San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I admire your passion for San’layn, I’d love to see them added as an allied race. It’s be a huge waste to get the wildhammer treatment and be thrown in as customization although it’s better than nothing.

It’s been mentioned before but I hope they do redeem kael’thas and use him and his shadowlands time as a tie in to bring the san’layn into redemption as well. One of my favorite WCIII characters and deserves justice to how horribly he was written off in TBC like Illidan.


Thanks so much, I appreciate the kind words! I also agree, I think they could make a REALLY cool story. Actually I commissioned some fan art from Galder of a “Blood King Kael’thas” art piece (Even wrote a little scenario for it myself that’s here somewhere!)

The image is here on this post ^^: San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} - #3643 by Nøkken-dalaran

(I don’t have trust 3 anymore so no images, sadly)

I bring that up every time I see someone mention that. If you’ve seen it though, forgive me!


Is that you Fallynn in the Art? Lol I could not help but notice it looks so much like your avatar.


Sadly no :frowning: that’s not Falls. I have other pieces for her though by other artists.


Has there been any strong indication for the possibility that Blizz might have hinted out to for their inclusion?

I can only think of BFA’s presence, Legion’s short quest “Lucard” & wrath’s appearance along with their vampiric queen

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Not really, aside from the failed “They can have a place in the Horde if they prove themselves” where Sylvanas proceeded to abandon Prince Dreven on that ship and left his followers to die. (Yes I’m salty :stuck_out_tongue: )


Vampirism with the Vrykul & Elves are highly present,

It’s my defence to see that it’s a shame Dresden’s quest was by far too short that left a huge gap…

As much as I don’t support High Elf inclusion but I can see why that side of spectrum feels cheated out of a gap left unwritten or scrapped out,

Much worse blizz aligned with Activision. I don’t blame Destiny for departing ways


I know I’ve harped on this subject a few times in this megathread, but I do think San’layn deserve a bit more than just being plopped onto Blood Elves as a customization option.

We currently don’t know how Blizzard will go about with these customization options or if they’ll be addressed in-game in any fashion. Something like Wildhammer Dwarves wouldn’t take too much effort, but any other Troll tribes might take a bit more. Whether Talanji makes a deal with or strong-arms other Troll tribes to join the Horde, I feel like something needs to be said as opposed to just treating it as something players can switch to immediately in terms of gameplay mechanics and not in terms of storyline.

What they do with that would likely affect San’layn if they just became customization options for the Blood Elves. There are two main problems I see at the moment.

First, would there be any more to the San’layn’s story? Would we get an explanation as to what happened to them after Dreven’s plans blew up (literally) in his face? Or how the Horde learned the true meaning of Winter’s Veil and allowed the San’layn in finally? Would they have any roles in future storylines, appear as NPC’s, or be referred to at all as being part of the Horde?

Second, as customization options, are they just going to function more or less as Blood Elves mechanically? Same racials, voices, jokes, and flirts? Are San’layn players going to just be called Blood Elves by NPC’s and mob’s? Are San’layn going to have any presence whatsoever as a race with SOME form of identity?

Until we see how they handle Wildhammers, Troll Tribes, and any other races that become cosmetic customization options, it’s a worry. Not to mention that despite being former Blood Elves, San’layn do have differences. They should have their own jokes/flrits, racials (like bat forms), and identity. Plopping San’layn onto Blood Elves is like plopping Forsaken onto Humans, in my opinion as flawed as that argument could be.

I don’t type these things out just because I want San’layn. I type them because there is great story potential that I really don’t want to see squandered as what could be perceived as the “easy way” of implementing a playable race that could potentially just not be addressed much in-game other than just a “Hey you have San’layn customization now enjoy bye WEEEE!” statement.

Until we see more with how they treat any sub-race customization options, it is a worry. I really don’t want to see additional playable races, not just the San’layn, just be treated as a cosmetic feature as opposed to having lore and being able to be themselves.

Until I see something concrete, I’ll try not to worry until we see more Shadowlands stuff being shown. Still, I feel like what I said is important to consider. :bat:


I still say they should just show up randomly at one of the Horde meetings.


We can wait for the alpha. I think I remember a tweet somewhere where blood elves are considered to get undead skin tones. So we have a possibililty during beta to see stuff like that. Although I would expect stuff like that in later builds. I see the San’layn as a great extension of blood elf lore. I do love all the lore from this thread though.


Have you ever considered in writing a rather “persuasive” and professional letter to Blizz-WoW along with “supporter” signatures for San’layn inclusion in which not only does it have the majority of us support but it’s valid within WoW’s lore and so forth…perhaps signatures that supports this?

If Void Elf was a sudden unexpected, then too San’layn can be


Hey guys! I’ve been seeing on the forums, in a certain thread, saying that Blood Elves will get an Undead Elf customization, but that Dark Ranger skins will NOT be implemented… This can only mean ONE THING ---->SAN’LAYN!!!

Hmmm I don’t think they’d listen to a letter to be honest! I’ve tagged them on Twitter before with the desire to have playable San’layn, and of course there’s this thread here. We’ve been here for two years now! Can you believe it? Even prior to knowing about the San’layn in BfA, prior to the new forums. We evolved a lot since then.

Aside from my occasional snark to certain people (which people have seen me do before here and elsewhere on the forums :stuck_out_tongue: ) I try to be as respectful as possible and encourage people to be polite in this community. Hopefully that reflects well upon us, and shows Blizzard that we do want to share our ideas and we hope they consider them.

One major thing is never going onto another thread and being like “NO, OUR RACE FIRST” because that’s incredibly rude. Now, I’ll go on threads sometimes and say why lorewise and story-wise I dislike and do not support the inclusion of an allied race (Lightforged undead) but I try to articulate that in the best way that I can of which is polite and thoughtful. Naturally I’m not going to support something I genuinely do not want to see in game, just like some who come in here to say they don’t support San’layn (and no, not the people who repeat ‘no more elves’ and are rude about it, I don’t see that as valid). It’s fine if people don’t want San’layn and think their inclusion isn’t appropriate. I might disagree with them, just like some will disagree with me for LFU, but disagreeing in a constructive/polite manner is great.

So I guess my point is, I’m hoping Blizzard sees the work we put into this thread. I’ve written my own scenarios and ideas (which some claim is ‘bad fanfiction’ but I kind of don’t care, people don’t have to like my writing, if Blizzard does then that’s what’s important. Besides, the people that have said that have yet to point out any specific aspect of my scenarios that they find ‘bad’ so I think they’re just saying that to be miserable.)

I’ve seen that as a rumor, however no confirmations yet. Perhaps we will find out soon.


Is this a version of Fallynn only as a vampire?

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Time really does fly. Seems like BfA started only awhile ago when I first came to the forums.

The main things I do to show support for the races I want playable is through the megathreads on here, though I have used the in-game suggestion feature to suggest them and refer to the megathreads as well. I’m also still trying to look into other avenues of showing support when free time permits, but for the most part, my opinion is that the megathreads on here are one of the better ways of showing support.

Megathreads are on the official forums where multiple people can comment and show support or even offer ideas and discuss the race they’re themed around for potentially long periods of time. It’s a reason I keep trying to offer writings and scenarios, for what they’re worth, and offer links and videos to inspire some ideas. It isn’t guaranteed to get the races playable, but I do feel that they’re very important in showing support in having particular races be considered playable in the future.

A lot really is going to depend on what Blizzard has in mind for the future, as they do plan out at least 2 expansions ahead of the current one, so it’s a bit of a marathon in our march of support. Still, for better or worse, I’ll always support my most wanted Horde races the best I can. :crocodile: :japanese_ogre: :bat:

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Sadly nah, that’s not Falls. I have other art for her. Che-ro ironically did my paladin! If I win the competition I might commission Falls for it though but I do have a few pieces for her already.

Oh and if anyone with TL3 could post those art pieces I shared recently I’d appreciate it!


Trust level 3 powers are GO!

Please be sure to give Fallynn the likes. These are her images she linked.


Good evening Fallynn,

Thank you for responding back,

First and forest most I’d wanted to express the great admiration I have for you dedication for San’layn and the persuasion to include them in in which majority of us can agree that it does make valuable sense with WoW’s lore. Not due to the nature of being subjective to our own “preferences” despite being so, but also that it does fit in with lore wise and the empty gap needs to be filled. It no longer matters whether they go Horde, Alliance or both, but to deny of their existence ; San’layn; is to deny Worgen or Void elf never occurred.

I can only hope that Shadowlands brings some light into it from the Venthyr faction. I am hoping the developers aren’t the same from BfA in which are terrible, but for all, with no shame, I just never trusted Ion Hazzikostas in which not only (My view personally) devastated most of the gameplay but a part of it involved with butchering the lore as well…


Good Afternoon, Fallynn, or should I say: “Greetings, Your Highness, and Royal Majesty - Almighty, All-Knowing, Blood Queen Fallynn!”? It seems that Monday or Tuesday, we will find out if the “Undead Elf”, that Blood Elves will get, will be either Dark Ranger or San’layn skins. All we can do is hope!