San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Thanks very much! Hopefully we’ll get some lore or word soon about the vampyr curse.

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All these days of severe storms have gotten me into a Dreven mood, so have some more snark:

Dreven: (to Jaina) You know, you must be really kicking yourself, having had so many opportunities to dismantle our Horde. If only you hadn’t killed your father for the very thing you are fighting for this very instance! I can only wonder how disappointed he is in you…hmm, actually, we can easily find out. Let’s find his body and we can just ask!


Im surprised you didn’t bring up her first boyfriend.

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Oh but I did, earlier!

But on that note:

Dreven: Seems like your lovers have that annoying habit of turning evil. Maybe third times the charm with your dragon-boy, eh? And quite a step up it seems to have been, too! Human, elf, and now a dragon! Whats next? Fluttering your eyes at the old gods next? It’s no wonder you’re the daughter of the seas, seeing as your wet dreams never dry!


I don’t want San’layn now. They decided to go with Void Elves, which are basically a new version of the San’layn based on shadow magic instead of blood magic.

So the San’layn ship has sailed. To add them now would be to diminish the Void Elves and take something away from them, when they already have so little to give to begin with.

If you want to play a sinister elf, play a Void Elf on the Alliance instead.

the void elves aren’t vampires, sure they can be considered “dark elves” but they certainly aren’t the same, and the themes between the two vary

I can see the concern with san’layn taking away from void elves’ spot as the “dark sinister” elves but Umbric’s little speech at Gallywix pleasure palace already tainted that vibe IMHO

very creative jab, haven’t seen this done a hundred times already!


I mean…if the existence of nightborne as a race of blue glowy elves infused by magic outlawed by their core race that then allied with the opposite faction didn’t stop void elves, I don’t think an entirely different flavor of elf would subtract much from them


In regards to a recent post, I’m quoting a past one I made so people can go and read. In addition:

  1. Blood and Void magic are extremely different.
  2. Blood and undeath mutate in a different way than void.
  3. San’layn have existed since Wrath and the vampyr curse even longer.
  4. Void elves aren’t even remotely close to vampires.
  5. Please avoid bringing vieled high elf arguments into my thread. I don’t care if someone’s upset about not getting them. Applying an argument that makes no sense here doesn’t help your cause.
  6. I understand if some don’t want them. It’s not going to change my stance and I’ll remain here sharing ideas until told to stop by Blizzard.
  7. I couldn’t care less about diminishing anything. It doesn’t impede upon their lore. So… Yeah I don’t care, void elves diminish blood elves if we’re making that argument.

As for Bagzak, you rock and as usual I enjoy how you character develop.


Frankly if they went with short elves(Gave us something like pixies), I’d find that much more unique and original than High elfs. Just a comparison photo between high elves and San’lyn will show their key uniqueness. Sanlyn as depicted in the video have a lot of unique features and themes.

I’m not a fan of short elves but I understand some like it. Regardless I don’t want to be compared to high elves at all. We are all different races and ideas basically.

That being said. Half-gnome-half-elf would be the idea you’re looking for.

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Its not something in the game that I am aware of, but in terms of concept this is what I thought of when I said"Short elves"


This is basically what came to mind except with pointy ears and about the size of maybe a goblin or dwarf.

I love me some lalafel short elves!

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I feel like he’s going to be on the “I want to kill him the most” list of like… every Alliance character he taunts. …What if he brings up Anduin’s charred father? Burn…BURN… am I right? Hekhekhek!

This wouldn’t be surprising :stuck_out_tongue:


Dreven: (To Anduin) Your father loved the Alliance, didn’t he? So much so, he went to pieces for it! I mean, I knew he was a hothead, but I didn’t expect him to blow up with such a fiery passion!

Seems like what I can think of at the moment. :V

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I’d never play as one, but more players options is always better.


That’s a pretty deep burn (low hanging fruit, I get it, but I had to!)

Understandable, and even if you’d not play one, I thank you for supporting more options. Also thank you for being kind ^^ Hope you get what you want as well!

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I quite like the idea of having Void Elves on one side and the San’layn on the other. Each side having their own darker flavor of vampiric elf.
If they were on the same faction, then yeah, maybe.
Since they’d be on opposite factions, bring it on.

Agreed, the themes between them vary enough and being on different factions works.
They are essentially different styles of vampires though.
There were a few comments about an infinite hunger during the recruitment quests.
The void does want to consume all. Possibly a hunger that can’t be sated.
It’s definitely a different style of hunger though. Almost opposites. WIth San’layn it’s to support their existence. With the void it’s to end existence.
That’s helps differentiate.


Goodness…forget going straight to the heart - you’re decimating it.


Not to mention void elves kinda poofed out of nowhere and don’t encompass an actual vampire theme at all. Starry nights and gross tentacles… I’ll pass for it being anything remotely vampire themed. True that the magic does similar, I’m glad contrast was pointed out for sure.

We want actual vampyr which exist in the WoW universe otherwise we wouldn’t be here. The focus on blood and blood magic, regal themes, frozen beauty/undeath, bats… The works.

Honestly I love Bagzak’s version of Dreven and am hoping Blizzard is taking notes.