San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I love seeing Banshee Queen praise!! :pleading_face:


So I know we see Blood-Princess Thal’ena in Violet Hold and she’s “killable” but in the lore did we actually kill her or did she simply get defeated and runaway?

I still don’t think the San’layn can die. I really believe Lana’thel when she says:
“Foolish mortals. You thought us defeated so easily? The San’layn are the Lich King’s immortal soldiers!”

I kinda don’t think she’s dead either. As LK was still very much alive when we kill her. And I would say technically Princess Thal’ena and Draven are also an immortal soldiers bound to the LK. I really hope they explore the San’layn more now that the crown of domination is destroyed. They may find losing their immortality as something frightening to lose and may seriously seek out the horde as allies.

Impossible to know. “Mortality” is entirely based on the whims of the writers, and sadly has not been very consistent. Remember; the whole notion of demonic resurrection is very new in the lore. Up until WoD we had no reason not to believe characters like Archimonde, Mannoroth and Tichondrius were permanently dead.

As far as I can remember, the Scourge has never been “immortal” in the same way that demons are. The one and only exception seems to be the liches, who can regenerate their bodies so long as their phylactery is intact. It would be rather weird if other powerful versions of undead could replicate the benefits of lichdom without any of the conditions.

As for San’layn specifically, we very clearly see the blood princes lying dead at Lana’thel’s feet before she revives them. So we can probably infer that rebirth requires some kind of magical effort; it doesn’t just happen naturally.

But, then again, the same thing could be said of virtually all undead creatures. As long as there is a Lich King in power, or something comparable to his strength, any member of the Scourge can be revived. Anub’arak has come back multiple times, for instance.

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I miss the Lich King. I can’t believe that they did what they did to my favorite character. ;_;

If we need some power or reagent to bring back the San’layn we might have something just laying around in Nazmir. Why not use Hir’eek’s remains as a reagent to power up some blood magic? Hir’eek is just laying in a pit in Blood Troll territory.

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Which one? :stuck_out_tongue:

(I miss Ner’zhul, personally. Arthas was a bit too Saturday morning cartoon villain for me.)

Arthas. To be fair, given his plot revealed in ICC, his ‘Saturday morning cartoon’ villain routine at least was somewhat justified. He could indeed have killed you during any of your encounters, but wanted you at your very strongest before raising you as undead. Now Deathwing in cata was a boring saturday morning cartoon villain.


The entity itself, the very concept of it. I still think we’re repairing the helm, now whether Bolvar is going to be recrowned is another thing.


Is it safe the say that the new Kael’Thas would be pretty close to what a player San’layn would look like?

Like it’s an almost line per line example of suggestions here.


Well, a lot of us want more customization (especially fangs) with claws, more bat-ish ears, and wings. Venthyr are just too far into the ugly camp for some of us (though we can agree the new gargoyle models look awesome).


Pretty much this, yes, if we’re looking strictly at customization. Also the Kael’thas model has no fangs (apparently Blood Elf demon hunters don’t either -.-). Hard pass indeed on Venthyr for me for both aesthetics and the fact that they’re not San’layn and would be irrelevant to the lore they built already, unless there’s a connection.

But from what’s been seen so far? There has been 0 lore on San’layn in Shadowlands. And I’m not getting my hopes up again only to be crushed.


San’layn were Blood Elves correct? And just because we killed their bodies doesn’t mean we destroyed their souls. So couldn’t Lana’thel and the Blood Princes be in the Shadowlands? Possibly even seen in their BE bodies since maybe they revert back to their original form when dead.

And even though they are vampyrs I don’t see them associated with the Venthyr but more with Maldraxxus. Not to mention Maldraxxus architecture reminds me of ziggurats and floating necropolises which screams Lich King.

And this quote about Maldraxxus reminds me of how the San’layn came about. “Necromancers experiment on the souls of the ambitious and contentious, reforming only the greatest into undead soldiers who protect the Shadowlands.”.

I can still see them being possible, associated with Maldraxxus and maybe even pleading with us to save the remaining San’layn.

Maybe our quest to save the remaining San’layn starts in the Shadowlands and takes us back to Ice Crown where we uncover their story of what happened to them when Arthas was killed, why they went into hiding, how they survived, and why they were seen in BFA.


pets the Fallynn Look on the bright side. Nothing on San’layn from data-mining or ‘at launch’. They said no allied races planned ‘at launch.’ We’ve got around two years of content once Shadowlands comes, so I’m still going to be cautiously optimistic…especially the vampire themes in Revendreth and Kael being brought back.

In the meantime, we DO have Bloodlines 2 to look forward to, that’s looking awesome.


Yeah that’s very fair. It just seems like everyone’s stuck on the covenants being allied races. I think we have a fair chance at San’layn though, and yeah I’ll probably look into Bloodlines when it comes out. To absolutely no one’s surprise I’m sure, Toreador is my favorite clan. :stuck_out_tongue: But I also have a soft spot for Brujah.


I wanted to let you guys know about the new UI setup. Ya know what this means? No more slots. Theoretically anything can be an AR now with the right lore and setup. I set it up under spoiler tags in case you don’t want it to be spoiled, but yea. I see this is excellent news for AR communities.

Plus the 4 datamined AR tags definitely means there will be more 2 allied races to come.


See I’m holding out hope my favorite clan Gangrel is going to be added as one of the free DLC they’ve promised us. Gangrel with real shape-shifting, not the sad version we got of their protean discipline in Bloodlines 1.


I’m honestly starting to lose hope for anything vampire-y to be added. Blizz said they were adding tons new customizations for NPC’s to make it easier to create them, (I don’t really see Venthyr becoming a race anymore) and it feels like Blizz just abandoned the San’Layn with that stupid Alliance questline that the Horde didn’t even get to play.

I just want my San’Layn Vampire dream to come true ;(


That’s true, and yeah I’ve been seeing this flowing around lately. It’s very interesting indeed. I don’t know how much focus there will be on Allied Races now that customization seems to be a growing thing, which is awesome. I wish in some cases we got lore along with it though, like with the Sand Troll skins. Makes me worried that some will be added with no explanation, like Felblood Elves or San’layn.

Either one of those would need some sort of quest to explain their joining of the Horde since they’re hated. So on and so forth.

I’ve never played Bloodlines 1! With expanded tech though, I bet there will be more added. Man I wish it was an MMORPG or had a multiplayer element (as far as I know, there is none). I’d love to play it with friends. But that’s no surprise since I’m a roleplayer :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah man I still am a bit uptight about what they did in BfA. It feels like it was going to continue, like we’d see SOMETHING Horde side about it, maybe someone discussing the San’layn working, the logistics of them joining the Horde, and how they either failed or succeeded the mission (to distract the Alliance while the body was obtained). Or if there were remaining San’layn not on the ship (again assuming every single one was on ship is silly).

But nothing came about it at all, and even with the Quill of Lana’thel, we got no more lore. It felt like we were being strung along. And sadly none of the questions ever ended up getting answered by Blizzard in the QnA too. I don’t think we’re a big enough community to be acknowledged at all though.

But! I’m glad we could come together nonetheless.

Edit: Would be nice though if people stopped insulting me and my community on a regular basis. The Venthyr stuff is just making it worse and worse now, with fingers being pointed ‘haha the stupid San’layn kids should just give up’ and ‘stupid twilight lovers’.

I am so sick of being belittled for this. I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but at times I get a bit miffed. People in the WoW community will most definitely be horribly rude given the chance though, so I need to cool it.


I don’t blame you. I never understood how some people in the WoW community could be so toxic. I think the San’Layn are just so cool aesthetically and lore wise. Vampires have always been cool to me. I think it’s cool that you are still advocating for the San’Layn even if you are getting belittled and made fun of. Props to you. But know that there are a lot of us out there that feel VERY similarly to how you do. keep your head up^_^ Don’t let those irrelevant people bring you down<3

(I also think everything with the San’Layn community has gotten a lot worse since the Venthyr became a thing. It really sucksT_T)


Thanks. Yeah despite a certain someone apparently being creepy and stalking this thread now, along with making references up (aside from this one of course) I’m not going to bother giving them the time of day any longer. They can be toxic on their own, the entire community sees it. Oh yes, I’m also not providing any names or direct links, so those that try and whine about it here will put that shoe right on.

Me? I’ll continue sharing my ideas and if I’m insulted for it? Too bad, going to keep sharing, and going to keep writing. Doesn’t matter how annoyed I get at the incompetence of some people.

Also yeah, it’s been pretty rough. I’ve offered ideas on compromise such as a Night Warrior questline to fill in some lore gaps and get customization too. It’d suck not to get unique jokes/dances/etc. but at this point, it just feels like Blizzard is running with a carrot-on-a-stick.

It’s tiresome to repeat every 5 seconds that even if Venthyr looked like the most amazing things in the world, I’d still stick to my guns here because of the lore and stories they’ve already built for the San’layn.

People honestly don’t seem to get the fact that some enjoy past lore and want to see it expanded. New stuff is cool, yes, but just leaving behind established lore people have come to enjoy is annoying. Sadly, those of us that care deeply either because they roleplay (my case) or just enjoy WoW lore in general (rare now) are rare.