) need some more lore.

Fair, and I might sound very nitpicky in saying this so I apologize, but I at least hope for fangs and claws too! They’re not vampires without it, in my opinion x.x and even ALLERIA has fangs!

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You see, that’s just how easy it would be for them to do the bare minimum. If they don’t do it it kind of feels like they’re excluding us on purpose (for whatever reason.)


Nope, sadly. The Wowhead datamining post used a green skin to better show off warpaints and it confused a lot of people into thinking we are getting them.

Sand trolls could make sense, and I’m glad we’re getting them. I myself want them, but, we’re getting them, and yet not forest trolls. That makes 0 sense.

I made a whole thread for this and explained the whole schtick around why people thought we’re getting them but why we probably aren’t, and I went into a lot of other things there too. I won’t get into it here, though partially because the first post in my thread is long and I don’t want to retype any of it.


Yes! I’d love to have this look for my mage!


Feel free to post it, I’ll support you! So sorry to hear it though, it’s understandable that you’d be upset :frowning: Trust me, I know what I want more than anything, and there’s certain things that make it not that, but close. I’m sure that’s the case for forest trolls. And yeah I suppose Sand Trolls could join as a splinter faction via the Zandalari, so there’s that.

Hopefully forest trolls will be added then someday soon. I’m rooting for all of us! The more the merrier.


You’re telling me, you don’t know how big of a Zul’jin fangirl I am.

WTB trust level three so I can properly post links and make the post a lot better and easier to read.


Could one of you bump by Dark Ranger Customization thread? I can’t do it because I’m the last one who posted on it.

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I agree with you. It’s so little to ask for that they can easily provide. I really hope they allow it for you.


On it.

aw someone beat me

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