San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

My take, before Sunday Brunch:
The Nelfs have gotten a questline that opens up some rather interesting appearances for them i.e., the ‘Night Warrior’.
Logically, and therefore, the same for Belfs, only a San’layn set of appearances.
Flips hair and sips tea.

That could be neat, though im not sure blizzard would also give us the ears/fangs/hair of san’layn with a simple customization questline. There are also the racials to consider, sanlayn are undead vampires and not the normal elves they used to be

Such customization may work for dark rangers though as they are a simple colour palette change. Every dark ranger we’ve seen is very close or the same as their living kin as far as shape goes


To be honest, I’d be disappointed if they did so but would have to live with it.

The concept and blood curse would then just… not be explored much further. Night warrior was a very short, very boring “questline” that left much to be desired, with one single skin customization option. All of the really neat lore that could be explored in depth would then just be tossed aside. If they could do a bit better with such a questline and actually make it… interesting, and not something just underwhelming, perhaps.

Personally, though, and this is just my personal feeling on it–I’d rather have an allied race that explores the mutagens of the blood curse and the vampyr in general. If LFD and HMT can have a race, I feel it’s fair to have a vampire race too and all. I mean, we’ve seen the blood curse heavily mutate, with both the blood princes and their claws/ears, and Lana’thel with her massive wings. Who knows what else it could do to you as you grow in power, we simply do not know.


I know it’s kind of off-topic to your thread (but maybe not entirely? lol) but I’m wondering if you are roleplaying Fallynn as San’layn? I see you are on WrA so I thought maybe ^^ If so, is there a community for it? I’d love to do some San’layn roleplay but the little Darkfallen roleplay I have stumbled across on my server has been questionable at best XD

Edit for typos.

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It’s relevant :slight_smile: I’m a roleplayer indeed, and yep, Falls is my main! I run my guild, and we’ve a coven of San’layn. We’re strange though, because we have a “city of monsters” vibe to us (so not just SL). This explains it more (though it’s admittedly really complicated)

Beyond that, I do public RP with Falls, she’s fun in combination with my paladin. Naturally she hides her species in major cities–she’s an enchanter, and these sunglasses are heavily enchanted with illusion to hide her features. Strong detectors and her own species can naturally see past it though.

Good question… Technically the discord I run for this community could work for that, especially if we ever do get San’alyn as an AR, in which it would turn into that race’s “discord” if you get what I mean. I’ve been advertising the SL discord in my TRP for any San’layn roleplayer that wants a community that shares the styles. I’ve seen a few other SL players, but they tend to be fragmented, likely due to the griefing, sadly.

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You can have San’Layn if we get Tuskar. Seems fair, and both races could be new death knight races. Even without updating the old DK starting zone that totally needs a rework but blizz is holding off until Bolvar becomes somewhat important :stuck_out_tongue:

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The DK starting zone better not ever get touched! Its perfect the way it is <3

But yeah, Tuskar are pretty cool! Although I don’t see them fitting as a counterpart to the San’layn since they would be a completely new race rather than a reskin.

Haha ok, fine with me as long as it happens eventually! I’ll keep saying it–A Northrend race pack would be so rad, San’layn, Ice trolls, Tusk bros, Vrykul and those metal dwarves.

I really really really hope we get a new DK zone for new races at least (maybe not those with it already). What is Bolvar up to?! Argh. I want to know. And now people are talking about a “death expansion”. I’m on the edge of my seat there.


San’layn would likely get the skeleton they currently use, which, in technical standards, is not a reskin.

You know, you bring an interesting point… would they use Lana’thel? Or the Blood Princes? Like… they’d need to make a female version of those blood prince models if they were to use blood princes, or wings for a male Lana’thel. Would they even give us wings? Gods I hope so.


Im really really hoping that the next expac sees the post cata world revamped again, or northrend revamped along with the DK starting zone


Hopefully Lana’Thel. That would be amazing.




YES YES YES THIS!!! I’d LOVE a Northrend revamp. You don’t know how much I’d love that. Ugh, and being able to experience it as current content… I joined in Cata, never got to in Wrath. This is something I really want personally, and even like a revamp, right, with some new northern (more north) island zones. So much want, argh…

OR EVEN. Like, so a revamped NR, right. And the new zones would be… Northrend, but in the Shadowlands. Like, the overlay would be shifted to that shadow realm, and that would be the new stuff along with the revamp (also new stuff). I wish.


I could see that as a cool secondary zone, like argus is in legion. I started in vanilla but didnt max out a character until Wrath. This is her right here. Love everything there is to do with death knights and the story of the lich king, both Arthas and Bolvar


Just thought I’d stop by and bump this thread so Blizz can’t ignore it :wink::grin:

Still not giving up on San’layn as a playable race


She drinks Red Bull while Arthas drinks Monster.

They’re not on speaking terms atm.


In thinking about it, is there still Void Elf activity in the Ghostlands? I know they were there before, during their unlock questline, but if they happen to still be in the area, hiding and plotting, then perhaps putting the San’layn there to help protect Silvermoon would make a lot of sense. They would help protect against invasions, on a continent where Horde presence has lowered, and weed out any of the Void Elves in the area. I assume they would be for it, given the circumstances of the Void Elves and the problems they are capable of causing.

Would also give a reason for my Echo Squad idea to patrol the area. They can protect Silvermoon for great justice with this as their theme song:

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Wings would be a neat option. I kinda think it’s too bad they’re not also an option for demon hunters.
I kinda wonder if they could make nicer wings for Lana’thel.
I feel like hers could be a bit more sleek to match the rest of her. Maybe a bit of an update?


Oh this is a very good idea too, yes. I agree. I hope they do something like this if we ever go into Shadowlands. Emerald Nightmare should have been a zone, in my opinion. What a wasted potential. If they ever do look into anything with Shadowlands, I hope it’s something more grand. Same with dragon isles.

Thanks so much! We’re, well, hanging in there (hah). Blizzard did say they were looking at feedback so we got that…and only that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good question, I don’t think we know. Void Elves were in the Ghostlands before being banished from Silvermoon City though, so perhaps after they were removed or left. However, if they are still there, you make a good point.

These are solid areas for SL ideas:

  1. UnderNorthrend city/castle
  2. Necropolis like Naxxanar
  3. Deatholme or similar in Ghostlands

If Lana’thel got an update, or the princes, people would go absolutely nuts, because that generally means story relevance. I’d be so happy. I also agree, in my opinion DH should be able to fly out of combat like a mount. I mean, all classes could have wings, even:

  1. Pallies for golden light wings
  2. Priests and “angel” wings
  3. Hunters and eagle wings
  4. Zen wings for monks
  5. Fire wings/ice wings for mages
  6. Electrical wings for shamans
  7. DH with their wings
  8. Valkyr wings for warriors
  9. Raven’s wings for rogues
  10. Bone wings for DK
  11. Those demonic wings for locks (similar to DH but also different)
  12. Druids have their forms and are special enough, they have instant flight, so no.

And then, if we get flying races like San’layn with wings or arakkoa, they’d get racial wings. No one could complain, their class would have wings.