San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I like the way you think sir.

I know I would race change at least two of my characters to vamps in a heart beat.



“The Dark Ancient Powers you’ve enslaved.”

Specifically showing Lana’thel, the first Blood Queen of the San’layn. I really hope we find out where the vampyr curse originates. If the origin is Venthyr, it’d make sense (and I might be a bit more excited about this seemingly out of the blue stuff too). But we never get an elaboration on where, just that the curse itself is ancient, and was enslaved/used by Arthas to create the San’layn. (And possibly cursed Vry’kul too!)


Truth be told I’m really hoping if or more than likely when we get San’layn as playable there is an option for DH’s to be one and there is some sort of connection between the Nathraziem and the San’layn through the blood curse.


I want an Epic quest line item like they did for Warlock to turn Blood effect on Healing spell for Shaman. Would be insane for some race Like Orc or Troll


I wouldn’t mind seeing floating pyramids in Org and the barrens xD Gives a scifi zombie vibe.

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Personally I am 100% convinced that the origin of the Blood Curse is the Venthyr. If the LK peered into the Shadowlands to create his own Valkyr from Kyrian and based a lot of his army on the Maldraxxus, for sure he used the Venthyr to make the San’layn -and tbh, also the Blood Spec of DK’s-

The cursed Vrykul IMO look like a separate incident tho; AFAIK, the one we find in Stormheim has been there for centuries. My theory is that such a curse was created when someone tried to pull a soul that ended in Revendreth from the Shadowlands and inadvertedly brought them back as a, well, vampire.

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That’s be pretty cool, yeah; I wish they’d put more stuff like that in, spell cosmetics and all. It’d be super neat. Warlocks got all the fun! Glad that covenant abilities will at least bring us something neat looking.

I think they’re one and the same due to the specific wording of this quest!

“Most Fascinating! It would appear that we’re dealing with our very own vrykul vampyr! All we have encountered have been of blood elven descent, but it has long been theorized that the vrykul have suffered the curse as well. It’s too bad he’s awake - I would dearly like a subject to study. Oh well, guess there’s nothing for it. Take this stake and put it through the old chap’s heart. I’m pretty sure that should do the trick.”

There is something even more eerie about what that questline tells us though, with these quotes:
“Oh, the stake didn’t work you say? My apologies, I must’ve had my immortal evil undead mixed up.”

“Vampyr can die, can’t they?”

“Blood-Thane Lucard says: I… am not… defeated…”

I’m wondering if there’s something even more to this curse than what’s on surface. All of these are pretty dark hints that it takes a lot more to kill a vampyr… if they can in fact die at all. Will we perhaps be seeing more of the Blood-Thane in the future?

I did always find it odd how the island expedition Vry’kul had really powerful blood magic too. I wonder if that also means anything to do with all of this.


Castle Nathria…



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MMO-Champion has a text summary of questing through Revendreth along with screenshots. I did not notice anything about Kael’thas or San’layn at first glance, but I figured I would share it just in case it offers something of interest:

Obvious Story Spoilers in the following link

Will still be keeping an eye on the Venthyr and Shadowlands in general for any San’layn sightings or mentions and will report if I see anything. :bat:

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I hope the player vampires sparkle!

(I kid, I wish you guys luck)


Oh that’s what I mean tho. It’s the same curse of course, but it might have occurred both times differently; one that affected the Vrykul in the past, and Arthas’ version he used on the Blood Elves to make San’layn.

It’s like saying that the undeath curse has showed up different times, like in ancient kalimdor, the second war, and then then the third war. Different occurrence, same curse basically.


Ohhh yeah that makes sense. Wish we had a timeline. I wonder what other races can be hit with it. It almost seems like it can nab any living races kind of like death knights or forsaken (but likely excluding worgen!)


Agree! What I think that once being infected, the curse itself can only spread to members of the same race, thus why the San’layn strain can only affect blood elves, and the Vrykul strain is seen affecting humans.

Seems that curses overall interact on a racial level -both versions of the blood curse, undeath curse through Val’kyr, worgen curse- but that can change -like how Sylvanas gained the ability to raise elves after only being able to raise humans, or how the worgen curse was modified to affect humans-

IMO it has to do with metaphysics of some sort.


Ooo I really like that. Also keeps Blizz from the Forsaken problem of why can’t we play forsaken Dwarves or Forsaken Orcs.


Indeed! In Cata we are told that Sylvanas can only raise humans, possible because her Valkyr were Vrykul, so there is a biological match.

Then by BfA we learn that she can raise Elves, which as an increment of her own powers over death, makes sense -she is bound to all her Val’kyr, so she could have been able to empower them to safely rise elves since she is one, which we saw her use on both night elves and blood elves.

*Cause valkyr could raise Sylvanas, but at an incredible toll for them, also we don’t know how much of that difficult was because Sylvanas was an elf or because she has already died. Maybe they can re-resurrect any previously undead creature, at that high of a cost, because it’s a special ritual, not just the curse they can use to raise undead wholesale.

But indeed, it creates some interesting limitations -and possibilities- rooted in in game lore.


I think they said the Night Elves had to accept the gift… something to do with the wisp upon death thing. I can’t remember its been awhile since I did the Horde side opening for Darkshore Warfront.

Haven’t read through every comment yet, so don’t if it’s been mention. But the gargoyle kind of reminds me of the zandalari boomkin form.

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The san’layn were used by the lich king to replace his dread lords so it makes sense.

Indeed, so there’s already a seeming cap on having to ask permission instead of doing it against their will as it is with humans -Lorash also mentions he was offered to return- so it seems it’s only willing elves.

Indeed! and they are both based on the Arakkoa skeleton!

Have you all considered San’layn druids out of curiosity?