San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Perhaps the vampiric form could be called Vampiric Transformation. Idk. Maybe that is a bit generic. Plenty of time to think of ideas though.

Hmmm Vincent Valentine comes to mind. He has good forms. I personally would like something like the spider demoness mixed with vincent’s form and resident evil.


The San’layn could have two forms. Their True, Vampire form, and a regular Blood Elf form. At night, they show their true form, but by day, they appear as regular old Blood Elves, so these newly improved San’layn can survive during the daylight hours, without needing to drink blood. At night, is when their true form show, and that is when they need to feed upon blood! Tell me I didn’t just brainstorm a great idea!?!

These transformation ideas are neat but we should remember to be realistic. I recall a giant bat transform idea that I liked but when it comes down to it, there’s no evidence of such occurances in lore.

If it were plausible we’d see it happening big time in the major raid battles against San’layn but the fact of the matter is that we sadly don’t. There’s always “rule of cool” but straying too far from their origin starts breaking down the concept anyway, if you catch my drift.

Edit: Though for a racial mount it could work, yeah. However I love the idea of a cloud of bats. It would look so cool!


this entire fandom is based on the rule of cool surrounding vampires. nothing actually concrete or set within lore - no, you see san’layn in lore and used at one brief point to emphasize the edginess of the ‘Horde under Sylvanas’ (even though it goes onto explicitly point them out as complete and utter psychopaths incompatible with basic society, you know, killing and feeding on your own allies) and think ‘holy ****, vampires r cool, let me be vampires’ then start trying to go through mental gymnastic loops to create justifications for vampires in lore being playable.

the concept that people have brought up that others are ‘attacked’ for expressing differing opinions, is completely true, after having read through all of this echo chamber’s fanfiction (which is what it is - an echo chamber of fanfiction.)

One thing to consider is that there could be an expansion in the future that includes more lore to them or maybe we might get something very similar in appearance like Dark rangers. Many races were pretty much enemies and not in the best place lore wise before they become playable.


I’m glad I stumbled upon this thread, I’ve been wanting to play San’layn or a better undead race for years now. I like the undead, but I literally can’t stand their current models. Why do all the undead have to be hunched over with back problems? Years now I’ve been wanting to play an undead model that looks less like a corpse (examples: Nathanos and Sylvanas), instead we get these basic corpse looking models that look like they’re about to fall apart. If Blizzard ever came out with a Dark Ranger or San’layn/Darkfallen type allied race, I wouldn’t be able to pull out my wallet fast enough, lol.


Hence why we’re providing examples and ideas Blizzard could possibly use based on what we’ve seen. I haven’t claimed any of this as true, I’m building ideas based off of what could potentially happen.

If you like neither my writing nor my ideas, that’s perfectly fine. I’m not attacking you about it at all. But I just ask you to be polite about it rather than insulting. I really don’t think it’s that much to ask, to be honest.

I even say that this thread is for sharing ideas. I’m allowed to share my opinion on what I think is realistic and what I think isn’t. People are entirely free to disagree with me. That’s fine.

If you think my “fanfiction” isn’t valid to be used, you can share that opinion and move on. Me? I disagree. I put work into that for something that could be used for future lore.


So I’m here to say a couple of things:

  1. 4-week college classes suck worse than a vacuum cleaner on steroids and pixie sticks.

  2. Once the next patch does come out, which hopefully will be sooner than later, I will help keep an eye out for and report any San’layn mentions or appearances. I may not be the best at San’layn information and lore, but even I can see Dreven with floaties and a bathing suit relaxing on a bat-shaped inner tube sipping blood wine out of a goblet with a straw and a little umbrella in Nazjatar.

  3. My marketing class both terrifies me with how data is gathered but also lets me realize that, to some extent, our megathreads would be some part of their statistical data, among other things. Maybe not THE ultimate statistics for a wanted race, but at least part of it. I’d go into detail, but I’m already burnt out on marketing terminology and concepts currently, so maybe another time. <- <;

  4. I got my most wanted character for Smash Bros (Dragon Quest!!) and it is looking more and more like playable Vulpera could be a thing, so I’m in a REALLY good mood despite college stress.

Hope to find time to help support this megathread and other megathreads again soon. Beginning of July is roughly when I’ll have free time…hopefully. <- <;


I’d love to imagine this to be honest. But yeah, I know how you feel there. Hope it goes well for ya as usual!

I wish. Sadly, there’s been nothing in the datamines and no doubt the patch is dropping very soon now. Not sure when, but there’s not going to be much at all that is added for sure. We’d have seen if there was any remote appearance of San’layn again already via the datamines, I think. I could be wrong, in which I would be pleasantly surprised, but after the Quill, I most definitely am no longer getting my hopes up for anything x.x

Perhaps! People seem to be putting down these megathreads lately but I have to wonder if it’s due to them simply not wanting to put the effort into supporting the races they want added, or starting their own. I mean, I saw a few up a long time ago about a month before any San’layn information came out in Battle for Azeroth datamines. I knew nothing at all about the Dreven fiasco, and nor did anyone else.

Lo and behold, that came out, and like it or not San’layn were on everyone’s minds. Sadly, that’s all faded into virtually nothing, especially with no new information. But my point is, even with no information aside from the missing princes in wrath, the vampirates, and the blood princess, which all were said to not really be all that important, I still started this thread and put my best foot forward.

These people complaining about whether or not these things have a sway should take a step back and consider that they too can show support for what they want added and actively contribute. If they have nothing to support then I am left wondering what exactly they’re complaining about at all, considering these topics are about what we want added, and if someone doesn’t want anything in particular, why even be a part of the conversation on whether or not megas have a sway on something you’re not interested in, you know?

Alas. These claims of “echo chambers” and “Attacking” are tiring, and I consider them to be slander. I repeat myself again and again that I’m fine if people disagree with me or my ideas, but that I’ll keep sharing them with hopes that Blizzard will enjoy it and possibly use it for themselves. I don’t think people understand that we’re not here to ruin their gaming experience or bash other allied races (Well, I’m not, and if there’s one I don’t support, I give logical reasoning as to why. Thus far, the only one that’s warranted that from me is Lightforged undead, of which I will never support due to the ripping to shreds of lore, but that’s a topic for a place not here.)

The point is, I think people should realize that it’s not the end of the world if people like us do have sway on what’s added, because we’re putting forth the effort to express our ideas just like everyone else is perfectly capable of doing so on the forums. Therefore, I say we keep putting our best foot forward, and “haters gonna hate”.

I’m excited too, I also really would enjoy a Vulpera, probably as much as San’layn. I’m glad to hear you’re in a good mood despite the stress though, you deserve some smiles. And remember! No overworking yourself here too with ideas, we’ll be here when your busy-work dies down. Trust me. I doubt we’ll get any news until november, personally. Which sucks. But…leaves tons of time to talk or despair. Whatever works.


I think the soonest that we’ll find out what the next allied race is would be Blizzcon. I know there are none in 8.2 because Ion said there would be none. I’m just hoping we don’t get Gilgoblins. And even though I don’t want Vulpera and rather have Sethrak I would still pick Vulpera over Gilgoblins any day.

What I really can’t wait to find out is what Undead Allied Race we are going to get. Are we getting San’layn so we can do vampires vs werewolves with the Alliance? Are they going to give us Undead Worgen so that they can give us a vampire class? Or are they going to give us Dark Rangers and Nathanos (the a-hole) type male versions? Hope we get Undead Allied Race before the Goblin Allied race.

I do hope certain trends are right, in which every race gets an allied race that goes hand in hand. In that case, we have these ones left:

  1. Worgen
  2. Goblin
  3. Forsaken
  4. Gnome
  5. Pandaren

The thing is, the trend isn’t confirmed and my fear is that it’ll end up changing or wasn’t meant to be in the first place. But now is a good time to introduce an undead race, one that could show their independance and maybe join via Sylv at first, but showcase free will by not always being on her side either. San’layn fit the bill here because they’re extremely loyal to their city and by extension the Horde, I imagine, if not treated like trash. With Thrall coming back, of whom showed sympathy for the Forsaken to begin with, I think he could possibly think back to those times and realize two things:

  1. That like the Forsaken, these displaced people need a home
  2. Like the Forsaken, San’layn could be viable weapons for defending the Horde and showing no mercy against the Alliance. Sometimes we need less hesitation in war. Brutality would win out.

I believe Ion said allied races were reskins because they saved money. I would prefer new races vs reskins but since we have two more races on Horde I think they should finish them up.

I also don’t see Pandaren getting a reskin because they are neutral to start with and according to realm pop they are only 2.3% of Horde and Alliance. That is the lowest pop for a main race. Horde realm pop goes like this.

  1. Blood Elves 16.2%
  2. Orc 6.9%
  3. Tauren 6%
    Undead 6%
  4. Darkspear Troll 5.5%
  5. Goblin 2.9%
  6. Pandaren 2.3%

And since Goblin and Worgen are getting updates I think they will probably get allied races next which means Undead will be last. :frowning: Maybe that will give them more time to come up with a good one like San’layn or Undead Worgen. Just hoping they don’t stop before we get an Undead AR. :bat:

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Just give them an easy, yet enticing, reskin and call it a day.

“Hairless pandaren.”

I can see them now. All pink and flabby and wrinkly. But still cute.

Yeah, still cute.

I’ll take three.


Me again with my weekly San’layn thread bump :grin:

#MakeSanlaynHappen :pleading_face:


Considering I get the feeling the next expansion is 90% going to be Death related I think it is possible to see Undead get their Allied race then, if not right before the new expansion drops. Either that or the Dark Ranger class.

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Is there a reason why this is still open, yet Blizzard decided to lock the high elf one and the new one that was made? Is it people really mass reporting?

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We have no idea why those two threads were locked, but we are a quieter community that doesn’t attract as much attention, negative or otherwise


There are advantages to being smaller.

That should go in the Vulpra Thread…

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Perhaps I am going to going to have to bust out my best Van Helsings mog next Halloween. Vampires are gonna be joining the horde? Cranks up guns Only one thing to do!

PS: I mean this in the friendliest of ways of course. Sanlyn is one of my favorite AR racial concepts. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: