San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Which hairstyles? There’s several I saw :stuck_out_tongue: One of them looks ridiculous but hey, I’m sure some would use it hahaha!

The butt-shaped one.

Ew, vampire things… stab it with a wooden stake in the heart.

Butt hair, as you requested:



Add a braid to the back and it would actually look good on females.

Also, if they do vanity bandages they could have bandage wrapped braids.

You mean like this?



Less curly but yes!


But it looks like a heart, she doesn’t want darkfallen gnawing on her head!

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I actually saw a meme with the PDS thing on it…first time I saw you mention it, I figured it meant Pretty Damn Severe. LOL.

It’s a shame they don’t change based on spec. Then you could use Blood and have red eyes, both fitting.

Looks great!

Seems like you’d tie them to a cloak, would this be a bad idea for the heritage armor? Oooh, could do some sort of swap out…the cloak becomes wings? Or wrap the wings around the body gargoyle (cartoon) style as a cloak?


My brother Lancelot made a San’layn male mockup.


Thanks for posting this for me.

I used Nightborne male chest, Night Elf male legs, both arms are Blood Elf male, the head is Nightborne, the eyes are from the Dark Ranger skin for Night Elves, and the ears are rotated Night Elf ears. The eyebrows are from Nightborne as well.

The shoulders are tweaked from male Blood Elf, while the hair is of course Night Elf. I also took just the mask from the Bloodmage Hood on a Blood Elf, and made a cutout in the midsection of the robe.


Also it’a confirmed that WoW’s Vampyr aren’t all that bother by stakes.

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Get abs with this one easy trick.

That’s good work right there.

Can he try fiddling with the Nightfallen model?


Ah I think ashen and dark skin colors would go well with San’layn indeed, along with the typical pale. It’s a shame that void elves didn’t get really dark skin, even like void-black (Their void forms), or their forms as a toggle too. It would look so amazing.

Makes sense! Reminds me somewhat of how I think they did the Blood Princes. I know the princes are a mixture of both.

Haha yeah that questline was a lot of fun.


I may try something with it later, but I can’t promise it will turn into anything usable.

That’s what I was aiming for, essentially a playable model version of the Blood Princes.

Since we work in layers, Lance was able to remove the mask and shoulders. He asked me to post that here too.


Thanks for posting this one as well.

I figured people might be interested in how he looks without the mask, so you can actually see how his face looks. I figured while I was at it, I would remove the shoulders too, just because I could with the way I’ve done the layers.


Looks interesting ^^ I personally am not a fan of night elves much at all, and would hope for a blood elf face, personally. Am sure others would like it though!

It’s actually a Nightborne face with Night Elf eyes, but I see what you’re saying. I may do a version with a Blood Elf face if I can get it looking good.

Makes sense! Regardless it’s cool to see people brainstorm ideas with what can be done with the models for sure. One day I might put effort into learning stuff like it :stuck_out_tongue: But I am too focused on my novel writing to do so currently.