San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

We really need more sassy elves lol


Oh, Dearest Blood Queen Fallynn! I remade my Human Warlock into a Void Elf Shadow Priest. Still named Faollain. Same pronunciation as your Fallynn. I’m going to have to post as her some day soon.

If Blizzard did take notes, I hope they notice the parts where I show that Dreven isn’t antagonistic towards other members of the Horde, other than Sylvanas for good reason.

There are two worries I personally have regarding San’layn. One is relegating them to mooks and jobbers in a raid where Sylvanas is the main boss and then them falling into the black hole of NPC race irrelevance. The other is that, if playable, they becoming conniving, mushtache-twirling back-stabbers that plot behind the Horde’s back and undermining them for their own self gain.

San’layn are more than that. They need to be part of the Horde and proud to be part of it. After all, the Horde consists of races trying to survive and fight against the odds and those that deem them monsters. If the Forsaken can be accepted by the Horde in the beginning of Vanilla Warcraft, then they should be able to do so with the San’layn after they’ve proven that they’re in it for the long haul as allies of the Horde.

It’s why in my scenarios I have them wanting to reconnect with their kin in Silvermoon, sitting in the Ghostlands to help protect the city. It’s why I wrote up the scene of Dreven bonding with Talanji, after her mistrust of the San’layn in general when they were first introduced in BfA. It’s why if Sylvanas gets run out, they can help the Forsaken that rejected Sylvanas rebuild and restructure their society because of a sympathetic bond. After joining the Horde, they should have their own culture which is NOT power-hungry and being evil because they’re angry vampire elves. They were people before becoming Darkfallen and not still tools of the Lich King to just offer a chance of phat lewts to players while offering empty, generic evil threats at them.

They should not just join the Horde and be like Sylvanas where they have their own ambitions and are self-centered. That is boring, predictable writing, and is a reason I really started disliking Sylvanas in general. It’s why when I write up Dreven, he despises Sylvanas. To write them as something similar would be utterly disappointing and a missed opportunity.

Should we get San’layn playable, I hope they’ll be viewed as a sympathetic race that’s just trying to survive being cursed while giving it all for the Horde, who accepts them as full members. There is so much you can do with them, and I really hope they don’t just throw it all away to make them a villain-of-the-moment.


“1, 2, 3 to the 4, 1 elf 2 elf 3 elf 4, 4 elf, 3 elf, 2 elf, 1, you’re elf, hes elf, hes elf, none.” -Eminem

Okay, let’s make it 5

I agree 4 is too few!

Me too. I think it’s a very important thing they need to be mindful of. We don’t want mustache twirling villains. We want characters that have depth like a Death Knight does.

Luckily this won’t be a problem. Playable characters are “champions” and “heroes”. They have free will first and foremost. Sure, some do questionable things. It depends on the player. But even in the case of the forsaken you’re not required to side with Sylv because you have free will. Just like in MoP with the orcs.

After what they’ve been through I think it’s fair to say they should have a chance to prove themselves. As SMC loyalists, no doubt they cared about their people before being forced to turn into monsters. I really hope they end up like DK in that they’re iffy at first but contribute so much to the idea and their allies that they are accepted. No doubt not everyone will do so though. But that’s alright. Makes for a good story. I think they should have a similar walk to Silvermoon city when you first start one where the guards act nasty until you gain the favor of Lor’themar. This would be a good time to do so.

You and me both. We need a healthy mix of bad and good guys. It will show that they’re more than just cookie cutter bad guys. It’s perfectly reasonable to make them that way looking at DK, forsaken, and even DH. I really hope Blizzard takes what you write seriously because you spell it out so well and do a wonderful job.


Revisiting an old thread for fun. Really wish Blizzard would have listened.

AR are such a joke, gave us nothing we asked for, made it needlessly boring and grindy to unlock, made up unoriginal reskinned races instead of community favorites that were already established in the lore.

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It’s not so much the players I am worried about, it’s moreso the story with NPC’s. It’s like how for the most part, you have the Forsaken just kneel and accept Sylvanas without question as she is clearly up to no good, granted an argument can be that not all Forsaken are like that based on the “Before the Storm” novel. In-game, however, most just seem to worship the ground she walks on and accepts everything she does. Not all, but most.

In terms of quests, there are some quests where players do bad things and have to do the bad things to progress the questline, so it begs the question of how much choice players would have…or if such a choice shouldn’t even be there to begin with and designing quests that aren’t likely to have morally grey arguments. Would there be quests that new San’layn characters have to do questionable acts and undermine the Horde? Hopefully not. At this point, sure, we’d have San’layn playable, but as I mentioned, they shouldn’t just take the oath when joining the Horde while crissing their fingers behind their back.

It’s a worry that San’layn NPC’s would just be shown as cold, distant, and just clearly not to be trusted. Not to mention whoever their leader would be could reflect that, also, and just be written to be detrimental in some fashion for their own interests. I wouldn’t want them turned into a lovechild of Sylvanas and Garrosh, either. Nor do I just want to see the San’layn as a NPC race that just does evil things because bwhahaha-ebils!

It’s why it’s a worry of mine of how they would be handled, especially given how they were written in the Alliance war campaign. Before and after they would be playable. Would every single San’layn act like a vampire John Cena? No, but they all wouldn’t be puppy kicking villains, either.

Not knowing what is going to happen with the story and Sylvanas is another reason why I’m worried about either them becoming raid jobbers or just an enemy race. Once we have a more clearer picture, hopefully we will see a better chance of an introduction of them on the Horde side that leads them to becoming full members.

Whew, I just typed out my thoughts and rambled there. I think I need to think on this more to convey my thoughts a bit better. x- x

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I was thinking about mounts for them and thought “Why not a carriage?”. It is very unique and perfect imo. Would be drawn by black horses of course. Could even have a coffin visible inside. Just an idea.


Once upon a time people thought I was a vampire, then I thought I was a vampire, and then I went in a different direction and put tentacles on top of my other tentacles and now everything’s a mess.

But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t loving it.

Serve N’zoth, by the way.

Light vs Void dichotomy, the fundamental rivalry of all creation…

void elves are already the blood elves’ personal enemy in the alliance

now the worgen need the san’layn. we need more faction race rivalries!


But I don’t want calamari, I want blood!


I think San’Layn have a good chance at being druids due to the whole turning into a bat aspect of Vampires.


And cat, which is perfect for Druids. Don’t forget Carmilla!


And Guyliner! An essential part of any Vampire.


I understand entirely. I do hold out hope for a specific reason though. They did well with void elves, and the depiction is given a large variety. Forsaken too! The only ones that seem universally distant are DK NPCs which I personally love myself. Especially the “sigh…yes?” Because I imagine myself doing that sometimes.

This is an awesome idea and I don’t think anyone has brought it up yet. Skeletal or zombie horses could work too… Or a large group of bats/ a large bat that can’t get any lift but is fine to pull (not fly) a carriage. I know some of us briefly touched on the idea of a chariot which works well but a carriage also takes the cake.

I honestly hope so! I think it would be really cool, and they could be the Horde druids that utilize Drust magic. Plus… Sanlayn worked in very close proximity to Vry’kul of whom utilize that magic so perhaps they could have learned.

The druid forms would look soooo cool.

I’m so glad I’m not the only one thinking this. My boyfriend poked fun at me when I did though. But honestly it’d look great! Guyliner in my opinion looks awesome. I don’t get the stigma.


People who don’t play pretty male elves just don’t understand.

Did someone say Carriages? And undead horsies?


Nice! I did have the thought that when you unlocked flying the horses would grow wings and be able to carry your carriage but then thought that that might be going a little too far, lol. Thanks for the vid though. :+1:


No problem ^w^

I love horsies. And Bloodborne.