San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Heritage Armors are great for these added effects!

Meanwhile, this video is making me so bloody sad.

Also something interesting to think about, though. Vampire bats have communities and friends, something called “reciprocal altruism.” I think that vampires in common mythos, which can then include San’layn, should have strong coven loyalty and bond. We know how bat-like San’layn are already in WoW, and I think emphasizing this aspect is important too. Also another way to make them less like sheer evil, blood-sucking monsters, and more loyal. As they should be.


Will this result in swirly eyes mind control from San’Layn?

A few /silly lines I thought of:

“When someone asked me if I wanted a drink, they gave me a weird look when I handed them a goblet and a knife.”

“I had someone ask if I could make them a drink, and they got confused when I tried to stab them with a straw.”

And a /flirt

“I’m so hot, I can be a vam-PYRE!”

I’m sure I can think of more when I’m more awake. <- <;


A blood ritual cementing loyalty to the horde and a new pack would be cool.


As usual excellent stuff Bagzak. My favorite is the goblet and knife line, I have to admit. It certainly would bring some… Favor.

Also I think a blood ritual and such would be really cool yeah!

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Maybe their mount could be them turning into a swarm of bats.


Or riding in/on them, we already have similar framework animations with the cloud/disc mounts.

Or just take the goblin shredder and make it bat themed, cause why not.

If we’re going silly let’s just get a palanquin carried by thralls.


This amuses me.

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I recently got the idea for some of the megathreads of different races to plan out some questions to be posted for future QnA streams. It might be a good idea to think of some reasonable questions to ask, when the time comes.

Of course, asking things like “Will (insert race) be playable?” will be ignored, questions aren’t guaranteed to be answered, and it also depends on the theme of the QnA, but it is something worth thinking about, in my opinion.

I’m sure there are several questions to ask regarding San’layn. Hopefully we can brainstorm some. ^^

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“Are we going to see the San’layn against in the future of BfA, or was it a one time thing?”

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Yeah I think I have a list somewhere in this thread of question ideas. I don’t know how I’ll comb through to find it, but I know some had to do with where the missing blood princes are. Also the question above my post is a good idea as well.

Maybe this time I’ll actually get a response from them… But I’m not holding my breath. And if it’s on reddit, forget it. People were calling for downvote bombardment of anything lore related or allied race related.

I see it on GD all the time too. “People need to shut up about the allied races.” Would be disheartening…if their words had value to me.

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I hear rumors of “Class Skins”, rather than making new classes, is going to be a thing.

Like, for example, a Dark Ranger will be a Forsaken High Elf or Night Elf Rogue/Hunter, with what Sylvanas is raising Night Elves into Undeath.

A Lightforged Draenei Shadow Priest will be a “Vindicator Priest”, with all of its spells and effects, be changed to reflect Holy/Fire damage and effects. So, Shadowform will become “Light Form”, and so on and so forth.

Necromancers will simply be Demonology Warlocks. Need I say more, since the gameplay mechanics are already in-game?

Priestesses of Elune will be a FEMALE Night Elf Holy Priest, with more or rather Arcane feel to the class spec.

There’s more, but I’m not going to spoil you all with more stuff.

This is a T&E video, nothing actually confirmed. It’s a neat concept!

I really hope San’layn isn’t a class skin for any of this though, it’s been seen that they’re multiple classes, and being restricted to only one class and spec would be so saddening. Especially since void elves are a thing, and they’re literally Blood Elves infused with void magic, whereas San’layn are so much more, just like how forsaken are extremely different from just run of the mill humans.

Anyway, I do like the idea of all of that, it would be like how Greenfire works I assume.

We’ve discussed this extensively and I agree that it would be amazing if we got this. It could unlock when people get flying, and while it would not provide a “True racial” mount, I guess, for other toons, it would be super, super neat for this allied race idea. Or even it could be like worgen, where they get their racial as that mount for effect and have a separate true racial mount. I forgot what worgen got as a mount later though…


I agree. San’layn are a race that have huge potential for an interesting storyline, have multiple classes, and would work well as a playable race with a leader. To just throw them under a “class skin” strikes me as a lazy solution that diminishes them greatly. It’s one thing to have a dark ranger as a skin, but San’layn are far from just being undead elves.

It also just sets a precedence for other races in the game just becoming a class skin, which would be disappointing to see that happen to some races. If this were to happen to San’layn, what happens to other races? Do they just become a class skin? Never to have an actual place or physical presence in the game or its storyline outside of very specifically placed, generic NPC’s that patrol an area in the expansion class skins are introduced and never really used afterwards? In game, they’d likely be referred to as whatever parent race they were made from. It would be utterly disappointing.

San’layn need to be a full on race, be it allied or even a core race. They should not just be slapped onto an idea acting as a compromise. This also applies to any race that would fall in such a black hole.

Quick Edit: I also wanted to point out that San’layn appeared in an expansion promoting allied races. Even if it is just in the Alliance war campaign, it would be a terrible tease to show them there and then all of a sudden just be relegated to being dead Blood Elves with no unique characteristics or storyline presence for specific classes. Bleh. -o -


I agree I think it would be a huge missed opportunity if they just slapped San’layn into the game as a class skin. Having said that, I could see it happening and being the beginning of that kind of customization being brought into the game. I mean think about it San’layn is one, I could see Kaldorei Worgen as a class skin for druids… I definitely think it could happen, not that it should though.

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If they were given some rich lore along with it, and not just restricted to one class, I wouldn’t be as sad about the San’layn being customization. That being said… I would really hope we get something more than just how Night Warrior worked. It was a minor tiny little lore thing, and looks to be kinda just… there now. Whereas this blood curse has so much to it, and I really would love it to be elaborated upon.

I see it as like a curse too, I think it’d be cool for the Horde to get a cursed race like how worgen are. But yeah, if anything, customization would be alright (although everyone knows what I prefer, but hey I wouldn’t be able to complain all too much if they gave it some love) if it was more than just for one class/spec.

“Vampire customization” for a select few races would also be really neat. There’s a lot they could do with it ^^

If anything I could see them doing the “Vampire customization” for DKs. I mean Blood Elf DKs would be the San’layn, and then the Human DK would get the Vampyr like we saw in Stormheim who suffered from the same blood curse as the San’layn.

If we are lucky we will get that, but I can’t see Blizzard doing anything more unfortunately I would love to see both get better treatment than that.