San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

((Jaheira, yet again…)) I really love this thread! Mostly because the vast majority of it, is positive feedback and/or suggestions. Can’t go wrong with the idea of a “Blood Well”, nor with the Blood Queen Fallynn…. We really need a San’layn NPC named after Fallynn, in-game! Maybe a different spelling of it, like “Faolain” (think Guild Wars 2 Faolain NPC)….

As for the models? They could be a new model, maybe a mixture of both the Night Elf/Nightborne and Blood Elf/Void Elf, into ONE model? They do need Claws and Fangs, like most Vampires have. I’d like to see them have a flight form, like they have in the movie “Van Helsing”!

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No… The Worgen/Goblin model updates as well as their Heritage armor release, hit Live with Patch 8.2.5, as stated in Blizzcon 2018.


Thanks. Wait, their heritage armor is going to be released with the update? I never heard that. Hope the Goblins get something decent or better yet cool. If it’s just crap I’ll probably delete the only two I have which are low level.

Thanks again for the info.

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Dear Blizzard,

Please shut this plagued forum down as you did for High Elves,

What part of you people don’t get they won’t be included?

Also try hard as you may, still not happening

PS: Death Knights are the “vampires” of WoW. They drain blood and have vampiric-like abilities

So you’re asking them to lock my thread down because you don’t like it? We don’t go into other threads and argue about San’layn at all unless someone brings them up, where I politely explain what I have in here, and then drop it. I don’t demand anything. I’ve encouraged people in my community to be nothing but polite, and I understand and am fine if you dislike these race ideas, but saying things like that are really rude.

I’m perfectly fine if people dislike my ideas and my thread. But to come in here and say something like that, when you could have said, “I don’t support San’layn,” and moved on is just uncalled for. What have we done to bother you, exist? We’re here sharing ideas. If you don’t like them, fine, but asking for them to lock us down is just plain nonsense.

Also, we explained the DK thing several times already and I’m not repeating myself, especially if you’re going to conduct yourself in that fashion, coming in here and looking to bait people.

To the rest of my community, just be polite and don’t fall for the bait or rudeness. Don’t let it get to you, and respond in the nicest way possible. Thanks.


Quite charming no?

Simpler words,

It is awful

And that’s your opinion, I wholeheartedly disagree. I encourage you to move on and mute the thread if you dislike it this much. There’s sincerely no need to be insulting, but here we are.

Have a nice day.


Made your point,

My apologies

Yeah, I’m really looking forward to seeing what the goblins get. As a goblin player myself, just recently looking into goblin lore and finding it fun, I think it could be cool. I really have no idea what they’d look like. Maybe bikers or mechanics? Something a bit more greasy than gnomes, that’s for sure. Worgen of course I assume would have a petticoat and be the ‘werewolf in a tophat’.

I wonder if we’d get a Dracula-like cape in our heritage armor. I think that would be sweet. Would a collar like that be included in the helm or cape, you think? I know capes have legit never had a ‘collar’ like the dracula capes do, so it unfortunately would be a part of the helm, most likely. Which makes things a bit harder to mix and match, of course.

But if they were to included a cape-collar combo and a separate mask helm, there’s many possibilities as to how neat some combinations could look. I do think if they ever add in San’layn, they’ll look to the tier sets for mages from ICC. Those do look very neat.


I’m starting to genuinely hate these forums.

I hope Goblins and worgen get two sets.

Goblins getting a prince and the pauper/rags and riches sets and worgen getting gentlemen attire with a torn to shreds variant.


I hope these guys become an AR. I think they’d be fun to play. This is one of the best, most well thought out mega threads on the forum. Looking forward to the continued discussion.


Omg this story is so good! LOVE IT…love the bit of horror to it too, as it fits well with the coming story about the Void vs Death theme that seems to be the next future expansion. (IMO) :exploding_head:
The “Dojo” developers probably are always crafting new lore to finish or close all the WC3 RTS past of the WoW story. :star_struck:

So, since Darkfallen were originally created as added lore to Wrath, it be GREAT if they somehow developed and expanded upon it, branching out to become its own thing! Also a re-imagine Kael’thas Sunstrider to hit does nostalgia points and give use and value to such poorly used BC Legacy/Cassic WC3 cool Character in the current lore would actually be a good idea. :thinking: (IMO)

I think story developing team in the “Dojo” would actually like many ideas here…
Here I am again supporting and crossing my fingers that the Leaders of the team actually give the go on this if any of the team devs likes it and wants to “risk it” to make it happen. :crossed_fingers::wink:

Personal Fan Service Fantasy

Oh and I can just picture a cinematic meeting with Jeina, a classic fire vs ice, hate/love clashing battle as she realize that she is not facing a “normal” Blood Price…but her old flame…Price Kael’thas. Oooooo so many ways this could turn out really cool!

Now that Classic is a go, anything is possible to happen in the future really, which makes me more hopeful to future expansions for current WoW.


I really want the Goblins to have some kind of nuts, bolts, explosives or some other item that reminds me that they are tinkerers and play around with explosives like in the old Warcraft games. Maybe weird goggles with some kind of explosive strapped to their back? A utility belt with sticks of dynamite? An exoskeleton?

As far as Worgen go I’ll leave that up to everyone that plays them. I play only Horde so have no preference for them. Though I think a top hat might need to be included for some reason.

And of course San’layn would need wings like mentioned before by you and others. My personal preference for females are an Elvira type dress with the slit up the front, a high collar, black pantyhose/stockings and a long flowing Dracula cape. Males I’m not sure of but it also should include shoulders that look like wings and the long Dracula cape. The capes for both male and female should be black outside and a deep blood red inside. Of course Blizz has never done separate heritage armors for male and female but maybe they’ll change their mind because there is SO much dark material they can work with.

Edit: Fallynn did you update the OP? I saw someone’s comment above and shot back to the top and looked and it appears different to me. Nice job! :wink:

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So I just did the tauren heritage armor. There cape is straight up a totem. This oppens up so many possibilities! For other races. Goblins can get a jetpack or something. Sanlayn could get wings. Demonhunters too if they wanted. I would like more totems for highmountain and tauren or other classes.


Hello everyone! (((Jaheira, many toons over again…))) Hope everyone is fine and dandy!


Visible Backpacks when Blizzard?

It’s overdue!


I mean the ones in mechagon can be made into a cloak if blizzard wanted : )


I meant when is Blizzard going to start doing that kinda thing.

I’ve been requesting it since Cataclysm lol


I now have a totem cloak on all my thunderbluff tauren so… maybe more in the future? Hopefully they can ask em in the blizzcon q and a’s. Or trey are looking at this thread?


Backpacks and quivers have been asked for since Vanilla hehe, it’d be nice.