San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

From a lore perspective? An utter abomination.

From a game perspective? Loving that concept.

It’s how I feel about Paladins; the gameplay archetype could be used to encompass more than just warriors of the holy light -example, void knights- San’layn lore seems completely anathema to the themes of druidism, but in terms of mechanics, it could work really well as an analogue for druid -much like shamanism works for kultirans-

So far the themes of the Blood Curse just seem very removed from druidism lorewise, but could, let’s say, Drust druidism have found its way into the Venthyr? Could be pretty cool, but maybe it’s too much out of left field.

But yeah, San’layn “druids” could be awesome as an analogue of regular druids, but seems far fetched they would be “actual” druids -as twisted the ideology could get-


I feel like San’layn druids wouldn’t have much to do with being a druid but more of an extension of being a vampire.

I can’t say I dislike the idea of transforming into a gargoyle, wolf or a bat.


Yeah we’ve actually talked about that a lot, prior to BfA it wasn’t a plausible idea, but then drust magic became a thing and well…

If Void Priests are to Holy Priests as Drust Druids are to Life Druids, I think it’s entirely feasible. Since Death is the opposite of life, and all of it is an important cycle, I think it’s fair.

In my personal opinion, the faction with… I don’t know… the ORIGINAL undead (forsaken) should be able to use DRUST MAGIC too and have cool undead forms. The San’layn would be a perfect candidate for such druids, and it’d go well for the vampyr abilities to shapeshift in common lore.

Then, perhaps Alliance Dwarves should get druids (Wildhammers) and Horde Forsaken also for Drust druids. I think tons would be satisfied with that as well, you know?

There’s one other issue though that plagues the mind. If they give druids to San’layn, there might be too many people playing that class/race combination. I’m not entirely sure. I might be making silly assumptions too, granted. But it’d affect the imbalance of Alliance and Horde quite a bit (and I’m saying this AS A HORDE PLAYER). It’s why I think they might not?

But then again, vampires are somewhat niche? This thread and topic isn’t nearly as popular as High Elves or Vulpera ever were… so there’s that to consider.

I dunno. Personally I do think San’layn Drust druids are entirely possible. Or if we want to reach further, having a sect of San’layn that worship Hi’reek, should he be purified and brought back. That’d be pretty cool, not gonna lie. Who says elves can’t worship loa? I’ve always wished to myself that we could have our elves go back to the trollish roots. Seems more dignified than the ‘haha look I’m a stuck up noble’ route.


Might be a bit more than just the Venthyr, the Nathrezim are known for being vampiric and are always toying around with death. Might get some connection there. Or it could just be venthyr shrug


Yeah that’s also true, it could be Nath in origin as well. Or Naz could be inherently connected to Venthyr. These are the answers I wish we had x.x I wonder if we’ll see more on the Nathrezim since they too are vampiric. We did shatter the Legion, but there’s bound to still be tons of demons, just not unified.


I figure Denathrius will be a Nathrezim or linked to them some how. Certainly looks like one, just no wings, but he could predate their becoming demons.
Since he made the Venthyr in his image, that could be how they tie into it. shrugs

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Nothing is confirmed of course, but:

Customization Spoilers

It appears WoWhead datamined some ear variations, showing they could most likely do so for player characters. This is relevant, because not only do some of those look bat-like (though it could just be because they’re shorter), but it’s one step closer to looking like what most imagine San’layn to appear as.

The red eyes are said to be NPC only of course, and even if blood elves get red eyes that IS NOT San’layn, we need lore & something far more distinct, as San’layn have fangs + claws bare minimum as well.


They look more like Half Elf Ears to me. Which there are a few NPCs that need a model to represent that.

I wonder if some things are going to be NPC only options and cause more drama…


Maybe, but I’ve always hated the ridiculous long eats on blood elves, the shorter ears look sooooo much better. So I’m just going to say my blood elves naturally have shorter ears of course >:D


I think the other options are possible for Blood Elves. I think they get 3 types even if you subtract the stubby ones? It’s a nice amount.

Here’s a Half Elf for example.

Not sure how I feel about the red eyes yet.

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I need those red eyes! Gimme gimme!


The male Blood Elf customization options are up on WoWHead now, which are similar to the female customization options in the link above.

Male Blood Elf Customization Wowhead link


I love that tied beard. Looks like the one I have IRL a bit lol.

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The red eyes, though they are claimed to be an NPC only option, look very different from the current Dark Ranger eyes in game. Not to forget that they look very unfinished and appear to have a green glow beneath them noted in the green ring on their lower eye lid.

I really want red eyes, no lying.


In my eyes (hah) no matter what, without lore and fangs, red eyes are nothing to me and aren’t San’layn


I still support San’layn as an Allied Race, I just want to be able to play as a Dark Ranger too.

I made a thread for Dark Ranger customization but it hasn’t gotten much support. What am I doing wrong?


Oh that’s very fair. I’ll be happy for dark rangers no doubt! I’m just predicting right now plenty of people will flood this thread and be like “YOU GOT SAN’LAYN NOW SHUT UP!”


Well, I certainly won’t be one of them. Customization and an allied race with fully fledged heritage armor, distinct lore, voice lines, etc are two very different things. I’d prefer San’layn because I can use their customization options to look like a dark ranger and actually be and feel undead.


I’m hoping we get lore. Something that would explain playable San’layn if we end up stuck as just a customization option. I can’t say I’ll be the happiest in the world if there is no lore with it too but it just feels like San’layn were left in Battle for Azeroth.


Man Blizz is really leaning on that Nathraziem lore being linked to the Venthyr. Guess making my DH a bit vampiric in rp wasn’t too far off the mark lol.

Anyways if San’layn don’t become a race or allied race lets hope they get a night warrior like quest chain explaining the connections and lore and once completed the customization option for San’layn is unlocked.