San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

No, that’s actually a great idea to make them unique.


I think the major problem with that or any bat mount is there are no flying racial mounts for any other race. BUT if we have a rep grind for San’layn it could be the exalted reward like how NB get a winged kitty. (Which is a quest reward though so I guess we could get one via a quest too)

I still think a cloud of bats racial like the monk cloud move (could be castable) would be really cool though. Like I’d be over the moon if we got it.


yeah that could work, have the flying version be the quest reward and the non-flying be the racial.

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I’m sure this has been said already. I Would really like to see Kael’Thas as the leader of the San’Layn. The San’Layn by definition alone are simply resurrected blood elves are they not? Never felt like his story was ever finished in any meaningful way, we kind of got the tv Stannis Baratheon treatment with his character doing a complete 180.

I am sure that his head can be retrieved and re-attached, revitalized with the use of blood magic. Look at Baron Rivendare in Naxx, he’s no headless horsemen and still looks good with that nice scarf that players still can’t get.


Are you saying…

Magister’s Terrace was merely a setback?

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I seriously don’t understand the elf fetish people have. Their all bat**** crazy.

Are you actually being serious? Or just making a bat joke?

Not being serious. Trying to “stir the pot” as you could say.

Given the recent High Elf shenanigans, I’d rather that not happen to this lovely thread.

Don’t worry, I know when to filter myself. I just tend to have a habit of teasing people.

Not technically… but the thing is, we really don’t know the vampyr curse started. We think it’s a Vry’kul origin, but San’layn are vampiric elves, more than just undead elves or banshee. That being said, we don’t have a handle on all the ways of making one. So this is plausible and it’s come up many times that Kael’thas would be a cool Blood King.

I’ll share this image for fans of the idea:


So uh… yeah I need this in my life?


I always knew Kael’thas would get a head in life. He always had a head and shoulders above others view of life, but let us hope he would have a good head on his shoulders afterwards, lest he find his head in the clouds. :V

Wakka wakka! :U


I only presumed since lore wise living blood elves drain other beings of life for magic. Now the Vampyr curse in Stormheim is a completely different story and something that seems to me is completely new to WoW’s lore in general.

As you noticed when combating the San’layn in the various ways we fought them there are no blood infused servants. Meaning they may not be able to share or pass on their gift unlike the vampire we saw in Stormheim which cursed a lot of human pirates.

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They aren’t simply resurrected/risen blood elves, they are under a specific curse of vampirism, they must feed to survive unlike your average undead or death knight

Undead Kael’thas with a scarf to hold his head on would look pretty freaky, considering his condition the last time we saw him. Mayby freaky is a good thing though when it comes to vampires

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Yea, that’s why I said I went a little too far. I was originally thinking class mounts and not race mounts. All the Legion class mounts fly but there are no flying racial mounts. But you have a good point that they could do like they did with the Nightborne.

Is the cloud of bats just a movement skill? Does it only transform you and move you so many yards? I could go for the cloud of bats as long as they have us able to fly when we unlock flying. Be really cool to be a swarm of bats flying around, lol.


Not too sure on that, seems blizzard has them up set that way. That unique quality might tied directly to blood mages, namely the undead ones. Which is heavier a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers?

He wouldn’t have one. If you’re referring to the use in my comment then I was merely commenting on the fact there isn’t a deathknight inspired Baron Riven tier set yet which is odd seeing how he would be widely considered the second most iconic death knight lore wise.

Merely a wake up call.

Actually they’re the same thing, believe it or not!

“Most Fascinating! It would appear that we’re dealing with our very own vrykul vampyr! All we have encountered have been of blood elven descent, but it has long been theorized that the vrykul have suffered the curse as well. It’s too bad he’s awake - I would dearly like a subject to study. Oh well, guess there’s nothing for it. Take this stake and put it through the old chap’s heart. I’m pretty sure that should do the trick.”

Granted: “Theorized” is a word in there, so they might be different but they might also be the same. I take it as the same, but…who knows? I hope it’s the same, it’d be cool.

But none of that explains how the curse is passed. We think it’s via bite, but no one said someone couldn’t be given the curse either resurrected already or be resurrected by it without having previously been alive, you know? Plus, if we look at how the blood orb resurrected the three Blood Princes in ICC, could that mean a blood orb like it can also bring back others too? Who knows. It’s so open ended right now that anything is plausible, including Kael’thas undergoing a ritual.

Exactly what you said there, yeah. I’m thinking it’d be a ‘racial flying mount’ but so people don’t freak out and call San’layn OP, it’d either be grounded until you earn flying, or go as slow as the monk’s cloud ability. If it was instant case, my fear is that again people would outcry and call for it being overpowered and unfair.

I know I should stop worrying about what others think yeah, but I know I have to be realistic so am offering the best way to get a really cool idea while still not overshadowing like anyone else :stuck_out_tongue:

And that’s why actual wings are so difficult too. Which is unfortunate, if San’layn got wings, DH would have a FIT! My solution is to let us BOTH have it :stuck_out_tongue: But then no one else would, so… it’s a big “Darn I wish we could have this”

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Can Kael’thas stay dead please? Let the man rest!

Take Lor’themar, he needs something to make him interesting.


(not opposed to the idea at all, but this gif is perfect)

I NOMINATE BAGZAK’S DREVEN THOUGH FOR BLOOD KING! Or one of the missing Blood Princes.