San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

People can’t seem to understand that the image IDs and race IDs are definitely placeholders. They refuse to accept that, it like you said, is way too early to see if the covenants are allied races. I’m saying that they’re more than likely not going to be Allied Races, since there are races that players have actually been asking for and for much longer.


I’m really hopeful Kael’thas gets a redemption story arc and we bring him back to Azeroth. I see Lor’theomar saying he’d never let Kael rule again. That definitely opens up him finding the San’layn as they were his followers in Northrend. Bringing them into the horde to help strengthen the Sin’dorei and the kingdom of Quel’thalas.


I don’t think the Venthyr are ugly though. They kind of have the zandalari/nightborne thing going on, with them being regal and vain, and they could be given a few softer face options.

Ahem… well… as an Alliance player I definitely wouldn’t consider either of those options to be good looking…

Well. Playable nightborne aren’t, at least.

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If they don’t have a Torredor(vampire the masquerade) vain beauty look to them or have blood elf models, I’m not into it.

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I really dont see why people think San’layn will be a playable race. The story in BFA is that they secretly aligned themselves with Sylvanas. The Horde doesn’t even see them at all.

And it boggles my mind when I see people say they would be an Alliance AR. Like, the Forsaken who were humans are no good, but bring on the also undead vampires. smh

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone suggest this.

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You have right to not like them or want them. Just like we have a right to like them and want them.

That was also just one small group of san’layn and it’s not like more can’t be made. Relax.

Also we want them for Horde.

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This tells me you didn’t read pretty much anything I’ve been saying. I’ve addressed all of that in my first post, and the links I have in that post.

And like they said. You’re free to mute this thread and move on. We would like playable San’layn for the Horde. The story, to us, isn’t done yet.

I have on the Allied Raced Datamined thread.

Scroll up.

Not that it matters, but I can assure pretty much most here that the vast majority believe San’layn should be a Horde race, and that we don’t think they’ll be a playable race, we desire for them to be a playable race.


I didn’t tell anyone what to want. I just said I don’t understand why they’d want it.

And there have been a bunch of people suggest them for Ally over the past year.

Yeah, there were some people suggesting on another thread earlier which is stupid.

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Sanlayn wouldn’t be allowed through the front gates of Quel’thalas.

Well then I’d have to question the underlying logic there. I still don’t recall ever seeing alliance players request this, so I’m inclined to believe it’s just a few outliers that are asking for this. Still, the idea that an exclusively hostile race would ever join a faction that specializes in hunting them down is a very hard sell for me.

Weird. I personally don’t support them for the Alliance myself. Not many in this thread suggest it, from what I’ve seen, but that’s just my experience. Like I said though–definitely don’t support that.

As for that, I don’t understand why people want Ogres and I just kinda support it anyway. Everyone has their preferences, pretty much.

If you want an explanation as to why I do, I enjoyed their lore in Wrath and am a roleplayer, a lot of my stories center around the San’layn lore we do have and I’d love to have it expanded. I see it reasonable to see them as something like Death Knights/Forsaken (not the sheer evil ones ><) or Kelfin (where we saw a good faction of them). You know, anti-hero like.


It made sense for Horde when Sylvanas was the WC. Now it makes no sense. When have the elf vampires ever done anything good?

EDIT: And for my comment about people wanting them for Alliance. I never said it was a lot of people. I said it boggles the mind (MY MIND) when I see someone say it.

People took everything I said a few posts ago completely out of context.

When had Kelfin done anything good prior to 8.2? Or many other ‘bad gone good’ for that matter.

We’ve explained how it could happen, and made suggestions.

If you guys don’t agree, that’s fine. At that point it’s both a matter of preference and not seeing eye-to-eye, which is fine. We’re not all going to agree on matters.

In the end we’ll see what Blizzard does. You could very well be right and we never see them, but this thread is about suggestions on how it could happen and what we’d like to see.

And, in some cases, those that oppose the ideas, which is perfectly reasonable too. It’s case-by-case and preference-by-preference.


To be honest if Kael leads them, there’s stuff out saying the Venthyr may be alliance. Which fits with Blizzards circumventing where people think a race would go.

The Shadowlands is all about forgetting past grudges and prides. So assuming we help Kael wipe his slate clean, he could go either faction. But the Blood Elves have every reason to view him the way a NE would view Azshara or how Tyrande didn’t take to Thalyssra. I don’t think we can rule out Blood Elves story has supposed to move past being Kael fanboys and they seem to value how Lor’themar has held it together. We also have the Horde now being anti Sylvanas, and with Sylvanas being the tie in for Sen’layn if Kael has the VEs vouch for him they could find a way to shoehorn them into Alliance I think whether he leads them or the Venthyr I have no idea of course.

Personally I wouldn’t want Kael tied as a leader to any group, but we also never saw his opinion on Lor’themar joining the Horde he was too busy doing what ever he was doing at that point iirc, like stealing back that Naaru and trying to use the Sunwell to usher the legion in.

I’m kind of hoping after seeing the Venthyr they don’t share any common story with the San’layn, and if they do become playable are their own thing so as to keep the validity of the San’layn request.

I really am curious about everything moving forward though, for ARs, and customizations.

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