San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

so what your saying is we need a demonhunter to spot the sneaky boy.


I am just curious. How come you race changed back to undead?


At this point, live and let troll >.> Unless someone bothers us in here in sheerly an attempt to be rude, we just have to kind of live with it now. The Venthyr thing has brought a lot of hate for fans of San’layn out from the shadows once again, and I can’t help but not be surprised.

Guess we’ll have to see what the future brings us. We’ve brought up so many ideas in this thread, though now it seems like they might take them and run with a race completely out of the blue. Which again, is just an annoying shame.

One light with this though is Kael’thas, his model looks really neat. But as people keep saying on a regular basis, he’s most likely not a San’layn (model doesn’t even have fangs, so, which technically doesn’t mean anything, but still). Really, it’d be nice to not be bombarded on a constant basis with “nope San’layn will never happen now due to Venthyr” as if it’s guaranteed suddenly we’re getting the covenants as Allied Races.

What would be amusing is if Venthyr actually led to San’layn becoming an allied race. I think that irony would be gorgeous, but with nothing spotted on the matter of the vampyr curse yet, it’s unlikely.


It’s a general rule that the more popular something is the more haters it has.


In support of this. Would definitively want to see some compromise between both Horde and Alliance. Though Lore indicates they would be more of a horde race. My concern is more so over their popularity and an already existing faction balance issue.


(I’m going to get skinned alive for this one but) How about human vampyr?

No wait, hear me out guys! Before you grab those pitchforks. IN THIS CASE San’layn wouldn’t be an allied race, but that idea I had about the “Night Warrior” questline could apply to the vampyr curse here, where we learn about the origin of the curse and how the Human vampyr and San’layn could join their factions (human vampyr aren’t too much of a stretch if those undead night elves end up on team blue anyway.)

Besides, in the case of either, it could be neophytes on both ends, innocents taken by the curse that need to learn to live with it like Death Knights.


My only thoughts on this is, Blood Elves do have a valid reason to view Kael … the way Tyrande views Azshara or how Tyrande viewed Thalyssra.

He did create their name, he did save them, but he also betrayed them in the worst possible manner. The Void elves are being set up as opposed to BE politics, disagree with the Horde, want Silvermoon back etc. perhaps they are being perfectly set up to view the Sin’dorei view point on Kael as too harsh. Thus giving what ever group he ends up leading a path into the Alliance.

Just my two cents but I’m also not a fan of Kael, neither as a BE player who respects Lor’themar or as a Sylvanas loyalist his hearthstone character I’m told is rude to her!

Maybe he will have a final model like a blood king sort of thing if he becomes the racial leader for San’layn. It would be pretty good to have a powerful lore figure on horde… This sort of happened with the Kul TIrans and Jaina. (She didn’t leave the alliance but she was pretty pissed off at the start of Legion). It would be interesting to see how the BC races that allied with Illidan turn to allies now that Illidan is now an ally. The san’layn could be seen as former allies to the illadari momentarily in life. So can the Naga which one of the npcs have an undead model now!


Vampiric customizations for many races would also be appreciated I would think. I love the cosmetic options that were presented in this thread. I love the blood elf model. I would very much love San’layn themed archicture, voice lines, jokes, mounts and themes included for horde which is why I enjoy the race route. But if they can do all that including the blood elf race I would be fine with that too. Perhaps adding a way to pick voicelines and having a packet for racial identities so maybe it could help with other races in a similar bout like perhaps fusing the tauren races and choosing a highmountiain voice line packet. Or for dwarves that want wildhammer voicelines and jokes.


Well, the thing is that he died as a blood elf, right? So his spirit is going to be that of a Blood Elf.

I’m assuming his body is still around somewhere, so as I mentioned a few posts ago, if he were to go through some redemption arc, they just need to glue his head back on and raise him as a San’layn and his spirit would leave the Shadowlands…assuming San’layn can be created in such a way. Of course, we don’t know much at the moment of his role in Shadowlands.

If Kael’thas isn’t going to be a San’layn leader, there are still other blood princes around, and we could still run into Dreven in the Shadowlands area…assuming hes not doing stuff for Sylvanas after his plans blew up on him. So there are ways to write San’layn leaders.

Also as I said in a few posts, that new character creation screen is so far the most exciting part of Shadowlands for me. Lots of room for new races, and I can think of a few that would love to help fill in the Horde side. :bat: :japanese_ogre: :crocodile:


Kael’thas leading a Horde allied race would be really nice to close the gap between the character power disparity between the factions.


This all sounds like a really cool idea to me. Perhaps we’ll see it come to fruition. I hope that Kael’thas doesn’t end up some raid boss gear fodder. Time will tell (I do know the spoiler info we have already).

Definitely, I agree. Hopefully they’ll get an idea for such in the thread. I just hope it’s more than just red eyes. At least fangs would be nice, and even nicer would be bat-like ears. Though doing that for all races might be much.

Yeah but I don’t think he’d have a head in that case. Maybe he could populate a new body now that he kinda has a new form. Never know :stuck_out_tongue: And yeah the other blood princes are always going to be an anomaly. I feel like Blizzard just abandoned that lore though, but who knows. They could have used one of them in BfA, instead they made an entirely new one.

Unless Dreven is connected via being sired by either one of them, it seems kinda silly just to let that drift about. That it, of course, if they don’t have big plans, but… I’m so tired of getting my hopes up.


Maybe they’ll bring back the blood princes in SL? Maybe say that they died on the boat or something and that’s possibly how the San’Layn could be introduced in the SL? Although even I admit, it does feel like they just completely forgot about the princes tbh.


i have a unwanted urge to race change frequently.
its a addiction.


Hi guys,

I’m back from my forced forum vacation! :smiley:


Welcome back!


Thanks! I missed you guys even it was for a short time.


Except when talking about HE threads. They make more then one and a lot of times they think they can just not use the word HE’s and people won’t notice it’s a HE thread in disguise.

I was O.K. with them wanting them even though I am not an elf fan but when all I freakin see on forums are HE threads in disguise I got tired of it real fast. I actually don’t like HE’s because of that crap. Make one and leave it alone. We know you are passionate about them but don’t try forcing that crap down my throat.

San’layn normally only ever has one thread. This one. Some times others don’t even know it exists until others tell them about it. Not forced down anyone’s throat and that’ what makes it a good thread. That and the fact that Fallynn tries to be more then nice to haters.

:+1: Fallynn


I hope not for the missing blood princes if I’m gonna be honest, that means that THREE blood princes died in that scuffle, two off screen, which would be so silly because they’re supposed to be extremely powerful. In all honesty I hope they have plans for those two that we see in Shadowlands, but thus far, no dice :frowning:

I appreciate that, I try :stuck_out_tongue: Even toward those who go out of their way to essentially be bullies (which happens especially lately). It’s really hard to swallow my malice and just take it, but hey, it’s a life skill to work on in any situation to remain calm and collected even if someone is being highly unreasonable. (And by no means am I perfect, I’ll lose my temper sometimes too but try to avoid that)


I’m pretty sure my forum vacation was because of a San’layn hater, that couldn’t take my snark (which was facetious more than anything). I wasn’t really rude and didn’t call names, but still got suspended. :stuck_out_tongue: The only reason I was snarky was because he told someone else that San’layn were never going to happen. Maybe I deserved it. I dunno. Apparently it’s considered harassment. O_O That wasn’t my intention at all.

But you do a much better job keeping calm than I do. Just because you don’t support someone or disagree doesn’t mean you should be rude or bully that person. Thank you for being as positive as you are.

I still think San’layn have a good chance in becoming an allied race. There’s nothing that conclusively precludes them for happening despite what all of the haters say. I can’t believe there is a thread made specifically to oppose this one, especially under the guise of “I want San’layn, but these are the reasons they’re never happening.”