San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

That’s the major issue I see, people would start feeling obligated to play San’layn, otherwise we’d not get any other racial raid groups. While I’m all for seeing San’layn all the time because I love them, I feel like it would alienate other races too. You know how the hardcore people are. They will take ANY advantage they see.

Ah I see. Yeah I think a dragon form would be so super cool. I’ve always wanted a ‘turning into a dragon’ form OTHER than the silly sandstone drake, AKA the most meh model for drakes out there >.>

I like that idea! And if you battle and wound either Genn or Blood King, you could get some prizes or something. I feel like it would add a bit of flavor to the game.


I’m back for the month and one of the first things I have to respond to is the idea of a Blood Well. Why not drain Hir’eek the bat loa’s corpse of it’s potent blood?


Just toss Hakkar, Hir’eek, and the Dark Animals in a large blender for the ultimate Blood Magic soup.


It’s all just theory/suggestions about a possible Blood Well but the way I picture the Blood Well is that it came before any of those Loa. I say before because they are still alive when we fight them in the quests and I picture the Blood Well around about the time San’layn are created or slightly after as in WotLK content or just after timewise.

And even though both suggestions are possible and good ones I think it would take away from us getting some kind of backstory/lore on San’layn if they said “O.K., San’layn came after players killed those Loa so no need to tell what happens between WotLK and BFA”. Of course they could say that the Blood Well wasn’t made till after those Loa were killed I would still rather have some lore to a possible Blood Well.

Thank you both for your suggestions. Heck, maybe you guys are closer to what could happen if a Blood Well is made then I am. :slight_smile:

I also like the idea of a “Blood Well”! It would be a great way to implement something new, and at the last minute, and with very little lore about them: a la Void Elves!

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Wait, you’re complaining about the uniqueness of blood elves when void elves are a thing?

With vampires, all it really takes is one to wind up with more than you wanted to know about anyways. Kinda one of their typical scary things.

Nah. I’d rather have the transmog freedom and some blood magic based undead elves.
…if they do become a thing, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those Wrath tier sets do get use for inspiration for heritage armor though…


San’layn exist in lore already and we are giving ideas on how to expand it. Void Elves gave the ALLIANCE blood elf models and additional features along with a nonsense story of “Even though there’s been void priests and magic before in SMC we are going to make up stuff that really doesn’t make sense just so that the Alliance can have this race”.

With San’layn, they’d be on Horde and filling in lore that doesn’t damage another race by any means. It’s an ancient curse. We have elbow room. At least the lore we are suggesting isn’t completely detracting from another race or offering additional features to the other side. Horde have had both undead and blood elves in their ranks for years. This would be combining the two with vampyr curse on top.


I was looking at an old video and saw that Fallynn’s question got answered regarding Death Knights and Allied Races. So as far as BFA goes there will be no DK’s for Allied Races according to Ion which would mean if San’layn did get added before 9.0 they can’t be DK’s. In the future though it looks like they could change that.

Here’s the video and Fallynn’s question is at 48:15.

Now if they would only answer your San’layn questions.

All hail the Blood Queen Fallynn. :bowing_man::crown::vampire:


Yeah I do hope they add in more story for Death Knights and open the class up for other Allied Races. I think many would agree that it’s an essential class for San’layn should they be added, it would totally stink if we never got access to it at all. Also hah, yep, that’s the one time my question got picked for a QnA. Was exciting to experience my one second of fame!

They answered High Elves and Vulpera, but never a thing on San’layn. No lore at all whatsoever, and never a blue post in our thread either. I’d say maybe it’s both good and bad. At the moment, we don’t even know if they’re looking at this thread or watching us. For all we know, they could just be rolling their eyes and saying:
“Oh great, the stupid edgy kids are begging for their vampires again.”
and have the thread muted, grateful that we stay in this containment area. I really wish we had some idea as to what they think of our ideas or community, to be honest. It’s disheartening to hear nothing.

On the other side of the things… imagine if the dev that made San’layn and the vampyr concept stops by here every so often and smiles. They could say:
“I can’t believe my ideas and stories inspired a part of the community this much. Look at all of their ideas! I’m thrilled!” and be honored that we enjoy their work on this elusive race this much to put so much heart into our thread.

…Needless to say, we might never know either way. I just wish I could at least have a chance to thank the dev that came up with the idea of San’layn, even if they don’t care. Just so they know that they do have a community here that really loves what they’ve done already and that would be thrilled to see even more.

Edit: That question right before mine on there, oh dear… gulp, looking about for torches


I’m more worried they have another AR planned for Undead.

Redeemed… Shiver

I mean, it’s not a no despite what people claim. More of a not now maybe later.

The High Elf issue also might push them to make a new Elf model that both San’layn and High Elves can use. Which is my best case scenario.


Oh gods no, I sincerely hope that never comes to pass. Although if it’s to be paired with San’layn, I kinda have to just shrug and be grateful that we at least got vampyr…

True, that could be the case for raw skeleton but certainly not modifications, I figure. Since we’re looking at more monstrous features for the San’layn (as mentioned), and a more lanky, possibly muscled model. I dunno, I do know that there’s many who like Hypnos’s version of the San’layn (in the posts above), which is the only male modded model we have of them.


Undead that don’t have their joints missing and who can be Paladins, but on Alliance. Yeah, that wouldn’t start a riot…

Not to mention it craps on everything it means to be undead…

You would be surprised what you can do with the skin and animations on a model.

For example the Withered Skeleton we see in Legion is the same as the Vrykul Skeleton but with different Animations and is also use by the Zombie Giants.

The regretted Kul Tiran because the brand new model for one race took a while but if they can get two for one it would be better in the long run IMO.


Someone posted 2 videos with Ion saying “High Elves are basically Blood Elves” or “Sorry, the Horde is waiting for you”. Now in one he did make it sound like they could look into High Elves somewhere after BFA but I don’t think it is the foreseeable future.

Also, I noticed a bunch High Elves in Nazjatar which HE fans could see as some type of bright spot but it also makes me think that if HE were said no to and we see them in-game then San’layn, which I don’t think were mentioned in a Q&A before and are also in-game, are there for flavor like the Nazjatar HE’s. Only time will tell just hope I’m around for Mok’nathal, San’layn and/or Turret/Tinker class.

I’ve thought about that also but not the redeemed part. I just can’t think of many Undead options outside of San’layn or Undead Worgen though not sure if they are even a thing. Though, like I said in a post somewhere above, if Horde got an Undead Worgen race then I would be all for a vampyr class which both factions could enjoy and would give far more flavor because of a lot more vampyr related skills vs only 5 racials.

Of course we miss out on vampyr vs werewolves on two separate factions. Having vampyr and werewolves share the same faction ruins the coolness that being on separate factions would bring imo.

To each their own.

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Super Sanlayn with anime hair and glowing red hair!


That could be a way for some to get druids. Sipping on a loa’s blood. My ideas from previous pose suggested druid forms based on parasites/blood beasts. Vampire bats, Spiders.
Some undead units as forms. Nerubian, gargoyle, plaguehound, undead whale? Not sure about aquatic form. Maybe an aquatic blood golem of an animal.
They showed ability to transform otgers with polymorph. With blood magics of a loa I think thry can learn to transform themselves stealing it via consumuption.


Just me again with my weekly San’layn thread bump :slightly_smiling_face:



Good points.

Also like always, “Wow it’s been another week already?” There is a big release of PvE content next week, right? I’m not in the know anymore because I really couldn’t care less about that stuff in BfA. If that’s the case though, perhaps we will hear more news soon. I’m excited about the goblin and worgen remodels coming up, since I play a couple of female goblins. But I have to wonder what else that patch will have to offer.


There’s also the Dark Animas, which is Blood Magic that can reshape life that the Blood Elves have.

Which could also make Blood Elf Druids :thinking:



This is gross

I totally forgot about their updates. I thought they were suppose to be with the 8.2 launch? Oh well, I am always surprised by something I thought we were getting or didn’t know we were getting in every patch, lol.

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