San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

The only bits of drama I’ve seen is in relation to potential Blood Elf customizations and the always present “No more elves!” crowd.

Blood Powered Kael’thas is certainly going to rake in some attention. Already is.

Pretty sure they are their own race secondary to the Venthyr like the owl guys in the other zone.

But one can dream.


Oh yes definitely, I know that for a fact, but turning into one of them in a sort of ‘beast form’ would be sick, if there was like a part 2 with the vampyr curse.


I really dig a lot of the Revendreth weapons, but this character is going Maldraxxas. My hunter may go Revendreth though.


I’ll be going Venthyr as planned still. It’s the most likely of the covenants to have any sort of San’layn presence and I want to help report any findings here. Plus, I want to see what Kael’thas is up to.

Unless you can eventually get rep with all four covenants at once on one character (which wouldn’t surprise me for any pathfinder achievements), I do have 3 other characters to go with the other covenants so I can still check their stories and stuff out.

It’s getting closer and closer until we can explore the new spooky world! :bat:


San’layn race for the horde where they get a worgen rigged gargoyle form as combat form is an unbelievable sick idea.
It looks like kael’thas is getting some good attention in his dungeon journal entry so there’s hope something will come out of it; I have my doubts for the horde as Lor’themar has said a sunfury will never rule again under his watch and he brutally betrayed silvermoon blood elves.

Even if redeemed with his afterlife punishment I can see the very holy aligned blood elves protesting the return of their fallen prince. The alliance could use some more edge I suppose.


Some transmog sets from the vampire covenant have been shown on Wowhead. Figured they would be interesting to share:

I’m sure some would say they look bloody awesome! :V


yikes that plate is terrible on elf

Oh yeah… Demon Hunters are gonna look pretty sick :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Did everyone hear about the new entries to the Allied Races?

Yeah it’s plastered everywhere now. Guess everyone wants the really ugly vampires over the original ones we saw in Wrath. I have a dreadful feeling despite how much suggestions we gave for San’layn customization and lore, we’re going to be given the Venthyr. And no, I don’t like them.

Cool for people who want them. Me personally? Hard pass.

I’m not giving up yet, but it’s going to be beyond annoying to be constantly bombarded with ‘haha no San’layn venthyr are going to be the ones added’ and all that nonsense. It’s already started to happen.


But it should be expected at this point. -.-


Just keep voicing your wants. Maybe “”settle”” on undead belf customization options. But it’s all just messy datamining for now.


The hateful folk should be ignored. They’re just there to try to get a rise out of folk.

San’layn are worthy of a AR slot and your support is how Blizzard will know it.


I doubt we’re getting any of the Covenant races. I think Kael’thas is going to be the new leader of the San’layn and bring them into the Horde. There’s also the fact (unrelated to San’layn, I know) that Dark Ranger Velonara now waits at the embassy. It’s more likely to happen than Venthyr in my opinion. I’m pretty sure that the image IDs and race IDs are both placeholders.


I’m not settling for anything less than fangs for vampyr >.> If we have to settle for customization, fine, but we’d better get lore to fill in the hole left in BfA and customization that isn’t just some crappy undead skin. San’layn are more than elf zombies. Even a Night-Warrior like questline for a skin with red eyes and fangs would be fine, I guess. Not the best, but meh.

If that’s all we’re given (some crappy undead skin), I will be pretty much done. All the work I put into my stories and such is centered around San’layn and their lore, because that’s what we’ve had. Just… having to ‘settle’ for a bunch of new stuff out of the blue works for those that generally don’t care about that sort of thing.

Which is the vast majority of players, so it’ll likely win out. At that point, I can’t help but be pessimistic. I’m just so sick of the mentality that to be monsterous you have to be ugly as sin. Even if the Venthyr looked amazing I’d be disappointed though, as it’s the lore that got me interested in San’layn in the first place.

Ah well. Maybe the vampyr curse will be connected. We’ll have to see.


That’s why I support you guys as an independent AR with racials etc.

The customization appeals more to me as someone who wants specifically to be an Undead BE which should be easy enough to implement as much as we’ve seen Dark Rangers this expansion and teasing for Sylvanas loyalists, supporting the devs comments on customization and choosing that for your character.

But the Sen’layn being customization I would hope for something more, they are strong enough to be their own thing. But I am confused on the Venthyr connection if there is one.


Why did the venthyr have to be so hideous? You can be both monstrous and beautiful or elegant.



Warning: This picture has gore.

^ Here’s an example of my character with that. (I don’t recommend posting the picture either, it’s an example of a monsterous vampire that still looks good. Like I said there’s gore. Though there’s been pretty gory stuff in WoW so I guess that one isn’t too bad, but just to be safe.)

Hoping it’s not gory enough that I’ll get a slap on the wrist though :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve seen worse in real life which I’m still traumatized from.


Yeah it’s not that bad, and there’s instances in WoW that are just as violent, I just hope it’s not too much for here, but it’s such a perfect example of what I’ve been talking about that I couldn’t not post it. It’s the one piece I’ve gotten of my vampires I haven’t shared.

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I think it is far too early too see if the covenants will be allied races. They might just be built using the allied race system to make it easier to create new races with more varied customization.

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