San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I would much rather have a Necromancer class with a blood magic based healing spec. It’s more fitting as Necromancers are death magic spell casters rather than a death knight as they’re more heavy armor melee knights with some additional spell casting.

Blood magic does keep showing up more and more as the expansions go on.


Yeah, I’ve noticed that quite a bit. Your idea could work well too, granted at that point looking like a vampyr to be a necromancer wouldn’t make sense, so while it’d go hand-in-hand, it would no longer be playable vampire and more “caster that raises the dead or works with blood”.

I do hope we get some sort of necromancer at one point. In Diablo 3, the necromancers are really awesome. I love the bone spikes in particular. There are not enough dead bodies building up though for it to be solely focused around corpses, so they’d have to do a bit more with it, I think.

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Yeah, but I was thinking San’layn still being a AR and not tied to a class, which seems like an odd route.
We’ve already got plenty of non-vampire races being necromancers or blood mages in game already.
Would be a fitting class for a vampire as well though.

Yeah, most games don’t even require there being corpses, which I think D3 also does. Corpses could become additional animates, where your regular skeletons don’t have to be.
I’ve played the necro on D3 a bit and quite liked it.
It could also make a cool tank spec, but I don’t know that’s needed as much as a healing spec. Shame they couldn’t go with 4.
I kinda like the idea of a necromantic tank that mitigates damage via a bone exoskeleton that’s replenished from the minions he summons. Much more interesting than the bone armor DKs have :stuck_out_tongue:

Would also be a fitting idea for a death knight, but they’ve already got a tank.

Something like
bone based tank
blood based healer
minion focused dps
and frosty lich spell caster would be neat.

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Welp, I’ve made A’s in all my classes, so time to celebrate with some Dreven snark towards Mecha Gnomes:

Dreven: Hmmph. Leave it to the Gnomes to create a way of replacing their blood with that disgusting substance they call oil.
San’layn Commander: Since we can’t siphon them, what should we do?
Dreven: Hmm…if I’m in a generous mood, give them to the Goblins. They’ll likely just blow them up quick and…well, possibly painfully.
San’layn Commander: And otherwise?
Dreven: Just give them to the Vulpera. I’m sure they’d be interested in poking around to see what makes them tick.
San’layn Commander: (shudders)


True that! D3 does, for some corpse abilities, but that mechanic works very well anyway since it’s such a big grindy game that your corpse buildup is HUGE!

It is my favorite and all I will play if I am gonna be honest.

This does sound cool. I only worry it would impede upon DK, but I wouldn’t mind all too much, as a DK player. The minion focused DPS anyway, in particular. All the other ones utilize the same magics but not runic and in a different sort of way. Druids have 4 specs, so why not! Though they could do with adding another spec to DH :stuck_out_tongue:

I love it :smiley: I just imagined Dreven hugging a Vulpera, and it’d go something like this.

Sylv: …What are you doing, Blood Prince Dreven?
Dreven: Hm? Oh, nothing. I am merely observing our new ally.
Sylv: That looks more like cuddling our new ally.
Dreven: Yes, I see, well it is a good thing I am treating this Vulpera nicely rather than as cannon fodder, which is more than can be said for someone here, Banshee Queen.


No kidding. I was looking to up the difficulty because my little army was obliterating everything.

I play one as well and have no issues with it impeding. I don’t see any issues with different classes having some bleed over or getting caster and melee classes that deal with the same sort of things.
I’d quite like some sort of Void Knight as well.

Yeah, I just wonder what it could be. Some have said something ranged…

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Vulpera need hamster balls


Got some art of Falls via contest. Enjoy some San’layn art!

Like I said, claws are a must have in my opinion!




Popping in to say, Hey! I still support Vampire Elves and I can’t wait to suck some blood soon.


Thanks very much!

I doubt Blizzard would ever do this, but wouldn’t it be so cool if we had make-up options?! Like we could have our claws be painted different colors, or have varying styles of lipstick. Males could have guyliner. This could of course apply to all races. I think it would be a super neat addition right along with tattoos. Speaking of which, it’s been brought up before but I still think blood rune tattoos or scarring would be SWEET! Could you imagine?


Beardless night elves could draw their eyebrows back on!


I refuse to play a San’layn unless this is an option.


Wait… they don’t have eyebrows? I never noticed that. HAH!

See I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks this option is nearly a must-have :stuck_out_tongue:


This is how you implement a unique race properly. If we get Vampire Elves, they should be a love letter of sorts to vampire fans, in terms of customization!

Great artwork and my continued support for them!


Going to address the hairstyles used in the video. Most of them shown are mainly from Wildstar and one from Allods: 5:01 Cassian/Exile, 5:12 Exile(without bun)(looks nicer without it), 5:25 Exile, 5:48 Cassian(favourite one, used it on my stalker) and the one from allods 6:00 Elven female.

With that aside, I’ve changed my mind. I support the San’layn as an allied race if they were to be made playable.

I personally would prefer if those hairstyles listed were also added to the other races as well namely night elves. nightborne, and void elves. If a dev ever reads this(add vertical/horizontal ear options as well to all elves).


Thanks so much, I appreciate it :slight_smile: Glad you still support us! And yeah, I wish we’d get makeup so badly. It’d be so much fun to choose our colors. Beyond that, too–could you imagine goblins with golden lipstick?! Ok, I might be thinking of my own lady goblin there, but still! I’d love black lipstick for my non-DK elves too. And other colors!

Haha thanks, I’m glad we could sway ya! I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but we do try our best to come up with glorious stories and ideas for what we could see, since this is a sort of curse that’s a mutagen and flexible. As for the hairstyle stuff, sounds cool, I had no idea! The artist’s rendition might be inspired by that for sure, or even nabbing from it.

1 billion percent agree with this. I wish more hairstyles were shared across races, to be honest. I definitely agree and would love to see that.

On another note, I’ve had my sunglasses on my toon and logged out on her for a long time now with them on. Come on forums, where are they?!

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I think you can sorta force update your characters by logging into, and then back to the forums

Or at least that seems to work for me


Finally looked at this post and I’m actually mind blown by all the customization/models that was thought up its dope AF I’m actually sold on this being an allied race now Good Job


Thanks very much! I knew a thread for us would be a good idea over a year ago :stuck_out_tongue: it was a longshot but I’m one to put a lot of effort into a project so had do so it in the best way that I could!