San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It’s okay, we already have plenty of steak guns.


That tauren looks like she could bench something about 10 x her side. Beautiful art definitely :smiley:

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I wonder, if we get San’layn will they be Lithe or will we get some with abs?


Pandaren shared skeletons could be the Tuskarr (although they aren’t relevant to any content patches which they try to make relevant before adding them), Tortollan also look sort of like pandaren. I think the kultiran use some of the pandaren combat animations too.

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There should be no other race threads that go into anything regarding the locking because I don’t want High Elf drama here. It’s not a thread asking for them. It’s a thread asking for San’layn. I’m not open to this thread turning into such either, and saying we should be locked due to the behavior of others is very rude. We’re going to drop it now, because it isn’t relevant.

Anyway, back to the main topic. Chances are, male San’layn will use the blood elf skeleton or the night elf/blood elf mix (blood princes). I don’t imagine them making an entirely new skeleton, to be honest, though anything is a possibility. I dunno if they’d bother with the modified night elf though since that skeleton is already being used for so many others.


I don’t want High Elf drama here.

If any of them show up to cause trouble. Cranks up guns Just remember that I have no issue with hunting high elves either :wink:


Fallynn…sorry to put it this way and to be blunt, but Pandaren are a Neutral race, so I don’t see them EVER getting an Allied Race version.

Those are some interesting ratios for sure. I think vampire elves would be played a bit to be honest, because while I know there’s people who really hate elves, there is also people that enjoy them.

But if we get more brutal and violent elves, AKA the San’layn, I think we can argue that they do fit in quite a bit. Especially with similar stories to Forsaken.

As for no pandaren allied race, fair enough. I’m not really expecting one but figured it would be interesting to bring up anyway. It’s true that they don’t like neutral so a dev tweeted, and that pandas aren’t played as much.

Still, even if something isn’t predicted to be played as much, I think it should have a chance. If it fits into lore or rich lore can be created for it, I’d be totally game. Saurok and Mantid for example I’d play in a heartbeat but both concepts aren’t really supported and in the case of Mantid I’ve not seen ongoing discussion.

In the case of San’layn, it is a blessing and a curse to be asking for a race variant of elves because while they’re unique, cursed, and mutated, there’s many who have it out for elves.


I think she might infuse HERSELF with Vampirism the next time she gets killed. Which might be coming up pretty fast. :stuck_out_tongue:

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But how many bats in a bat cloud does it take to lift a sanlayn? :o


Gahhh. My childhood.

Only one if your San’layn IS the bat cloud hekhekhek. Though I suppose it wouldn’t therefore be a bat cloud then. I would settle for one of those disks being carried by bats. It’d be cool. I still think though that dissolving into a cloud of bats for a racial would be super cool though.

Anyway, let’s pretend for a second that these threads actually do matter in the long run. (They might, they might not. No one knows). Let’s then say an allied race is greenlit of which has a megathread. How much influence on their actual lore and customization do you think we have?

I could see them having wings, in their true form. Kind of like the vampires in the film “Van Helsing” do.


This is an interesting topic, and without a better alternative for a potential Undead AR … I do think it may be possible that we’ll see something along these lines. I do however wonder if its possible we’ll see a bigger culmination of Undead Elven races of some sort. Velanora apparently has a quest devoted to her (and she was unusually portrayed as the last ranger to fall in the BE Heritage Questline). So … maybe Blizz is planning on accumulating all of them together into one little sub-AR. Dark Rangers that side against Sylvie; Forsaken NEs; and what remains of the San’layn?


I think San’layn are perfect because they forge two identities. The undead, and the fallen high elves/blood elves.
The fact that blood elves named themselves to honor the dead and then being a blood related vampire is sort of cool. Not to mention all the anima that blood elves have may be used to sate the San’layn’s thirst for civilians. Similar to the Arcan’dor’s fruit for Nightborne. Most of the high elves died to Arthas and plenty of the corpses are still in SIlvermoon perhaps that can be another source of population for the San’layn. (similar to how forsaken were being rezzed in graveyards). if we ever see a silvermoon warfront that would be cool to see them rezzing former allies.

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Honestly I was just thinking how between Legion, and now BfA there have been a lot of hints at Death so I am thinking the next expansion is going to be based around that.

Because of this I am wondering if we will see another death class like Death Knights or if we will see new death related races. Calia is Lightforged Undead and has been mentioned but we haven’t seen her yet, supposedly she is helping Derek Proudmoore become the same thing. I really think Lightforged Undead are being set up to join the Alliance which would then leave Dark Rangers/San’layn for the Horde. I could see these both potentially being new races we get in the next expansion, not Allied Races in this current expansion.

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Most likely, I honestly do not think many of the Allied Race megathreads are going to have theirs included within BFA, Blizzard likely already decided on most, if not all, the ARs they wanted for BFA.

I am including Vulpera and Junker Gnomes here, because Vulpera had a lot of work done on them very early into the expansion that a lot of the other NPC races in BFA didn’t get.

I like your idea, plus I’m just a fan of oxymorons like tall shorts and Holy Undead.


I have thought for a long time now that the only Allied Races they had planned from the start were the ones we see in the BfA launch trailer, and we have now gotten all of those. Anything after that depends on if Blizzard feels Allied Races are worth throwing in.

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Eh, I feel like Vulpera were always a question of “when” and Junker Gnomes have been displayed very recently without much fanfare overall, but they’re certainly already listed in the datamined files under Race. I think after these two is when Blizzard will actually take feedback in.

The difference between the fanfare of Vulpera and JunkerGnomes is so disparate that it shows player forum feedback isn’t a causation, merely possible correlation.


I have a strange feeling about the Dark Ranger Velonara quest, but we haven’t seen too much of it in 8.2. Maybe in 8.2.5 or 8.3?

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