San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Can anyone link an actual source for this rumor, or was it just some poster saying “I heard this from somewhere”? Like a blue post indicating that we’re getting specific information on customization?


There were a couple other threads on this topic. But, it’s just a rumor that “Undead Elves” is going to be a thing. There’s nothing to actually prove that it’s going to be the real deal.

EDIT: For now, it’s just all speculation, aka a rumor. That’s why I have the words “Undead Elf” in qoutation marks.


I see, interesting rumor nonetheless. I guess we’ll have to discover whether or not it’s a true one. I know there’s a ton of people that want it. Like I said in my posting before though, above all I’m hoping to see some more lore to fill in the holes we were left with in BfA.

Specifically: where did the vampyr curse come from and how is it spread? (and how they end up joining Horde if they are indeed San’layn)

I’m trying to avoid “Blood Curse” now because that’s terminology for the orcs, I guess. And so, I guess the better term now is just “vampyr curse”.

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There are Rumors of Blood Elves getting everything from Undead Skins to Felblood Skins.

It’s a bit up in the air atm.


Man I’d be over the moon if we got Felblood elf skins, not gonna lie!


Some of the surviving Sunfury rejoined the Blood Elves so it’s lore friendly.


According to Wowhead, among the customization options that trolls are getting are a blood troll skin so it wouldn’t be too crazy to see appearances associated with otherwise hostile groups for the other races.


Ok I’m going to be honest this needs to happen. It’s just why not we already have worgen so vampyr race Faction that’s playable needs to be done I’m supporting this in hopes it happens.

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Well, with Shadowlands Alpha this week, only ONE WAY to find out if these rumors about “Undead Elves” are true. IF these rumors are true, then it’s either San’layn or Dark Ranger being added in. Only a man and/or woman, can dream!


Found a few interesting pictures of San’layn in Hearthstone I wanted to share.

Sanguine Reveler:

Looks a bit like how I would imagine a San’layn partying, though maybe not throwing the liquid around. I assume San’layn would be more interested in drinking it instead.

Sleeping Acolyte:

Goes with the idea I mentioned earlier of how new player character San’layn could awaken from a coffin. Also gives an idea for a possible /sleep pose.

Prince Taldaram:

According to Wowpedia: “Agent of the Scourge forces attempting to conquer Azjol-Nerub. Raised in undeath to serve in Icecrown Citadel as a member of the Blood Prince Council”

Prince Keleseth:

According to Wowpedia: “Overlord of Howling Fjord, ruler of the South-Eastern reaches of Northrend and ambassador to the vrykul; also took part in the assault upon the Scarlet Enclave and the ritual to raise Arugal. Raised in undeath to serve in Icecrown Citadel as a member of the Blood Prince Council. Prince Valanar’s brother.”

Blood-Queen Lana’Thel:

Former queen of the San’layn.

I’m sure there are more I’m missing, but I wanted to share a few that I’ve found just for fun. :bat:


Really like both of these thoughts.


Man I love this art and always have. Taladram has to be one of my favorites for sure. Also we see examples of how the blood curse is a mutagen. Look at those lovely claws! And their ears are quite a bit more bat-like than any normal Sin’dorei’s. We also see eye color variants–like purple, amber, and red. See! There’s red eyes in San’layn, as we see with the reveler :stuck_out_tongue: And this is all official Blizzard art. Might be Hearthstone, but still.

Imagine if we ended up getting these guys as an allied race. One can dream. But having heritage armor like the blood princes, something better than that silly helm that’s just restricted to mages, would be amazing. Like that San’layn reveler set? Awesome. I especially love the large collar and mask, a helm that wouldn’t hide hair.

Ahhhh if only! I have to say, my favorite picture there has to be the reveler. One fun thing is that my male San’layn OC has bandages along his torso like the Blood Princes, figured it’d be a cool reference :stuck_out_tongue: (Elias, I’ve shared his picture here a few times already.)



Awesome, right? Injects your heart with a little hope?


Those new Kael models look GREAT! And definitely fill me with a bit of hope!


Instead of being an AR why not just make them a Belf Customization? Aren’t they all belfs? I don’t recall seeing a non-Belf one in the game. If I’m incorrect please let me know.

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We got two models of Kael’thas apparently:


Kael’thas Corrupted:

Taken from here:

Very interesting, indeed. :bat:


Kael bringing back sexy


Same argument could be said for why forsaken aren’t just on the human model, though; or why dark irons/lightforged draenei aren’t just customization.

To just be shoved into a customization with no additional lore or anything like that would be disappointing to me. They’re more than just blood elves (As I’ve said in post 1 and such). So our goal is definitely Allied Race, if possible.

If we’re shoved just to be customization, at least more lore would be cool. But it’d be awesome to have vampire themed jokes and dances in my opinion, and flavor abilities. That’s why I favor Allied Race over just… well that.

And yes, I’m aware people will say “no more elves”, but I’m just disagreeing with that at this point!

Yep that looks bloody AMAZING and gorgeous. Holy crap. I’m so excited now. I LOVE THIS x.x

Yep that’s the word for this :stuck_out_tongue: Can’t really disagree with that hahaha


I’m not opposed to it as long as there isn’t some crappy grind to be able to play one.

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I agree entirely. I’m hoping we don’t get grinds. There is a benefit for it being customization, that being: We get access to all the BLOOD ELF additions too coming up. So I have mixed opinions on the matter.

Really, the biggest biggest thing for me? I really hope we get more lore for San’layn specifically too.

On that note? They did just remove exalted from quite a few allied races. Perhaps that’ll not be a requirement for the future? One can hope!