San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

My final final has been taken, huzzah! \ ^ o ^ /

This means I’m officially on a brief summer break before my 4-week marketing class in June, so I may have some time to actually do some writing for this megathread, the Ogre megathread, and other stuff if I get the inspiration and time to do so. I might consider writing chunks of that “Battle for Silvermoon” idea here, if it is ok, since it is suppose to help show San’layn in a better light and set them up for an allied race. That and there is a better chance of the devs getting feedback here than elsewhere, assuming they’re doing that with the megathreads.

For now, I’m going to wait for my caffeine to wear off and likely rest at some point. I woke up at 1 AM thanks to insomnia and decided “Welp! Better make the most of this extra time!” and studied until I took my final final at 10:30 AM. Caffeine is truly the breakfast of champions.

At any rate, I’ma loaf and engage in Ogre hibernation for now. _o _



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I’m very much looking forward to it! Soon enough I’ll be freed up too, as I’m graduating in a few days. As such hopefully I can make more videos for us too. And other AR communities that want a video to put things together.

I think writing out a story is a brilliant idea. Hopefully once 8.2 drops, we will get more Allied Race information. Granted… We might have to wait for 8.2.5 for news though. Ugh


Maybe sometime when I get the inspiration, I can share some ideas with you on discord. I could likely use some advice from someone more knowledgeable in San’layn stuff. ^^

I remember you mentioning that awhile ago, so I assumed your finals were around the time mine were. Given how important your final classes are right before getting a degree, I wanted to make sure I didn’t interrupt your studying and such. Once you’re done, I’m sure I can share ideas with you about writings and stuff. :smiley:

I think I said it before, but in terms of learning about WoW lore, it helps to have both a visual and auditory narration for me to understand stuff fully. I do want to ask if you had any particular ideas for videos, though. ^^

It’s a lot of fun and can show ways to implement various races as playable while offering potential inspiration. It’s a reason I’ve tried hard with my writings for Ogres and San’layn. If I get the inspiration, I might try out a scenario for the Vulpera as well since I do want them, assuming Eevee wouldn’t mind. I need to do some research first, however, to make sure I have an understanding of them and to limit anything I’d possibly overlook.

I don’t see any allied race announcements when 8.2 does drop, but with any luck, we’ll get something soon after. November is too far away to withhold any allied race announcements, in my opinion, and I’ll sound like a broken record repeating it, but it is how I feel. <- <;

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I didn’t mean a third faction. I meant a group like Acherus or the Scourge.

As for a fourth hunter spec, I doubt they’ll add another spec to any of the classes. On the latter, I doubt that they’d be putting that much effort into a scenario reward, especially if said scenario allows all classes to participate instead of just hunters. The greenfire quest was for warlocks only. This quest/scenario with the recent 8.2 edits appears to be for all classes and races of both factions to participate in.

It might be for customization, but just appearance alone won’t make you feel like a Dark Ranger. As a customization for just Blood elves and Night Elves, you still play as if you’re alive. You wouldn’t feel undead. A hero class is equal shares appearance, lore, and theme. I think the scenario maybe a hint towards the next class, but like you said it could offer new customization as prizes.

But darn if they aren’t taking forever to put in the quest on the PTR. The text for this quest appeared on the PTR a while back and still hasn’t been added in its entirety. I just want to know already so I can be pleased or disappointed.

I’m always online and open to chat in discord :slight_smile: Same with the community!

Haha no worries. I just took my last final on Friday. Going to be graduating with a Bachelor’s in Biology on Sunday! I’m excited. Then… onto grad school. Y’know, I shoulda been a vampire bat scientist. It would have been funny. Did you know they exhibit reciprocal altruism? Where if a bat comes home hungry, another will feed it, and in return that original bat will return the favor? Fascinating stuff. Alas, I will only be a dragon scientist.

For WoW stuff, my top Legion cinematic is one of my ideas, but relevant to San’layn, probably summarizing the blood magic occurrence in this expansion. Also, I want to do a San’layn art video and gush over awesome pieces people have done. I have tons of commissions I’ve gotten for my toons already that I’d use on it, and likely ask my community if they want me to feature some art.

Something soon after would be better than nothing for sure! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ooh ok, that makes sense then. Wouldn’t it be cool if San’layn like… joined Acherus? Playables, I mean.

Yeah I’m surprised it’s not on there yet. Is it something coming up in 8.2? I have not heard much of it myself, to be honest.


Congrats on the graduation, and best of luck with your future endeavors! Believe me, a master’s degree is a great goal. You get to act all superior when you’re amongst your friends :smiling_imp:


whats up nerds. good to see the thread being talkative.


Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile: we just got up to 200 likes by the way! I know “likes don’t matter” but still, it feels kinda nice. I know people can also cheat the system though which makes it feel slightly less sweet.


Oh, my Dearest Blood Queen Fallynn! If and only if San’layn are made into a playable race, be it an Allied or Core Race, the Dev’s should make an NPC based on your current character, naming her: Blood Queen Fallynn…. You seem like an interesting specimen to chat with, and I would love to join your Discord server, if you are in the mood for discussions about the San’layn in their entirety.


Of course you’re welcome :slight_smile: I am “Blood Queen” in Discord too, technically! We’d love to have you. is our discord, if you need any help figuring out how to see the channels, read the readme :stuck_out_tongue:


Royal blood

You find a princess, suck the life force out of her, and voila!

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Not a fan of them to be honest, but i do hope they become thing for all the people that want them.


I think I’ll drop my thought in here from another thread. I’m not entirely sure how this idea would jive with others in here who would rather have a whole race dedicated to the vampiric theme honestly though. And I have not read through all of your great post and do not know the lore like most of you more than likely. But I still like the idea and think it could be worth passing along.

But what if the San’layn were used instead as trainers for a new blood dark magic healing class for death knights? We do not have a dark magic type of healer in the game right now and with the blood elves being readily available to be played as a DK they could be essentially be played as a Sanlayn. I have always wanted the death knights eyes to reflect their spec…blue eyes for frost, red for blood, green for unholy… if there was a way to differentiate them enough to seem vampire-esque would this be appealing to you?

I like the idea because then the option will be open to many different races.

Sorry if it was totally random or already discussed!

Edit to add as an after thought: there would be no reason for this spec of class to be a plate wearer. It could be the 1st class to have specs that wear a different armor type. :grinning:

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Hey thanks for being kind about it though! I hope you get what you want too :slight_smile:

Any idea is worth talking through in my opinion! Everyone might not agree, but that’s with any idea. Heck, I run the thread and there’s no consensus on anything really short of fangs and claws being a must (have yet to see someone debate against that one).

This could possibly work; naturally I want them as an AR more than anything, but this would be interesting indeed. So if you swapped to that spec, you would gain red eyes and fangs, and such? Or if you unlock it (should it be unlockable), you get the customization? It’d effectively work like DK?

This sounds interesting, but I see people as possibly being very mad about it for this reason: You would then have to collect 2 entirely different gear sets for every single piece. Plus, it would be the one class where you could farm multiple types of gear too, so people would only farm old content on DKs for cloth AND plate or something.

I think, though, your idea could work with a hero class–hemomancer. That way it could be like DK and DH, where they get unique customization to go along with them too, and then we could have pretty much every race be a vampyr. We could have a healer spec and caster spec, maybe even a spellblade-esque spec.

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AHAHAHAHAH! LOL! I spiled my milk, right now! :rofl:


I suppose I haven’t put enough thought into the idea to pitch it yet lol. I will have to think about it more to flesh out the details!

But honestly I was thinking it could be a route a DK could choose to pursue… sort of like a Demon Hunter yeah but not permanent. You as a player could decide whether or not they wanted to choose this new opportunity presented to you by the Sanlayn. Let’s say it would be something like a scenario they can go through like the night elves who get a new customization in darkshore, the death knights receive a new spec. So this would be something gained at a higher level.

Maybe there is need to save your allies and the Sanlayn have a way for you to do so, but at a cost. The reaction from a ritual performed by a Sanlayn would transform you. you change into one of them. Red eyes, fangs, dark skin, maybe more…a full overall transformation. Of course there would have to be a reason the Sanlayn would want to do this but I’m not sure of any of this.

But then there is also the armor issue. I’d rather you be able to switch back and forth from a vampiric form spec. If they stayed plate they would have to have to make something for them to fit the theme. But we only have one other mail healing spec and mail would make more sense than heavy plate.

(Actually leather or cloth would look better but hey… let’s be honest … mail could use some better styles and having the vampires there could help inspire something new!)

This will be a completely personal opinion here maybe? But for a class sharing specs with different armor types there should always be a mail equivalent piece to a plate piece, I wouldn’t care in the least if it just changed like our stats did. Lol they could either only get armor that fit the spec they were playing at the time or they could choose to only receive healing gear if they were rolling as dps. I think there would be a way to make it work out fairly. It could even be easier to distribute the gear if nobody could use a mail upgrade maybe the death knight could for his healing spec he is working on?

I really do feel like this is worth thinking more about and putting together. This is just spur of the moment ideas right here. I am going to check out that video you posted up there and maybe it will give me a better idea as to why this could work or if everything I just said was completely ridiculous! Haha

I’d play a dark healer though! :slight_smile:

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Something I thought I would mention about the ways I write my Dreven snark is that he does that specifically with the Alliance to get under their skin. Likely coming across them, in a BfA setting, is in combat. Thus, by using a charisma-related tactic of getting them angry and agitated, they’re less focused on actual combat. This can be used as an advantage to even lead them into a trap.

My vision of Dreven towards other Horde members is very different. He is respectful and can often be humble, such as with Lor’themar and Talanji once they hit it off, and I’ve explained why he would act the way he does towards Sylvanas (aka poking the banshee bear). Of course, he wouldn’t be afraid to speak his mind if the situation calls for it, but hes not seeking to be antagonistic to other Horde members when he does.

There are plenty of ways to give character to any San’layn leader, and in doing so makes a memorable character and adds flavor to a storyline situation. This applies to any character in general writing, but it’s good to show opportunities to inspire others. ^^

Blood isn’t an element, but Life is. They could specialize in growing vampiric vines that strangle and drain their prey.

I’m not for San’layn, but I’m not particularly against them. Still, I think they’re way too powerful. I mean, in the Alliance war campaign one drinks a gnome down to his skeleton. His SKELETON! Certainly makes me view the Darkfallen with newfound respect (and lament when that one Wrath boss was snacking on me… are my bones showing?), but also raises an important question: how do they get brought down in power to match other playable races?

True that, very true!

This is a good question and very valid. I understand entirely why one would ask it, and well, BfA gave us that answer! Here’s some ways we could be playables. Our leaders would be really powerful however, but most racial leaders are. Anyway: (View in 3D) (view in 3D, can see red eyes!)’layn_Neophyte

Essentially, we’d be playing one of the lesser units of San’layn, I imagine. Not anything like a Blood Prince, but like a lower powered San’layn. Kinda like how our orcs aren’t warchiefs, and how our trolls aren’t all powerful princesses like Talanji. I’m glad we got a show of power in the war campaign. Gah, it was so cool! I hope they don’t just drop it after showing it. So much hype, only to be shoved into the shadows again. By no means do I think it’s 100% or even 10% possible to get this. But still, argh! So much hype… so much hype…

Anyway, yeah! Basically it’d work like that ^^ We’d be getting lesser NPCs to play, not the all-powerful princes.