San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)


I’ll also accept Superman/Hulk super jumping like how we go in and out of our Class Hall.


Yeah they already got their bone wings things don’t they?

When I was thinking of my “Battle for Silvermoon” scenario, I had thought of the rumors of a Silvermoon warfront and imagined that the best way to to show the San’layn caring about their previous home, as opposed to being braindead blood-obsessed addicts, is to have them operate in the Ghostlands.

I have no doubt that the war between the Horde and Alliance would continue after 8.2, and I could see Alleria conspiring with Tyrande, maybe even some others like Genn, to wage an attack on Silvermoon with the idea that Alleria would want to take it over for her Void and High Elves, Tyrande would get some revenge for her home being destroyed (this is of course misguided anger), and Genn would assist the Night Elves for all they’ve done for his people (that and the werewolf vs. vampire theme). There would be members of the Alliance that might want to remove any Horde presence on the Eastern Kingdoms continent as well. I forsee Anduin not being happy when hearing about this battle, seeing as he would rather just get the Blood Elves to join the Alliance peacefully, so it also adds some interesting storylines for the Alliance without breaking them up.

Since Silvermoon would stand after the fact, it makes some sense to me that the San’layn would set up shop and patrol the Ghostlands for enemies and help protect Silvermoon so an invasion can be more easily thwarted. Perhaps not every Blood Elf would be as accepting of the San’layn being in the city, but being close still allows them to prove that they have the best of intentions and would want to be trusted again by their kin. This isn’t a banishment by any means, as a majority of Blood Elves would see them as former heroes. It would just take time to integrate them back into Silvermoon society.

Given the threat of the Void Elves getting to the sunwell again, and Sylvanas likely just blighting the area if things went south, it creates a desperate situation that Silvermoon needs to be protected for the Blood Elves and their survival.

Also, and more importantly, it shows that the San’layn are unique and not just “another elf race” while giving them some importance to the storyline. ^^


I love your idea, Bagzak!!!


Hrm, the problem with a Silvermoon Warfront is that I don’t see it happening unless Sylvanas retreats there and takes it over.
Some of the datamined text doesn’t support Silvermoon being a target unless Sylvanas is the reason.

Even then it wouldn’t be horde vs alliance, it’d be both against Sylvanas.

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It was just a hypothetical scenario where members of the Alliance initiate the attack, likely thinking the Horde has all their main forces dealing with the stuff going on in 8.2 and such. It makes the Alliance a bit more interesting, in my opinion, and would even further distance the Horde leaders from Sylvanas if she was willing to blight her home city.

If any city would be taken over by Sylvanas, it might be Orgimmar. Yes, we had a Siege of Orgimmar before, but as the current warchief, I can see her going even more crazy and trying to push her detractors out of the city while taking it over for herself based on her right as warchief…of course, likely such a scenario would just be for her people if anything, since she did lose Undercity. Again, this is all just speculation and conjecture based on Sylvanas becoming more and more insane.

I appreciate that people enjoy my writings, but as I usually say, they’re far from perfect. Often times I may overlook or misunderstand something. It’s also hard to think up scenarios when we don’t even know what’ll be happening in the future in 8.2 and beyond. ^^;


Yes. I support.



I’m in the mood for some more Dreven snark.

Dreven: (to Genn) Oh that’s right! You have another heir! Tell me, is your darling princess seeing anybody? Because I’d love to take her out for a quick (licks his fangs) bite to eat!

So much fun to write for. <- <;

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Yeah, it’d certainly do that. It’d be neat to see Sylvanas retreat to it as the Undercity could be considered out of comission and it’s the next location that she actually has the most familiarity with, even more so than the Undercity due to time spent there.

Then as you said, if she started blightin the place, the Blood Elves would have a fit.

That could be the reason right there. Familiarity. Where would she hole up if a siege with her as the target was the plan?

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Damn. I’m against the idea of more elves but OP’s opening post is so damn ambitious with so much juicy potential he may have made me reconsider.


Don’t make me go switch to my Worgen and do the War Campaign XD


I agree with all of these except for Monks, Hunters, and Shaman. Monks already have their flying cloud, but they could be updated to actually be worth using speed wise. While Shaman I think should have a Sky Walk ability like the Blue Walk in One Piece. Or maybe when they run though the air clouds form under their feet whenever they step. As for Hunters, they should be able to tame and ride certain types of flying beasts. The large meaty Ravens like the ones that follow Havi, Chimeras, smaller Dragons, Gryphons/Wyverns/Hippogryphys/Wolfhawks that are already flying mounts, etc.

I don’t usually get the point of having wings that can’t actually do anything, but I’d love having wing options for darkfallen even if they’re useless. They’re a unique and obvious example of the features that set them apart from normal undead elves.

Come to think of it, druids can already sprout wings. Using wild charge in your basic form lets you grow wings and fly to the nearest ally. The fact that we can shapeshift animal features without fully transforming is interesting.

See I can imagine this working because while


Lor’themar decides to side against Sylv

, I feel like Alleria is hellbent on getting Silvermoon back, and we all know how Vereesa feels about “redeeming” her kin (eyeroll). I think that it’s far too late to go back now, and besides,


I’m pretty sure they’d said that this was only temporary and it was implied conflict would still burn through after this quite a bit.

I think allowing San’layn to guard Ghostlands and ensure their people are safe would be a very good thing. They could even have covens with conflicting ideas, for example some that want to remain reclusive while others want to blend back into society. They also would get along well with non-fanatical forsaken, I feel like.

We’re all blindly shooting in the dark, there’s no worries at all :slight_smile: You put a lot of work into coming up with your ideas and hopefully they’re being seen. Who knows, wouldn’t it be crazy if we saw many similar if not identical themes of what we’re talking about come up in the future? This is an idea sharing thread, after all. They could be looking here for inspiration from time to time. And in regards to if they want a solid undead race, these folk (in my opinion), there’s lots to pull from here. And I think that’s a very good thing.

Someone’s gonna ship that, you know it. How would your Dreven react to Bolvar? I wanna see some lich king sass > : D

Fallynn, my character: Oooo snap, that’s a burn hotter than Ragnaros’s a…wait, what was I saying? Oh look, a butterfly! (she gets distracted easily)

Could you imagine? Oof, that would make everyone go bonkers.

I appreciate the kind words! Yeah I put quite a bit of work into it, because I don’t see the point if not. True about the elves issue, I know many aren’t wanting them, but hey even if they’re unlikely…at least we tried :stuck_out_tongue: We can get a gold star for it.

Yeah these are all cool ideas, I agree. If hunters could tame dragons though, everyone would have a fit. I really wish we could tame our own mounts for hunters, I know they did so with Hati.

That’s true! Yeah even if they’re just interesting-looking, I can see it as a hit. They could explain that the power of your San’layn isn’t enough to allow the wings to be useful, but they could get a DH glide with a cooldown I bet.


They are undead after all, so the wings could just be too damaged, underdeveloped, or just not suited to full usage by an otherwise flightless race

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Another thing is that this still opens the idea of the San’layn in Northrend acting as a foot-hold for the Horde if stuff goes down either with Bolvar or the rumors that Sylvanas wants to become the Lich Queen. It would give us San’layn sooner in the storyline and they, in turn, help reach out to the San’layn in Northrend to get them on friendly terms with the Horde. Speaking of…

Bolvar hasn’t really done much since he took over as Lich King, has he? Aside from being grumpy during the questline where we ask if he told Vol’jin to put Sylvanas as warchief. I might be able to do this more easily depending on if Blizzard does more with him in the future. I’m sure some colorful words would be spoken if you were were to ask the San’layn about him, though. :V

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Renegade Blood Troll remnants make a sacrifice to Lanathel.


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He played a bit of a role in the death knight quests in Legion including a more ominous comment that if you failed, he was taking over command of the Ebon Blade.


Until San’layn are a thing I suppose I still have the Dark Ranger’s Spare Cowl.

Just wish it would stop insisting that I become a female.


Haha yeah I meant what Dreven would have to say about Bolvar. Could anyone imagine the anger they’d have if Bolvar kept trying to keep them under his control? Yikes!