San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

If our megathreads were viewed by the devs and inspired them any, I would think some inspiration would happen in the final product, but not so much all of what we write in its entirety.

Likely, the devs would want to implement their own ideas and such for a new race. Of course, that doesn’t mean that they would always just ignore megathreads entirely. There are plenty of great ideas that get put into the megathreads, and if the devs did view them for feedback, I could see some discussion going on about them in the offices and being inspired by ideas we have presented. They did say they were looking for feedback regarding new races, and at the very least, megathreads would play some part of that marketing statistic, big or small.

Speaking only for myself, whenever I write and put ideas, I do so from a “heres some neat things and ideas I wrote” to show how to implement a new race or design them in some way. I don’t really expect the devs to implement them exactly as I typed, assuming they pay attention to it of course. They’re just meant to hopefully inspire ideas should anyone take interest in them.

I do recall a long time ago, for another game of some kind, seeing talk that game companies don’t really take whole ideas specifically from fans and put them in exactly as we type them without saying anything. Something to do with legal reasons, although I don’t recall seeing a source about it. I’ve always stated that if the devs somehow like any of my ideas, they are welcome to use any of them in some fashion. It would likely mean they would be looking to implement playable Vulpera/San’layn/Ogres/Saurok for the Horde in some fashion, and that would be enough of a reward to make me happy.

To be clear, this is not to say that our megathreads are useless and ignored. Far from it. I do think a lot of ideas and writings we do here are awesome enough that there is a chance to inspire, to a certain degree, some neat ideas for new races.

All in all, I still think people should keep supporting and offering ideas for a race’s megathread that they want playable regardless. Some feedback is better than no feedback, in my opinion.

And if we do get San’layn playable and don’t get snarky Dreven, I’ll just be making my San’layn with that personality anyway, so there will always be snark of some kind. :smiley:


It occurred to me that there is probably a lot of things that have made it into the game that have been inspired from fan art. I remember reading that apparently the devs actually look over fan art on a regular basis to come up with ideas, but they still just want to do their own thing. Only understandable.


With how Mah’gar work, this would honestly make a lot of sense. Perhaps the Dark Rangers would have markings to differentiate themselves from the San’layn or something too. Or have extra customization with only the hunter class. The only issue I see with this is racials, since Banshee, Zombie, and Vampyr are all different. However if there were gameplay/flavor racials added for each group (so three flavor ones, and probably a few gameplay ones I suppose that could be all encompassing) we can say lorewise that whatever you pick would have that racial canonically and not the others. Or that all variant of undead elf taught the other each racial. Though blood drinking would be odd for non vampyr, so I think the former option would be solid. It might be a lot but I knew each AR has some flavor racials too. If we look at Zandalari, they have choice racials. So instead of loa we could get “embraces”. A buff of some sort that you’d activate to represent what you are–but would just be a flavor aura. So:

  1. Embrace of the vampyr: Blood drips from your lips every so often/your eyes go from red or amber to pitch black as your lips peel back to show fangs.
  2. Embrace of the Banshee: Every so often, your form becomes unstable, and your banshee form shows.
  3. Embrace of the Zombie: Every so often, a chunk of flesh falls from you.

^^ Honestly something like that would be fun and not really impact gameplay since it’d be flavor. Certainly something to think about. Also welcome to the thread, I see you around and love how much thought you put into everything!

People know I’m the opposite of an avid supporter of LFU. If this happened however, I would have no room to complain whatsoever. If it’s a pair meant to be, well, LFU sound perfect. (People in the discord will go crazy as this is an ongoing joke I said in April fools. That I’m now saying unironically.) But heck if they can pull it off and actually make it thoughtful, as well as giving us the 'layn, I’d say sure why not.

Yeah you’re probably right. The bright side though is that new feedback can constantly be added. Even now we are having constant flow of either racial, lore, or scenario ideas which might be the feedback they desire. Also yeah I imagine with the amount of work put in for those folks, well Vulpera anyway, prior to the megas really taking off, if they’re put in that’s likely due to pre-planning. We might never know though.

I need to stop being lazy and actually do this. Does it end in a cliffhanger?

All that you say here makes complete sense to me. As usual you have impeccable wording. I’m tired and falling asleep but wanted to reply best I could. But you’re right. The work we’re putting in is probably seen, maybe enjoyed, and twisted.

One thing, though. I’m pretty sure terms say that Blizzard can use whatever we post here for their own ideas, as we’re using their forums. I dunno how accurate I am though. But the bottom line is I imagine if they like our ideas, they indeed would use some aspects with creative twists of their own. They are writers and devs, after all!

Therefore, yeah we probably are here for support and inspiration. I wish I knew who came up with all the lore we have thus far for the vampyr so I could compliment them and mention that I appreciate the hope they’ve given.

This is really cool and yeah I imagine they grab muse from the stuff some of us say and then make their own creation :slight_smile: which is wonderful!


Something that would be interesting is if they were considered outcasts and were factionless. Horde and Ally both dislike them. They could still do quests but they can’t enter any of the capital cities.

A “Grab Bag” of Undead Elf archetypes would be the next best thing to straight up San’layn.

Not that I like the idea that much.

Undead/Dark Ranger/San’layn/Ghost. Anymore?

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I kind of makes sense that they would read and at the very least be inspired by fan art. However there literally also could have been some very big things in the game that were changed due to inspiration from. Like one thing I often wondered about void elves. They use a similar model shape as blood elves. Sometimes I wonder if high elf requests were the reason that they went with the shape of this model. I am not exactly complaining though. It is a good quality model.

That said, I’d also find it a bit concerning if they devs did take inspiration from a piece of fan art that resulted in something else that could have potentially been awesome being phase out. Cause in some cases you may have to wonder what could have been. However in truth. This probably has also happened many times and we also may not be aware of it for the most part.

Yep, Paizo has the same thing on their forums. It’s so if they do implement it or something similar a person can’t go “hey you stole my idea, ima sue!”


It’s not yet implemented. Its text has been updated on the PTR a few times (from talking to just hunters to talking to every class on both sides) but I’m not sure if they’re waiting to make the quest playable or something. There was a page about it on WoWhead. It’s currently known as Scarlet Halls Dark Ranger.

San’layn are perfect for a second round of allied races in a void/death themed expansion. Kael’thas racial leader would be just excellent. LOVE IT!


I’m glad you love our ideas! Yeah I’ve seen tons of people step forward and comment that Kael’thas coming back and leading the San’layn would be cool. I was rather iffy on the idea at first, but then I thought up a potential and fun scenario (Written in a post above and linked in first post of course) that would be very interesting if some aspects of it were used. Of course, people call my ideas “Fanfiction”, which I mean, technically unless it’s implemented, it is. But it’s theorycrafting and not something that I wrote just to derp around. I figure if people like the ideas, and Blizzard too, some aspects could potentially be used by them.

As for the void elf thing, I don’t think that was inspired by anyone’s writing or art, really. It was so left field that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was their raw idea. I do think void elves are interesting and have potential, though sometimes I wish Nightborne went on Alliance, and Horde got San’layn in replacement. But that ship has sailed, and I’ve kinda embraced them for what they are. I just wish they had more of a horror look to them, and of course had their void form be a toggle, at least for flavor and not stats.

Finally, I do think us agreeing to post on these forums allows Blizzard to utilize all of the things we talk about as theirs without the ability to sue. Which makes sense and I’m perfectly fine with, because I write my stuff with the idea that Blizzard is fully open to use my ideas. I’d be so thrilled and honored if it ever happened, actually!

Granted, if ever they do implement ideas from a mega that clearly is taken from said mega? I feel like some would whine about it because they didn’t put the effort into contributing theirs in the first place and would be upset that we’d have some influence. But time and time again I repeat myself saying that everyone should be giving their ideas in regards to lore and such, because otherwise they don’t have stuff to work with. If no one speaks up as to what they want to see, and if no one inspires muse and ideas, there’s nothing to use. So, of course the people talking about stuff would contribute to what might happen!


((Jaheira here))…. I would so love to play a San’layn! It would give me the ability to play as an actual Banshee! Banshee’s in many myths, were once beautiful, Elven women in life, and in Undeath, turned into ugly hags.

That makes me feel better then. More of a chance that our ideas could actually inspire and be implemented in some way. As I’ve said, I’ve no problem with Blizzard using any of my ideas, seeing as they would be utilized in making races I want for the Horde playable (Vulpera/San’layn/Saurok/Ogres).

I also wouldn’t worry if we don’t see a race become playable at least in the near future. I see people mention that Blizzard plans expansions in advance, and although it is possible to change some aspects, they may have a path that, for one reason or another, they have to stick to.

It’s easy for someone like me to just type up stuff and implement ideas for allied races anytime I feel like it, but something to keep in mind is that Blizzard is an ongoing company and the employees are married to that idea. A lot depends on what they’re wanting to do for the story, as well as what influence Activision has on them in general. There is always a chance that, if they get playable race feedback from us, it could be awhile to see anything come from it.

I also personally wouldn’t take offense if ideas I typed weren’t implemented in a race being playable. I could sit here and type Dreven either as the snarky vampire I’ve written him as or dressing up like Disco Stu from The Simpsons and defeating the Alliance in an epic dance-off, but in a realistic setting, there could be reasons it isn’t practical to implement those ideas for one reason or another. It’s hard to say what goes on internally, and all we can do is just post ideas and hope for the best.

That isn’t to say we should stop in despair, of course. I consider things like our megathreads to be planting the seeds and helping to maintain its growth. It’s possible it could eventually sprout into something and we enjoy the fruits of our labor. It also isn’t guaranteed, but as I said before, it is better to be part of a marketing statistic than not.

Speaking of which, as a company, there should be employees there that gather statistical data from players on things such as races we want playable. New races are a great cash cow, as the resources put into making them allow more opportunities for profit, such as race changes and level boosts. Megathreads wouldn’t be the ultimate place for such statistical data, as there as forums for fan websites and general gaming websites to gather such details for, and popularity isn’t the only factor in determining what races to make playable, but it is it something that can potentially be considered so long as we provide support for races we want playable. Not guaranteed, but still something.

Regardless, don’t despair if things don’t happen right away, be it in BfA or the next expansion. Hopefully people continue to show support for whatever races they want playable and don’t fall into despair if things don’t go quite the way they were wanting in terms of playable races. As I’ve said before, I’ve been wanting Ogres since Burning Crusade, and I’ll never give up on them or other races I want.

With that said, I got a 5 chapter exam to continue studying for. Weeeeee! x- x


You got dis!


If the San’layn ever become playable, I’d definitely make a San’layn character.


Yeah Banshee are really cool, I agree. I especially love the “bashee form” Sylv has that seems really cool.

Big same here. That’s why I made this thread! I’d be awestruck if any of my ideas made it in, or anyone else’s here. I think you all do a wonderful job of speculating and coming up with stuff that can be new. :slight_smile:

True that, I know that it takes a lot of time for this sort of thing. Especially lorecrafting. They’d need to look into the lore and make sure not only that it’s sound, but consider that it needs to remain stable for the future as well. Sadly we likely won’t see any ARs until they’re actually really close to release (official statements), due to the outrage at Zandalari.

Oh yes very true, I’d just be happy to have it in a way that I’d really enjoy. If they take nothing out of this, it’s ok, and at least we tried. Besides, some of the things we write up we can use as our own character concepts (with changes, of course, since many of us are using canon chracters) in roleplay, if we’re roleplayers anyway.

Exactly, that’s why I was like, “Well, there is no thread up now. It’s now or never, because I can’t rely on someone else to do something right.” I know it sounds kinda silly, but really–people that make and run these threads do have a responsibility to actually respond and provide feedback on ideas. Otherwise, what’s the point of making and abandoning it, you know? I’m just glad I made this before there were any sign of San’layn in BfA. It makes it somewhat more valid, as in not a response from me via the Dreven stuff, which would just be seen as a trend in that case.

Yeah, essentially I think the point of these threads isn’t a popularity contest. It’s about gathering and offering ideas. Creative people contributing all the time is very helpful. Of course, showing support and just being there to enjoy is also a great plus. But even those that don’t have a constant “Let’s do it” have as equal as a chance. It’s all about whether or not our ideas are taken into consideration and enjoyed.


((Jaheira again here!!!)) Yeah, I think that San’layn would be the perfect slot for a Horde variation of Worgen. That way, we have the Vampire VS Werewolf system going on.


Welcome back! And yes, I think actually there could be an interesting link between the worgen and San’layn. The worgen are specifically a cursed race…so would the San’layn be, however the blood curse origin is currently unknown, just linked to a Vry’kul source. The two races would have a lot in common, as they’d be corrupted by similar mutagen curses. One, worgen, having an origin in the savage side of nature magic.

What if the blood curse is also a form of nature magic, but like drust, is leaning more toward the death side of the life cycle? Maybe not even needing to be death at all, but a very potent form of life energy, since everything living runs on blood, and blood is needed to sustain on it?


Alright, so I created a poll here for those that want to brainstorm who should be the next Blood King or Queen. See here:

Cast your votes! I’m curious to see what you folks think.


No to San’layn.

1.) They take away the uniqueness of Blood Elves.
2.) There isn’t enough of them for this to work.
3.) If you want to play a San’layn, Blood Elves in tier 10 are waiting for you.

Forsaken don’t take away from humans.

There’s no confirmed numbers of San’layn at all, anywhere.
