San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

We must prevail


Dreven: (to the other Horde leaders) Life has rejected all of us, but it is we who should instead reject life and replace it with a better reality. All of us members of the Horde are fighting for survival against those that would deem us as monsters, and after having dealt with that Banshee Queen, we have an even more uphill battle. We can not let another Garrosh or Sylvanas happen again. We must all come together and unite if we have any hope to survive, for being secluded will only lead to one’s own destruction. The San’layn stand with the Horde, and it is through the Horde that we all will prevail against what fate may throw at us. Let us think of our friends and family, and never forget that their lives are affected by this war and they are counting on us. For the Horde!

One of the reasons I’ve been really into the idea of playable San’layn is that they fit into the Horde’s theme of races that are trying to survive. I’ve gone on and on in this megathread about how there are great story possibilities and that they can be more than just jobber mooks meant to fill a raid mob quota and fill space in said raid.

The San’layn were a bit vicious through the Alliance war campaign, but thinking on it…of course they seemed a bit heartless. This was through the Alliance’s eyes, and of course the events would make them seem like monsters in a sense. Thus, it would be a lot more interesting to see them as allies to the Horde through the Horde’s point-of-view. There have been many posts throughout this megathread showing story potential, ideas, and proving that they can be more than just mustache-twirling villains of the week. They’re more than that and shouldn’t be conniving or backstabbers either, and instead be in it for the long run as members of the Horde, much like how their Blood Elf kin is.

As we get closer and closer to the end of BfA, it seems more and more likely that Sylvanas is going to get overthrown somehow, likely as a raid boss, and again the worry arises that we might see San’layn as part of her army as a one-off evil group of generic mooks with a few named jobbers in a raid that unquestionably follows her command because…erm…um…they think she can see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

The only way I would even accept this is if the San’layn act undercover. Pretending to follow Sylvanas while giving the Horde rebels inside information and such, and then eventually assisting them in taking her down when the time is right. Granted, I still prefer my vision of the San’layn just telling Sylvanas to go suck a cactus and that they are nobody’s pawns while still assisting the Horde because Sylvanas wants to grump away anyone who dares to disagree with her.

I’ve ranted a few times in this megathread about the whole possibility of them just blindly following Sylvanas because reasons. How much of a letdown it would be just to see them randomly be part of Sylvanas minions. How there is a lot of potential for them as a playable race. How disappointing it would be to just see them reduced as loot pinatas in a raid setting.

Regardless of what happens, I will continue to support San’layn as one of my most wanted races. With luck, we’ll actually see their story evolve and see them come back as allies of the Horde and be more than just “ebil ded vampires that hate friendship, love, and Belmonts with whips.”

The wait for new allied races, whatever they are, is going to be a rough one, but as I’ve said before in different megathreads: It’s better to be part of a marketing statistic instead of a silent outlier. This goes for any race people want playable.

And should events occur that just seem to squander the San’layn, like as brainless mooks and jobbers because of teh ebil undeads as I mentioned, you can bet that I will be taking my Dreven snark to a whole new level. -o -


Hey guys. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful ideas and support. I think I’m going to head out for a while. Indefinitely. Not sure if or when I’ll be back. But I’m thankful people enjoyed the San’layn cause and all, at least some. I think it’s time I stepped back and left the forums for a bit. Perhaps we’ll get them some day.

Anyway, I’m also happy you guys like my ideas and were inspired enough to add your own. Really, I truly appreciate it. Feel free to say hi on discord or something, our link is in the first post.

Have a wonderful night, bats. At least I can say I tried my best. :slight_smile:


Love you, Your Royal Majesty! All Hail, Blood Queen Fallynn!!!


You did a great job and I’m sure you’ll be missed. After reading all the posts and giving my feedback and ideas I haven’t had anything else to add so I’ve been away from this thread though still checking in from time to time.

But my sub is up in a couple weeks and I’m taking a break so won’t be on for a while and so won’t be able to comment or bump this thread. And since there is no new info or tidbits on San’layn in 8.2 that I could see my creative juices are dry. I’ll probably look into Mok’nathal and see if they have a thread.

From someone that does not want more elves in the game but ran across the San’layn by just dumb luck because I played a faction I don’t like in order to unlock a mount for a faction I do like I can say that San’layn could be the only elves I could or would get into. I will support San’layn when I can.

EDIT: I have already started on a male feral San’layn head so I’ll finish that up and post it.


You’ve been an awesome presence on these forums, thankies for all your hard work, not just for the San’layn cause but in always trying to make the forums a fun and friendly place ^w^

sends hugs


Game is a saturated in elves.
No more.

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I think taking a break from the forums is a good idea. It appears that any new allied race news will be awhile to actually be announced (114 days to Blizzcon at the time of this post) and assuming that the devs are paying any attention to megathreads as a form of feedback, ideas and such we’ve posted are already here and likely have been documented in some fashion. Not to mention that next expansion may not have any new races at all, which means an even longer period of time of waiting for new playable race news. I think a lot of megathread posters and creators have hit burnout at some point or another.

I’m personally hitting a wall, myself, when thinking of things to write and ideas to post for races I want. It’s a reason I was thinking of doing other things, like planning my March of the Stonemaul player event (to support playable Horde Ogres) and even making YouTube videos involving my ideas and support for races I want playable. I try to take the stance of showing my support more as a hobby as opposed to having an obsessed “I have to post something each day or we may never see this race playable argh” stance that doesn’t really help much in the long run. I still have a few things to post in my Saurok megathread, but eventually I’ll hit a wall there also, I am sure.

In any case, I do want to thank you, Fallynn. You were one of the people that got me into the whole megathread business to start posting support for Ogres and even making my own Saurok megathread. I realized that just sitting as a bystander wouldn’t do anything, and at the very least posting, while not guaranteeing races I want to be playable, would at least show some sort of support. As I’ve said before, and I’ll say again, it’s better to be part of a marketing statistic instead of a silent outlier.

I’ll likely still be here on the forums (someone has to show support for Ogres and Saurok afterall) though more casually posting in various megathreads when the mood strikes me. If you ever decide to come back, I’ll be sure to help support San’layn again. After all, there is always plenty of Dreven snark to go around. :smiley:

Enjoy your break from the forums, and thank you again for the inspiration you have given me.


Those both sound neat :3

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Just an update–and this is from Fallynn, this is my male San’layn character. I’ll have that something to show soon. Thank you for all of the kind words everyone, I appreciate it. I’ll return to the thread still, I’ve decided, especially when new information comes out on 8.2.5. But yes, I still have that surprise on its way. Not sure when it will be ready. But I know many here will love it.


why have vampire elves when you can have werewolf elves. worgen elves or bust

why not both?

vampires vs werewolves anybody?


No love for Franken-Elves?

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Just me again with another thread bump :grin:



I’m so sad you’re on leave! All Hail the Almighty, and Powerful, Blood Queen Fallynn! You will be missed, Your Royal Highness - Your Majesty!


(snarls frothsd and goes through other ravings about thatr show!)

… it’s been done better elsewhere and long before Twilight.


I know; I’ve even seen those OLD movies with Lon chaney and Bela LuIgosi so yeah I get that.
Just wanted to be clear that’s all.


Cool :3

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Trust me, everyone here hates twilight. And if they don’t, well, I can’t find myself taking them seriously. After all, true vampire mythos has them either burn in the sun or not be affected. And also of course has them drinking actual blood of humanoids. None of that pansy nonsense. Underworld is a good vampire v. Werewolf scenario for sure, where we actually see decent story(for the first one anyway. I’ve forgotten about the others).

Romance is ok in my opinion as long as it isn’t super gushy. There has to be tons of bloodshed to go with it, otherwise no thanks.
