San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I mean, I basically said I don’t agree and then some took what I said out of context and argued with me.

Let me be clear: I don’t think Sanlayn makes any sense as an AR. They are bad guys.

These statements are my opinion and my opinion only and do not reflect the opinions of anyone else in these forums are outside of these forums. :wink:

This thread is for folk who do want that.

Why you here?

And that’s fine. I disagree personally, and I think we’ve been having a reasonable argument. I just was saying I haven’t seen many in this particular thread saying that at all :stuck_out_tongue: Elsewhere, I don’t tend to wander much.

I don’t mind people who disagree with the ideas we have, everyone’s going to have different opinions. That’s natural. Either side has to present their case as best as they can, and Blizzard decides in the end.

Oh I didn’t realize threads were locked for only one opinion.

The sanlayn wouldn’t work on horde. The sanlayn are devout followers of Kael’thas. When he left Quel’thalas they followed him.

Kael’thas is a traitor to the blood elves. No blood elf is going to let the zealot followers of Kael’thas into their city.

Unless things have changed the majority of sanlayn loved kaelthas. So they’ll just go where he goes. Didn’t kael’thas hate the Orcs? He wanted to kill them.

Kael’thas wouldn’t go to the horde with a bunch of orcs and if Kael’thas doesn’t go unless things have changed, why would his most devout followers go?

I don’t mean to say you couldn’t.

I mean… You know what the thread is about. Why if you’re not interested does it matter to you?

I’ll make it clear, this is a place for reasonable discussion on either side. As long as I’m not being called a “Twilight edgelord” or something ridiculous, then that’s fine.

The argument of: We’ve never seen them do anything good.

^ Is perfectly reasonable. And yes, that would be a hinderance. My counter argument is Kelfin, Death Knights, and many other instances of ‘bad guys gone good’. That sort of storyline is one that I personally enjoy a whole lot. I think it’s reasonable to see a splinter group of a race that’s looking for a home (Hint Dreven storyline) to possibly become an Allied Race.

Some do not, which is also just fine.


Calm down a bit. The person you’re taking issue with is far from hostile.

You literally said “This thread is for folk who do want that.” which means this thread is not for people who don’t want it (which I don’t even think I said…so again, taking what I said out of context).

I didn’t mean to start trouble. I just misunderstood, sorry.

FTR, I think playing an Elf Vampire would be really cool.

Do I think it will happen? Nope.

I apologize for coming off antagonistic.

I really am just curious why it matters to you? How does San’layn joining affect you? Why don’t you want them?

Point to where I said “I don’t want them”. I really don’t recall ever saying that. If I did, then I take it back.

I find it surprising that this thread is still going and stopped in to give my 2 cents which apparently didn’t sit well with some.

JFC, this is the last post I’m leaving in this thread.

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Can someone please explain if the majority of sanlayn have shifted away from being kael’thas followers?

Wasn’t that their whole thing? Devout kael’thas followers who turned into vampires in northrend?

Also, Blood Elves were in the Horde by the time Wrath hit. A few of them could have been turned most certainly, and we’ve seen instances of “Neophytes” with Dreven. We don’t have a definitive number on San’layn or where the new ones came from.

The Alliance don’t seem like a reasonable faction to accept any undead race aside from Death Knights. The Forsaken meanwhile seem to be getting a new leader soon, and there’s a few that do oppose the warchief.

I feel the Forsaken would sympathize with the intelligent undead, San’layn, the most. Far beyond anything the Alliance could offer.

So while the original San’layn followed Kael, we a) Don’t know about the new ones and b) Have no idea how Kael would even react to the circumstances yet until we see him in Shadowlands.

Also, didn’t Kael leave the Alliance? o.o

You didn’t. You’re good. There’s a difference between saying “this request is horrible and would absolutely ruin my enjoyment of the game” and being critical about the pragmatic/practical nature of the request itself. The latter is fine, even constructive, and I would characterize your statements in this category.

Unless something changes I’d be interested to see how the sanlayn react to kael’thas because he’s still their leader.

And just like some Forsaken in the before the storm novel said Calia was their leader, some sanlayn may view kael’thas as their leader.

If he’s their leader and he still hates orcs, I don’t see them on the horde side.

I apologize. I think your 2 cents is perfectly reasonable. And so are your doubts. I really would like them added in, and so am hoping some of those holes get filled. My bad again for tagging you back to this thread with a reply by the way >< I just didn’t want a sour note to be left, but it looks like it’s too late for that.

Just wanted to say yes, you brought up good arguments that are a hindrance to the idea, in which Blizzard would indeed have to address when/if considering San’layn.

Again I apologize for coming off as antagonistic I should have worded my question better.

No hate or anything.

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Thanks. In addition to them making Sanlayn somewhat good, they’d also would have to increase the population. There can’t be that many of them.

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