San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This! I’ve posted my idea for that several times, I hope they eventually see it and think it’s a good idea. It’d cover the lore holes, doesn’t have to be crazy fancy, and could give vampire customization for Blood Elves. Heck, they could even toss it to humans as well, considering vampyr humans are a thing from Stomrheim (Though the quest might need to be modified based on faction if that happens!)


The female blood elf ears, the shortest, look very… bat like to me. :bat:


*** Spoilers. SO in shadowlands we do go and try to resurrect 3 loa that have fallen. So perhaps some of them would somehow work there way into the story to allow for undead/san’layn druids. Especially if Hireek is one of them. Loa of bats and he was with the blood trolls. Rezan is probably one of the loa. And perhaps Shadra? We see San’layn polymorphing each other into spiders so a spider bear form would be fun imo or those venthyr bears.


I wonder if future San’layn npcs will use the various Castle Nathria raid tier armor/weapons.


Wow, people on Reddit just downvoted my Dark Ranger thread and every comment I made. >_0 Just mentioning elves of any kind gets that hate bone raging on reddit.


Reddit is a bunch of “MAH HONOR ONLY ORCS FOR DA HORDE” obnoxious people, so I’m not surprised. Sorry to hear that though. People love to hate what’s popular, they think it makes them cool.


It’s a shame that ideas are immediately treated with such regard because “elves.”

Call me weird, but I like lore and storylines of a game, and whenever I see a race in a fantasy setting, I don’t think in terms of human/elf/orc/etc. I like to see what their background is and how they are implemented in a setting. Just because a group is the same race doesn’t mean they can’t bring new things to the table culturally.

When I say I want San’layn, I don’t say it because “dead elves woooo!” I say it because they have great story potential and flavor to add to the game. I’d likely feel the same if the San’layn were humans instead of elves. I don’t really view them as “yet another elf race” either, but instead see a group of people with a tragic backstory just fighting to find a place in the world with their freedom from the Lich King and potential slaves to their own vampiric curse.

I’m also weird in that I like seeing what races people want playable and the support they bring for those races. It adds to a community, and if they get added to the game, it’s cool to see the Horde/Alliance evolve and grow in that regard.

I’m more of the type to be supportive to others for what they want, even if I disagree with some of them, and if that’s wrong, I’m not sure I want to be right. :bat:


I’m so quirky UwU I play an orc instead of a blood elf, I’m not like the other gamers.


You see this is how I think about in game races and this is how I feel about the other races that people want. I don’t see elves or humans, I see their aesthetics, themes, and lore. I like Blood Elves, San’layn and Dark Rangers because I like how they look, I like their lore and their tragic dark themes.

So no that doesn’t make you weird at all, at least not to me. Then again, I’m pretty weird and people really don’t like me that much. It’s such a shame because I’m a supportive and open minded person.

You want to hear a really stupid argument against Dark Ranger Customization? This guy said that he doesn’t want Dark Ranger customization because blood elves shouldn’t be undead and that would mean they’re part of the forsaken.

I facepalmed really hard reading that. It’s like they don’t realize that their entire faction was founded by an undead Thalassian elf and that Dark Rangers have always been part of their faction. All Dark Rangers are undead elves of either Kaldorei or Thalassian descent. Not to mention the Blood Elf death knights. Ugh, the stupid.


It’s definitely not wrong, it means you’re a mature person and don’t act like a child when someone likes something different from you. And there’s a difference between: “I don’t like this race for these lore or aesthetic reasons” versus “YOU SUCK FOR WANTING THIS AND I HOPE THIS RACE GETS DELETED.” That’s not cool, even me with not liking Lightforged undead, I present my case and while I don’t like that concept, I would never attack those that do.


No saying that! I think you’re awesome and have been so supportive, I have a smile every time I see your name in my notifications. Sure we just know each other on the forums, but I think you’re an intelligent and kind person.

Yeah, yikes. Some people are… well, like that. Oof.


Aw, thanks! I needed to hear/read this because a lot of people on this forum make me feel dumb. Sure, I’m awkward 'cause of the autism but I give it my best. I’m glad I make you smile. :smiley:


Well those people on this forum don’t know what they’re talking about. Many on this forum can be overly rude. I know I’ve been put down time and again for silly reasons, including my work being called ‘fanfiction’ and the like. It’s obnoxious. I wouldn’t put too much energy into concerning over them, but I understand. Just know that there’s also people here who think your ideas and opinions are very valid and valuable :slight_smile:


I’m glad I’ve got friends here. You guys are seriously awesome people.


Unfortunately any topic with an elf as the main idea is going to get some hate now-a-days.

Hang in there. They’re just being rude.


Just me again, checking in on my favorite elven vampyres :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hope y’all are safe and well :heart:


Hmm vampires are cool, I’d love to see them added as a playable race. Though it probably might not happen but one can hope. For now though, I luckily have ESO to indulge in some MMO vampire stuff with The Dark Heart of Skyrim expac coming out on like june 8th that’s supposedly revamping the entire vamp skill tree and being a vamp focused expansion. ESO is basically my fall back for MMOs once WoW ain’t doing it for me, though if San’layn got announced as a playable race I would renew my subscription asap.


WTB San’layn so I can have this!


Yaaas! <3 That set would look fan-bats-tic on a delightful dark and gloomy san’layn.


Flips hair as he collapses in a whimpering quivering heap.


Have to say, I agree with this reply. That is bloody fabulous, I love it!