San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I can’t remember if I said it in this thread or on another site, but I’d really like to see more monstrous/gruesome appearances if we ever get something like san’layn. If necessary, they can have a “pretty” elf appearance out of combat, since I know people like their beautiful elves, and then reveal their true face when engaged in combat.


Everquest 2 had something to that effect for the Freeblood race. You have a regular form and also an “inner self” form in which both were customizable. You could make either of them look as beautiful or as insane as you’d like and, from what I recall, switch between the two forms freely and even be in combat with both forms.


Though not a fan of them myself, I do think San’layn are a cool AR idea because they have been involved in wow since wrath.

Good luck! and nice artwork!


I’d be in favor of a bat-like beasty myself as opposed to a rotting corpse, as Blood Magic is corrupted life magic. Looking at the felbat model, especially for the undercity bat, I can’t help but favor that look as incredibly cool. I bet they could implement that sort of look for some sort of bat-monster form if they ever did consider “multiple forms”.


I like that the masks have classic bat/vampire bat fangs. The canines are metal xD. I should farm those sets on my mage!


I’m thinking if we ever actually ever get the San’layn, some form of mask is a huge must-have. Now it’s depicted even more on that art piece, and it’d be awesome to have leather/mail/plate versions of it. And an updated, HD version would be so cool. Imagine silver fangs that glint on the mask x.x


Aside from various transmogs, per different armor type, there is always heritage armor for the mask. I honestly would like to have one for my San’layn if they got to be playable. It just seems fitting and iconic to them. :smiley:


I just wanted to say that I fully support the inclusion of San’layn/Darkfallen as a playable Horde Race. The model work, and ideas, that have been represented in this thread are amazing.


I can’t stress this enough, but I would love it, if the San’layn were part of the Horde! As a compromise for the Alliance counterpart? Give them Half-Elves, which would be a High Elf compromise. Give a Half-Elf its own animations, rigs, skeletons, emotes, etc. Kind of like what was done with the Kul Tiran Humans.


Yes, definitely. I really hope we get that and wings on the shoulders if ever possible, if we don’t get actual wings aside from that as some sort of racial flying (though again, cloud of bats totally has my vote :stuck_out_tongue: )

Thanks so much, we appreciate it ^^ I’m super happy about the Blood King Kael we have now. There’s not much art of Male San’layn, and now there is a piece for it!

This could possibly work! They could give that one half-elf a unique model finally too :stuck_out_tongue:


I wanted to ask if anyone would happen to have a list of or would know where I could find the names of the San’layn that were present with Dreven during the Alliance war campaign. I’ve been focusing on Dreven with my writings so much that I felt that if he were to come back, his posse should as well and be fleshed out more. It’ll also take me a bit to actually get to that part of the Alliance war campaign again on an alt to see what all they did during it in the off chance there was anything to work off of.

I’m planning to incorporate that group for my San’layn writings that I am planning to do in the near future, so any help is appreciated. I’m also trying to plan out my Ogre march player event, so hopefully I’ll find time to plan out both in the near future.

Happy to see the thread active again! :vampire: :bat:

I don’t think they have names. I believe they are generic names so you could possibly make some up or just use the generic name such as San’layn Acolyte #1 or just San’layn Acolyte but then you’ll have about 20 of them and if you want to differentiate them it will be a problem.


They didn’t have names. Only generic titles like “Blood Marquis” if I recall correctly. Doomaxe is correct; there’s nothing stopping you from just making up new names for them yourself.


Well, that is disappointing to hear. Guess I could make some names up, though I feel a bit odd doing that. It’s one thing to take someone like Dreven, who exists in-game, and give him a personality and such as opposed to making names and such for “new” characters, especially when presenting ideas and concepts to Blizzard if they get some form of feedback from megathreads. I’ll have to think on it some…and yes, I realize I’m kinda doing that some with Dreven. It’s a bit hard to explain. <- <

I guess my next question is, in the context of San’layn royal hierarchy, what is the role of a “Blood Marquis” then?

That’s one of my biggest questions. As of now we have no idea. The heirarchy could mean politics, power, or both. I really hope Blizzard explores that eventually. It’s one of the many questions left unanswered. There’s so much that they seem to be building. So much there that could be expanded. I hope they don’t just abandon these questions and comments.

With the complete radio silence on anything new, I’m getting worried. This patch has to be my least favorite aside from selfie cam. Nothing is captivating me at all, and I haven’t done anything since earning flying. Game is so stale and boring. I really hope we get some new information soon on lore and ARs.

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Here is an old post of mine (#3429 to be exact)

So if it’s a hierarchy then they would be of some importance.

EDITED: You could make the Marquess/Marquis from other regions and not actually give them a name. You could use Marquis of Ice Crown or Marquis of Nazmir, etc.


I’ve talked about my disdain of radio silence from companies before, but I feel like talking about it again.

I did some research, and by research I mean I typed some words into google and looked at results for a few seconds, and found a tweet from Wowhead that mentions that Kul’Tirans were announced as an allied race in a QnA stream on March 18th, 2018:

It was March 12th of this year when they actually came out, along with the Zandalari. It’s been well over a year since the initial Kul’Tiran allied race announcement, and Blizzcon last year was really disappointing for me because there was nothing announced regarding new allied races. It’s also worrying to see Blizzard not attend Gamescom either this year, aside from a merch selling booth I think.

At the time of this post, it is 101 days until Blizzcon of this year, and as time goes on, I keep feeling like they’re saving announcements until then unless we happen to get an informative QnA stream or get a showcase stream like they did with the current patch. It is also a worry of mine that with WoW Classic coming out, they may consider that as content to keep up busy until the end of the year. I was initially interested in trying classic out, but as I watched videos of people playing it…I began to lose interest quickly.

While the allied race system could be implemented in future expansions, and I hope it is, it was heavily marketed as a BfA feature. I feel like announcements of new allied races should’ve kept at a decent pace, giving players something to work towards and look forward to. As it is, it just ends up as a frustrating wait to get any info whatsoever.

To be clear, I’m just wanting announcements of new allied races. I don’t mind waiting for said allied races to come out, seeing as creating playable character models takes time, and I wouldn’t mind if they become a pre-order incentive for the next expansion like with Legion, but having been well over a year since the last allied race announcement, I feel that we are way overdue, and waiting until Blizzcon just does more harm than good, in my opinion.

I’m also not expecting any specific races. There are the usual ones I’ve been the most vocal about wanting, much to people’s chagrin, but almost any race, with a few exceptions, would get me hyped and interested again. Seeing different races in-game with hints or even possibilities of being an allied race doesn’t help with the wait, either.

In the end, Blizzard will do what they will do regardless of what gets typed here. All we can do is hope that new allied race news comes sooner than later, and if they are waiting until Blizzcon, then I hope we get something there and it isn’t disappointing as last year’s Blizzcon. I also would hope that Blizzard is using the time to work on and fine-tune allied race models for release.

Of course, I’ll happily forgive them if I get playable Ogres/Saurok/Vulpera/San’layn on the Horde. Until then, I guess I’ll twiddle my thumbs and level some alts in the meantime. x- x


I’m disappointed by the lack of communication this year also. And I heard that if you’ve never been to a Blizzcon then this is the year so they better be bringing the big guns. I’d love to see a Turret/Tinker class announced and Mok’nathal, Ogres or San’layn. Mok’nathal being my all-time most wanted class ever since Rexxar looked like Batman orc in Outland.

And I also think we might not hear anything till Blizzcon which is going to suck because we haven’t had any AR news in a long time and we are due something. I just don’t want to hear them announce an AR and then we have to wait like we did for Zandalari because the wait ruined them for me. I still have a crap ton of Zandalari but the wait kind of lessened my desire for them. Frustrating to get very little communication from companies tbh.

I’m also hoping they don’t give us a crap patch to hold over retail for the rest of the year while they focus on Classic because that would blow big time. I might try Classic but I don’t think I’ll play it much since I like the QoL of retail.


If I had the ability to go to Blizzcon, as I mentioned before, I’d totally cosplay as a Stonemaul Ogre and campaign for them to be playable, for the Horde of course, there in some fashion. If I could dress up as a Saurok, I’d do something with them too. <- <;

Honestly, my theory is that we’ll get four more allied races at least that are tied into a pre-order incentive for the next expansion for early access, which again I’m fine with. I just feel that over a year of no new allied race announcements is way too long.

As it is right now, my Horde and Alliance mains are both exalted with the new reps and at 410 ilvl each, which should hopefully be enough if any dungeons/raids needed to unlock allied races are in Raid/Dungeon Finder and require a minimum ilvl. I’ve noticed that as people got flying, the new areas have started dying down significantly in terms of player traffic. I feel like there needs to be something announced to keep interest in the game going, as 101 more days of just this patch…really is going to be a missed opportunity and will lose plenty of subscribers.

I’ve often compared the radio silence to that of Smash Bros, and found another game example as well. For Smash Brothers, we had the first DLC character announced in December, then nothing until an announcement of an announcement sometime in April…and then randomly the character came out with little fanfare and no info on the next character until E3 in June. Was a frustrating period of time to wait for information of any sort.

Another example is Soul Calibur VI, in which Namco-Bandai seems to be infamous for being radio silent on DLC characters in season passes for their games. It seems like it’ll have been five months since the last character came out, and they’re waiting for EVO in August to announce the last one…in theory. They’ve stretched out the announcements of the four characters over a long period of time to the point people are getting annoyed and frustrated with having bought the season pass and not getting any announcements in a reasonable amount of time.

As you can see, talking from the viewpoint of a consumer, lack of information and roadmap of plans going forward for the sake of arbitrarily waiting for events or conventions to announce them is not a fun thing, let alone waiting a full year+ for allied race news. This is assuming said announcements are actually good, also.

Guess we have to hope something gets announced sooner than later. The wait just gets more painful as time goes on. (grumble grumble)

I think it’s likely we might get a new class next expansion. I’d be fine with a tinker class, and would reroll my male Gnome Warlock into one for sure.

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The carrot-on-the-stick stuff isn’t fun. If they’re not planning on looking into the allied races we’re talking about, I wish they’d just tell us so that we can move on. I’m glad I breathed life back into the thread (ironically, or rose it from a coffin), and I am so happy people enjoy that Blood King Kael’thas piece. However, there’s only so much that can be said and done, and only so much work we can put into concepts and ideas before everything falls flat, and we lose interest entirely. I’ve not logged into the actual game for roughly a week now. I will Thursday to roleplay, finally, and some of that is due to work.

But usually I’m inspired to go game a bit after work. Not lately at all. 8.2 just doesn’t amuse me one bit, and the story is boring me to death. I’m glad many like it, but it’s really not to my taste, and I’m hoping for some word of future stuff. Surely the 8.2.5 patch has to hit PTR soon, right? How long does it take for a patch release and then then next one to show up, the cycles seem a bit slower… Like even if we don’t see it on PTR soon, some word as to at least when we’ll get news, for something to look forward to, would be nice. There’s been no QnA, no streams, barely any blue posts and even those are pointless ones without actual information.

Instead, we’re left here, hoping and talking about a race we’d love to see. I’m seeing more art for San’layn popping up, which does make me happy, at least. We seem like a very small community, but I feel like all of the ideas and art we’ve been sharing has helped our cause quite a bit. If not to inspire Blizzard, at least to get people that enjoy vampires to think about the vampires in WoW itself.