San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Hey cool, I’m actually a novel writer myself too. I hope your writing is going well, I know how all consuming it can be. May I ask what genre you’re currently writing in?

I’ve got about 3 novels in various stages of manuscript at the moment, but it can be very difficult to write for one when the others are calling your name.

Yeah, it’s no problem ^^ I only write fantasy/action/adventure with a dash of romance. Usually in an urban setting. I’m on Wattpad (great place for free books, anyway). Cool to hear you’ve got novels going too though! Seems like all of us creative folk end up doing something in the arts :stuck_out_tongue: Those that want varying additions to the game in regards to races, I mean!

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Hah, yeah I guess we all just want to see some new stuff added to the game.

That’s my preferred genre to read usually. My first published novel is actually a horror/thriller. I’ve also got an urban fantasy in the works, a fantasy set in its own world, and a few superhero stories.

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You ask, and Lance delivers.


Hah, thanks for posting this for me.

I thought the Blood Elf face turned out well, so I decided to put him up without the mask, but with the shoulders. This way he looks a little different from the previous two in some way besides just the face.


Oooo wish we had more short haired options like #7
I can’t believe you put Ardyn. I would love his hair ingame if the wow engine can do it justice. He’s also Reinhardts VA. <3


Reminder NOT to respond to the trolls guys, and report people if they are trolling. Don’t let fights break out here, let’s keep talking about our ideas and ignore the needless insults. Edit: Was taken care of. Thanks Blizz! :slight_smile:

Haha, wasn’t intentional either! Something fun and cool I found, I figured some people would recognize the style or people.

Also huge huge grats on the published novel! That’s awesome ^^


I’m not a fan of San’layn (I’m a Quel’dorei and Wild hammer supporter), but I wish everyone here can play someday with the vampire elves! :blush:


I feel the same way about various other races but have the same idea, if they make sense lorewise I’m all for more customization/option and such like that. Thanks for the support ^^

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If these were Vampiric goblins or something like that I’d be totally hyped for something like this to happen, but of course there is that I am aware of no such thing as vampiric goblins in lore. However someone who checks out the custom options in the video would be hard pressed to deny that they don’t like a pretty cool concept. One of the things I really love is those custom wings that were made.

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My favorite styles I’d say are:

Plus hopefully that post will give Blizzard some ideas. Our version of the half mohawk could totally be more punk rock than void elves.

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“Coagulate” and San’layn in the same sentence I see what you did there.


YES! You’re the first to notice! Hekhekhekhek!

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I wouldn’t say that. I just didn’t say anything because I thought it was obvious. Also I’m a writer too. I’m taking a break right now but I’ll be returning to it soon.


Ah pity da foo’ who don’t want this!

Fair enough hehe, in that case I meant first one to point it out :stuck_out_tongue: pun very much intended.

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In my personal opinion, I don’t think that Mohawks in specific fit Sanlyn quite right. However there is a number of spikes hairstyles that I could see suiting them very nicely. Mowhawks can be seen in a gothic light, but I wouldn’t say the style of Sanlyn is quite gothic in specific. Hard to explain, but I get more of a specific fantasy setting/feeling from it whereas gothic seems more like it would suit a clan on Death knight Blood elves.

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Fair enough! I think that the most fitting for them are a variety of particularly long styles. In common fantasy, we see many vampires with really long hair. Old Dracula does have it short and sleeked back though, so i think a style like it also fits well.



This is a good picture I think you may like to see. This picture is a good example of what many people think when they hear the words “Dark Elf” or “Vampire Elf”. Now this one is a much more gritty and realistic looking one. Its more like one you’d expect in a game like Skyrim or Elders Scrolls. Now you can see if you were to give that one a mohawk it would upset the vibe a bit. However…

I am all for added options and I wouldn’t say mowhawk complete break the theme either.

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If San’layn becomes a thing I hope they also bring Kael’thas back as a Blood Prince, he’s one of my favorite characters from Warcraft franchise, but was really sad how he was wasted in BC… :slightly_frowning_face:

I know he’s dead but isn’t like they can’t bring him back as undead like most San’layn is.