San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

My first werewolf experience was The Howling and that was a freaky werewolf back then.




^ Really hoping this starts actually coming to mind when people think “vampires” eventually. The Netflix show is amazing, but I’ve never played the games. I’ll have to mend that sometime. My thinking is unfortunately rather wishful though.

Castlevania is the first vampire game I’ve ever played and I’m talking the original with Simon Belmont all the way up to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Stopped playing Nintendo when Playstation released. They were very fun games to play especially when you got to play as Alucard.

As far as the Netflix series goes I haven’t seen it but if it’s not like the game or doesn’t have Simon or Alucard then I would probably be disappointed and wouldn’t finish the series.

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It has Alucard.

I played the old video games back in the day so I checked it out for the nostalgia. I dislike Anime, but I like the Netflix show. So did my sibling and mother. The later dosn’t even like vampires.

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So I was reading the Illidan book again, such a good book, and ran across an interesting sentence. Here’s the quote about the Scryers “A mighty force they were, the best and brightest of Kael’thas’s army, mighty magi and scholars.”.

Now from what I know the San’layn were Kael’thas’s best and brightest. So maybe there is some way to make it that we start as a Scryer and somehow work our way back to Kael’thas or the Lich King and we get turned after returning as punishment for betraying Kael’thas and staying in Shattrah. Or we could be kidnapped and upon waking up we find that a ritual is being performed to turn us into San’layn. Just an idea that popped into my head while reading Illidan.


There is actually a bar named “Belmont Tavern” in the state where I live in. :rofl:


I have about a week left on my sub so I’m going to try and finish the rough draft San’layn 3d head. I have been taking stills of it’s progress to show how it comes along so I will probably post those if I can get it done by next week. After that I will probably work more on it since I won’t be playing WoW except on my f2p toon which isn’t very often.

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I miss my Blood Queen Fallynn, here on the forums! San’layn should definitely become a thing, with them teaching Blood Magic, to Blood Elves in the zone of Nazmir, on the island of Zandalar!


Was watching the new Hellboy movie last night, it was decent. Lot of unneeded language.

It also has a character that’s a blood queen and some mention of vampires.
Large manbat style creature at the beginning.

Something that kind of occured to me…if they were to expand the demon hunter races, a San’layn option could be neat.
Redo the large demon form to be heavily influenced by the large bat demons. Kinda makes me think of the vampire lord form from Skyrim, but with much better wings.


I hope things are well with the OP. I totally understand wanting to take a break, though. I barely post in forums anymore and as soon as I got pathfinder I started to play less and less. I didn’t even log in today.


Oh, another thing I thought was interesting I saw today was an informative meme that was talking about how the proteins in blood make it a usable substitute for eggs in baking.

Kinda odd, but could be used in a funny manner with Vampires…cakes baked with blood or some such.


Ooh a racial for the cooking profession


Hey folks :slight_smile: I’m excited to say I’ve got a gift for the community. Now, I know that many people love the idea of Blood King Kael’thas. So, I commissioned Galder, an artist, to create a very special piece. This is my gift to you. I’m pleased to present Blood King Kael’thas!

Sadly I don’t have trust level 3. I can’t therefore link the image itself. But here’s the image link.

I was thinking either doing a generalized Blood King or this. In my opinion, even if it never comes to pass, this concept is really neat and the subject, Kael, is iconic.



This is awesome! Such brilliant art. Really fleshed out the concept nicely.


God, Kael’thas was done so dirty by Burning Crusade. It’ll really hurt when Warcraft III Reforged comes out and I have to play his campaign again. He used to be one of my favorite characters…

Bringing him back as leader of the San’layn would be perfect. Not only do we get to avoid the tired trope of the “redemption narrative,” but we also get more of our favorite elf prince.

Plus, he was the first Blood Elf Prince in lore. So the first blood elf prince becoming the literal first ‘blood prince’ of the San’layn? Too perfect.


Best race idea ive seen yet.


Also here’s Kael with a mask :slight_smile:


Per the link that Fallynn just linked:

Kael’thas always seemed like the type to mask his feelings. :V

Wakka wakka!