San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Kaelthas was a pretty cool character and I mean they did bring back Illidan after all. Who knows.

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Illidan was in much better ‘condition’ than Kael’thas after we beat him up in black temple though, i couldn’t imagine just how grotesque kael would look like if he were raised now

i mean last time we saw kael he had a rock jammed in his chest and he was balding, half-way to becoming a wretched, he’d look like Nosferatu tripped in a meat grinder lol

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We’ll mend him like we did with Sylvie’s scar!


Is that official art? If not it’s still really good. I wonder how she fixed her Frostmourne impalement wound. I’m pretty sure I read that Arthas ran her through. Maybe Arthas necromantically repaired her as well as keeping her body fresh to torment her. I still really want my undead elves bad (San’layn <3.)

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looks like Makani’s artwork, actually (i may be wrong)


Yay you got it right


Some of the best Blizzard content is fan made.


I was looking through some San’Layn art and they reminded me of one of my all-time favorite games . . . .Soul Reaver and even more of a favorite Soul Reaver 2. The San’Layn look like Raziel. I would definitely try to mog like Raziel if I got one. I want them even more now.


That video is awesome. Though it breaks my heart that they would be horde if they were a thing I am all for San’layn in the horde because as someone who wants high elves in the alliance i will not be a hypocrite on this issue of adding more content to the game.


Who ensures the integrity of gnomes if San’layn becomes playable? :cold_sweat:

My support for Sanlayn, queldorei, forest troll and Wildhammer :stuck_out_tongue:


Hah yeah see? That’s the style I’m kinda talking about. A bunch of hair on one side. Maybe not a “mohawk” persay, though. It’s a different kind of hairstyle. For reference, the picture link is here so peeps can see: (I can’t unfortunately, you know… post the image itself D: )

He died in a very grisly way I think, but if we consider things, the blood princes were all slaughtered and brought back like the Blood Queen too. I see many that talk about San’layn bring Kael up and express the desire for him to be “Redeemed” in some fashion, like Illidan. I have to say, I love the idea of a blood king. And a redone Kael model could be amazing.

I’m tempted to write some sort of blood ritual scenario that could be used to “bring Kael back”. Yes–I know it’d be fanfiction and headcanon. But this is about sharing ideas. So it’d be my idea as to how it could work. I could be way off the mark, but if I don’t try anything and don’t write as I do, how will I ever be able to provide potential ideas? ^^ Bag shows that excellent development can happen from our ideas, in my opinion.

That is a beautiful piece :slight_smile:

One of us, one of us, one of us! Hahaha… Well, Bagzak converted me to the ogre cause, so it works :stuck_out_tongue: I’m glad you like our ideas though, it makes me happy that people are enjoying them. We’re hoping to make them as epic as possible.

Good question, but if mechagnomes come out, those ones will technically be safe! Hekhekhekhek!


Who ensures the integrity of gnomes if San’layn becomes playable? :cold_sweat:

Unshealths glaives They best watch out. Drinking fel blood is dangerous to those who aren’t demon hunters. :smiling_imp:


I can’t unfortunately, you know… post the image itself D: )

Well hey. I can pull my weight a bit.

This work around has at least fairly decent results.


Hey folks, until they eventually come up with heritage armor you can at least find some stuff in the blood wing of ICC. Well, for casters at least. Obviously DKs are already set with artifact appearances and tier from Legion.


Oh it did occur to me. That armor in the video looks like it is supposed to be Sanlyn heritage armor. It looks absolutely beautiful too or rather wicked I should say.


Very true! There’s some highly talented artists out there to be sure.

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…Well this is awkward…


Well now. They look like quite the cute couple indeed. :grinning:

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Yep! The gif has that basic idea too. My favorite part are the wings. I hope we get winged shoulders if nothing else. It would be perfect. Bat wings, even.

Just me, stopping by for my weekly San’layn thread bump :grin:
