San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah, I used that picture as a pose reference.


((Jaheira here, yet again…new main))

I hope I got everything sorted out for the potential classes that a San’layn would be able to play as. If they become a non-Allied Race, Death Knight should be a thing.

So came up with another idea for the Blood Well. It’s been bugging me about how does it fill or why would a Blood Well be important.

What if the Blood King is actually hung over the Blood Well and slowly drips blood into the well to sustain it? His blood would potentially be the most powerful so other San’layn could draw on his memories and powers to a certain degree just from drinking it.

Given it would kind of be a waste to finally get a Blood King and all he is used for is his blood, lol. But it’s just an idea I was throwing around.

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I have a much darker idea that could reflect the brutality of this race. Members of the San’layn go out into the world and fill it with the blood of living victims. Their enemies.

You could get a quest each day perhaps that gives you a bonus in exp or something like the monk quest. You’d have to go out into the world and kill x # of humanoids to help keep the bloodwell full. This concept could apply to the orbs too, in which they store the blood of their victims.


I kind of mentioned that here:

But they are both quite similar so I’m game. WoW definitely needs to be a little more mature now-a-days and San’layn could bring in a little more needed darkness.

Edit: I do like the idea of having a quest like the Monks do. And maybe the Blood Crystal/Orbs racial I mentioned can be refilled by you killing enemies like you suggest. I like that idea. No racial is dependent on you filling it in order to activate it. We need more community thinking like this. Lets pool :laughing: our thoughts.

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What’s the Bloodwell?

The Bloodwell is just something suggested in this thread to be a San’layn power source. Some suggested it is the Sunwell changed into a Bloodwell for the San’layn.

I’ve suggested it’s a pool of blood that could’ve been created by an Old God or something that all San’layn contribute too. I’ve also suggested that the Blood King is hung over it and slowly bleeds into it and the San’layn can tap into and get some of his memories and powers.

I just thought of another idea that would actual give us San’layn back story but over many days or weeks and even possibly months. What if once every day you are allowed to drink from the Blood Well. And each day you receive a different flashback of the Blood King’s memories. The entire history of the San’layn could be shown to you over time and give you something to look forward to everytime you drink from the Blood Well.


Wait guys

• Darkfallen drink blood
• Azerite is blood

All along Sylvie was just preparing a welcoming feast for her new allies! The sunwell is all light corrupted and the nightwell got rekt, so she had to diy it. She didn’t know a war would start over the ingredients ;-;


The Bloodwell sounds metal as heck. I mean this in a good way.


if a san’layn drinks azerite he will ascend into the legendary super san’layn


I want to see them drink the Dark Animas and become Druids.


Oh yeah that works, consider mine an addition. I’ll give a more in depth look to everything soon. I’ve just been so busy irl.

As for what some stuff is, most of this is fan suggestions since the lore is currently very open ended.


I only took that in a good way. :wink: Metal fan here. :metal:

This just made me lol. :laughing:

How cool would it be to have vampire druids? I’ll have to look into Dark Animas more and see if I can’t come up with a way.

They were both very similar but different at the same time. Take your time. Real life should come before games and this thread should still be here whenever you get around to it. Unless of course we have SAN’LAYN by then. :vampire:t2::bat:

Update: Just found out some info I didn’t know so figured I’d share for those that also don’t know this.

Just looked into Dark Animas and according to Gamepedia Vol’jin says that the Ancient Passage of the Veiled Stair uses magic that can cause humans to regress back to vrykul. Does that mean change things into vampyr?

Also there seems to be speculation that blood is made of anima, though it remains unconfirmed. And that Lor’themar Theron asked an adventurer to use a crystal in order to capture whatever essence animated the blood golems, which was then described as blood, moving violently within said crystal.

And a possible spot in Orgrimmar for the San’layn could be the Underhold. It is a massive underground compound deep below Orgrimmar where Garrosh kept Blood Golems. Looks almost San’laynish.


So my summer class is officially done. Huzzah! \ ^ o ^ /

It’s looking like the chances of me having made an A in the class are high, which I’m hoping for since I put in a lot of time and effort in it. x- x

The good news is that I’m finally going to have some free time. As I promised, I’m planning to start looking into writing some stuff for this megathread, starting with a reintroduction of the San’layn into the story and then my “Battle for Silvermoon” idea that would act as their allied race unlock questline. I will try to find and review some stuff I previously wrote in this megathread, either as a standalone brief scenario post or wrote just as a general abridged writing. I’ll likely reuse some of it and also rewrite some parts of it to fit the flow of an actual story.

It’s likely I may write in chunks and post them in here. I have a lot of planning to do, with some rewriting seeing as 8.2 is out and some story stuff is going in an interesting direction. Also, yes, expect more Dreven snark…and his original posse we saw with him may get in on the snark party as well. :smiley:

I’m not sure when I’ll get to my writings, but I will try not to take too long. As it is right now, I am heavily burnt out, Super Mario Maker 2 just came out, and I am behind in the 8.2 party, in which I want to try to get BfA flying ASAP as well as get the new reps to exalted just in case they become allied races in the near future. I’m trying to take a casual approach and not burn myself out on my daily rep gains, but I will get there eventually!

Considering that 8.2 is finally out, I’m hopeful that new allied race news will come sooner than later, and I’m starting to feel excitement creep back into me similar to when BfA launched. I’ll generally be excited for almost anything being announced, but I’ll always be hoping for my four most wanted Horde races to become playable in some fashion. :smiley:

At any rate, I think I’m going to flump down and take a nice long Ogre nap. Feels good to be finally be free again, even if it isn’t for too long before next semester begins.


OK I can finally respond to everything now, am sitting down and have the capability of putting thought into stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

This could work yeah, though I still see people trying to rig it in raids and dungeons. I bet it could apply only to open world in that case, and have a cap, yeah? That way if you group up with other San’layn in open world, you get that bonus, but people don’t have to feel obligated to roll one for major PvE or PvP because you know how hard people would complain.

I love this idea, it seems really cool. Also, sensory tracking in general, vampires in common mythos have enhanced senses, so in general it would make sense here.

This and the allowing of flying in this area, because otherwise you know people will hardcore complain about flying. Personally I don’t mind but I know cave terrain can be mighty obnoxious. A whole underground city can look so beautiful, especially with the San’layn aesthetic. If we do get anything like a death expansion, wouldn’t it be awesome if San’layn were that one’s Nightborne, in which they got an entire glorious city? Might be a bit much to dream for, but a girl can hope.

This could work, or alternatively Dreven is miffed that he was used as a tool by Sylv and genuinely wanted better for his people, so would conspire against her so long as he and his people still had a home in the horde.

This is my favorite option, I will admit. Blood King or Blood Queen, and of course my top pick is one of the missing blood princes as a Blood King. Kael’thas does work too, I think, and I know many would be thrilled if it were to happen, but to me one of the missing blood princes makes the most sense.

I like these ideas! Also another rule could be there should be three blood princes to one king/queen. I wonder if there can be multiple kings or queens for different covens, each having three blood princes or princesses following their orders. Lots can be done with that stuff.

True that, this would be cool! I’m going to have something special to present to the community eventually. But that’s all I’m going to say now, it’s in regards to Blood King concept.

Yeah see I think San’layn druids would be awesome. Not only would the Horde finally have a druid that’s an elf (which admittedly is something I really really want), but vampires in mythos do have shapeshifting powers, commonly. It’d be a shame if that were not explored, but I dunno if blizzard would do so.

Are you talking about the Blood Elves delving into blood magic? Those are living blood mages, but still a very interesting tidbit. It shows that they’re not afraid to use such magic. Wonder if they’re taking hints from San’layn. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think so, otherwise every blood mage would be a vampyr, and the indirect use of blood magic via runes for the DK might also affect them. Still no red eyes for DK, and that’s a bloody SHAME!

Not sure! It’s an interesting concept that they’re affected by what they consume, though.

Yeah pretty much good ideas for some sort of blood well, like I said in a previous post I favor the idea that San’layn refill it via the blood of their kills. A quest would be lovely ^^

Monk, as Forsaken can also be monks, and Death Knights if Allied Races ever get a chance to be them. It’d be a shame if we never got a chance to do that.

He could willingly refill it as well, but need to constantly feed in order to actually keep himself active. In that case, he’d be quite the warmonger!

It’s rumored that the curse is of Vry’kul origin. So maybe! See this is a GIGANTIC hole in lore we’re still waiting to be filled. What is the origin of this ancient magic, who can be affected, how can you be turned, etc etc? Sadly we can only speculate or offer ideas.

Yeah that does look cool! Would the citizens of Org accept the vampyr in their city though? They’d be a part of it, but, well. The San’layn are monsters like the Forsaken, and the forsaken are already looked at by the stink eye via many races.

Huge congrats to you :smiley: Glad to hear it went well!

Looking forward to seeing more content! That reminds me, I need to write out a scenario idea for one of the Blood Princes becoming a Blood King, which would in my opinion be the most likely scenario. Wouldn’t it be odd of DREVEN came back as Blood King? That’s be crazy.

:clap::clap: Yes, I love the Dreven snark and know I’m not the only one :stuck_out_tongue: People are going to eat that up like a vampyr does to a raw steak.

Take all the time you need and there’s no rush, we’ll be here :slight_smile: you have fun, you deserve to have it after working your butt off!

You think we’ll get news anytime soon? Probably in a few weeks, sadly. And there’s that one question on everyone’s mind.

Because if it is just an extension of 8.2, we’re not getting Allied Races. Ion said so. I’m pretty sure 8.1 and 8.1.5 were called the same thing, but also could be very wrong. I simply don’t know. Man, I wish I did. The only thing we do know is that goblin and worgen remodels are coming up.

What a coincidence as my guild is suddenly flooded with goblins, including mine. We now have our own goblin cartel. This is my fault, I love goblins too, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

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How about a stacking affect that has a max of 5 so it only can get a max benefit from groups?

I would love to have a whole San’layn city. That’s what I was thinking but obviously didn’t post. 3 out of the 4 Horde AR’s have cities but those were used to quest through by both factions. I really can’t see nor want to see Alliance in a San’layn city tbh.

That’s true. Like you said many times before “We need more lore!”

I said something like that in part 2 of my posts, lol. Though I did fail to mention other Kings and Queens I thought it was implied. I’ll try to be more thorough next time. Below is from my 2nd post.


Can’t wait. Another commission possibly? Hope you had some input on it so it comes out looking more like you want it then giving the artist free reins.

Vampire druids just sound cool to me and they could have darker forms then what we’ve been given. Possibly even undead or half-undead like Forsaken looking with half skin and half bones.

I’d love to have an undead dragon flight form. But since it’s basically undead BE’s I could see Blizz doing undead dragonhawk which is not the same. I’ll have to think of other forms I’d like to see though I can see Blizz giving San’layn druids a undead hawkstrider land travel form which I don’t want. Lets have the swarm of bats for travel form like you suggested.

I was getting tired when I posted that so let me be clearer on what I meant.

I’m suggesting that the Alliance Incursion happens before the Horde normal quests so the Alliance are seeing the Blood Elves screwing with blood magic while the Horde are seeing the undead bodies left from the Alliance inncursion still performing rituals. As in they are undead.

Good point. Check that off the list. Maybe long exposure to blood magic? meaning in a blood ritual you are constantly standing there with the blood magic going through your body, at least that’s what I picture, while just using a blood spell is short and not a constant.

Have to try and give Blizz as many ideas as we can even if they aren’t likely. Plus, throwing ideas out there hopefully either inspires other ideas or helps us as a community to agree on one.

I agree that there should be some daily quest related to the blood well. I’d also like to see that quest give us more story or memories of San’layn life in the past. Some little lore tidbit each time we delve into the blood well. Maybe we are regaining memories or San’layn get them from the blood well as a whole. Too many possibilities.

Since he should be more feral, imo, I think that would work out perfectly. Would he vomit blood into the well, lol. We’d have to come up with some way he refills it.

Also, would be VERY cool if you would see his flying bat form shadow on random maps like he was in the area feeding.

Ikr. Shame because I think it has HUGE potential lore wise.

You have a point on why they would be allowed into Orgrimmar.

Also, on that male San’layn version, the one paired with the High Elf, I noticed yesterday that it says they live below Orgrimmar so credit for that should go to someone else. Given I came up with it before I saw that but I was not the first to do so it would seem and I saved that pic a while ago. They also mention Deathvault as their capital, a Dreamane Chariot and Blood King Theraldis and Blood Prince Atherann. Looks like the chariot was someone elses idea before mine also, lol. It’s all good though.


Dreven becomes even more of a royal pain, which is giving me ideas for all new levels of snark. :V

I guess I should have typed “hoping” instead of “hopeful.” It’s currently 121 days, at the time of this post, until Blizzcon, and even if they plan to have the new few pairs of allied races tied to the next expansion, like with BfA, it would be nice to know what they are. I don’t mind waiting for them to come out, but some confirmation of what they are would be nice. ^^;

I will say that if it turns out they are waiting until Blizzcon to announce them, assuming they’re races we’ve dealt with already, then it could mean more time given to work on the player models for said allied races.

That said, the wait for new allied race news is still gonna be painful. x- x


True but if it’s applied to raid, people will feel obligated to roll a San’layn for the bonus, and if there’s a strict cap that is only “This number of players will benefit”, any joining San’layn will be left out.

Yeah I’d hate to see Alliance mucking around in a glorious vampyr city, especially since their ENTIRE objective has been to kill San’layn. Just would leave a sour taste in my mouth.

Ah ok that makes sense, yeah ^^

Shhh, it’s a secret! But maaaaybe :stuck_out_tongue:

I think for a vampyr, flight form would HAVE to be some sort of bat. Otherwise, it’d just feel to weird not to. Even if we don’t get druids, yes, I’m stuck on the idea of a cloud of bats possibly for a racial mount ^^

Ah ok I see then, that would be interesting. I’m not entirely sure the order of events anymore at all, to be honest.

True that! Never a bad idea to keep talkin’.

This would be so creepy and cool at the same time. And if you’re Alliance, you have the potential to be attacked. Though they’d need an equivalent, so why not have Genn hunting Hordies to rip apart too?

Eh we all have similar ideas sometimes due to the theme. It’s just how it goes ^^

Yeah, you bet. It’s going to suck if we have to wait until Blizzcon but at this point i would not be surprised at all. Ah well. Maybe in 8.2.5 we’ll get something though, if we ever do find out if it’s called Rise or something else entirely. Or if Ion decides to change his mind and be nice to our eager communities, but I feel like since we’re the smallest voices (AR people in general) as compared to raiding or PvP community, we will be met with silence.


I don’t know what the bonus would be to be honest but I think having only San’layn benefit would be something new as far a racial go. And all San’layn , no matter the number, would benefit not only 5. It just doesn’t go past a stack of 5. I’ll try and figure it out so it can work.

I was talking druid flight form not basic San’layn form. The San’layn racial should be a swarm of bats like mentioned but a druid form is something entirely different. And Darkspear Trolls have a bat form so that’s why I suggested a Dragon form, I just love Dragons so I want one really badly. If the druid flight form had to be some kind of bat I say a skeletal bat or one with half bone and half flesh.

Yeah, the order of events, like the lore, is never mentioned so we don’t know but I was just trying to give Blizz some ideas of how it could work. :wink:

That’s a good idea! Since Alliance would have a visual cue of the Blood King I think maybe the Horde would have a audible one. Maybe Genn howling if he’s in range of any Horde players?

And how about if the sky changes color if either one is in the area to give it a more creepy feeling?