San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah I’d be OK with either this, the UnderNorthrend city, or of course the necropolis idea for sure. I imagine there’s tons of neat effects that could be done.


Its been a while, here to show my support. San’layn need to happen!


Looks like EU has a thread now but the “no elf” brigade has fastened its claws upon it. We had a rocky start too due to them but we’re still here. Hopefully they’re able to ignore that nonsense and carry on.

At this point I don’t care if people whine about elves, I’ll be here advocating until we’re told no or get them.

Also I don’t agree with getting sickly rotted models. The regal vampire is what I’d want out of these. The Horde has many monsters to choose from. We can have models that don’t look like trash and be rather deadly.


I’m happy to see you type that, as you did seem very frustrated awhile ago. I personally don’t really understand the point of poo-pooing races people want, but then again I’m feeling that as I get older, I’m less interested in arguing on forums as I just want to show support for future playable races.

I view new races with an interest in their storyline and how they join their respective faction. I actually took a long break around the time Legion came out, and came back when I heard about the first batch of allied races in BfA. Of the first four pairs, the Nightborne interested me the most not only because of their storyline, but I got to recreate two dark elf characters I had from Everquest 1 & 2, a brother and sister duo. It made me really happy and excited for the possibilities of new races.

If you look past the “zomg moar elves rabble rabble” feeling people get, there are neat storylines that get created. Void Elves were weird to me at first, but I ended up liking them as I saw more of it. The San’layn already had a potentially interesting storyline that I think, if done right, would lead into a fun allied race. I don’t really view them as “more elves” and instead view them as their own race with their own culture and such. It honestly is a reason I frequent the San’layn megathread, as I’d love to see what they would do with their story with them joining the Horde.

That said, as I mentioned before, I doubt Blizzard would pay much attention to people that just fling mud around. I can’t imagine them thinking of putting a race in, only to change their mind either because someone yelled at another for wanting a particular race or for being vocal about not liking a particular race. If they ever planned to add in a race, they’ll do it regardless of whether people like it or not, and likely they’re more interested in seeing people talk about their ideas/speculation of specific races or how they want said races. Not seeing people spit in other people’s happy meals.

That said, it can be frustrating to get yelled or or talked down to, but I plan to do the same in supporting different races I want for the game on the forums regardless if people think me lesser for it. I, myself, am happy that I’ve been allowed to add to the Ogre megathread with my writings and speculation. Even if not a lot of people read them, I have been told by a few people they enjoy what I type, and I enjoy typing them up as a way of showing support.

Even Eevee has had a lot of problems of people showing their disdain for the Vulpera Megathread’s existence, and the Vulpera Megathread is still going strong. I think every megathread has had problems with that, and still do on occasions.

At any rate, let the naysayers stamp their feet and type as angry as they can. We megathread supports are still here, and we’ll still voice our support as best we can. ^^


Sanlayn +high elf have my support


Yeah, essentially I’ll grumble and rant but I still stick with it and am tied to this thread like a bat stuck in a net. Arguing gets tiresome, that’s why I’ve culled most of my activity to anywhere but on the megathreads, although people do like to start drama within them from time to time. At this point I just sigh and logic responses that have merit-less claims, or simply agree to disagree.

Haha really? That’s funny! I actually loved Legion quite a bit, and yeah Suramar was so well done. Thalyssera is hands down my favorite character right now. That starter cinematic for Suramar was breathtaking.

I really wish more thought like you. Because you’re right, it is the culture and backstory that defines them. They branched off in the beginning of Lich King era! It’s been so many years now for them to change, longer than void elves for sure. This means that they do indeed have a unique identity just like Forsaken to humans. If only people would realize that–and having playable vampires would be so much fun. No, not the “ZOMG TWILIGHT” nonsense. That ‘lore’ is terrible and no serious vampire lover (in my personal opinion, sorry if some like it, but I’m sick of it being shoved into my face) takes that series seriously.

That’s true and I have to remember this fact right here. You’re right, Blizzard is looking at the idea flow and how the races can fit in, and what good stories can be done that people would enjoy. Fact is, in our case, elves are popular, there’s no debating that. People can whine all they want, but in the end, the numbers show. Which obviously shouldn’t be the reason they’re added, but the people claiming that “well they should not BECAUSE they are elves” have no limb to stand on, because it contradicts everything. “Should not be added because they’ll be popular” never did make sense to me. And no one here has said that San’layn should come before others anyway.

True that, I see it happening frequently in every single one. You’re right. No matter what allied race… or game idea, for that matter! …is proposed, someone will be right there to put it down.

Oh, I also have stopped going into other threads because now no matter what I say, people pull the “you lead the vampire thread, your statements are invalid, no wonder why no one likes you”. It’s just annoying and at that point I’m not even going to bother trying to logic because people are in love with being rude.

True that! We should always stick with it and share our ideas. Speaking of which, I should bring up what the Discord has been talking about lately; hints, perhaps little nods to the vampyr in WoW.

We saw nothing in Cata, MoP, or WoD in regards to anything remotely related to the blood curse or San’layn. But then Legion came around, and we have:

  1. Blood Princess Thal’ena, but people argue that she was merely a callback to Lich King era and does not matter for anything. People can use their judgement.
  2. The vampirates questline! It expanded on the blood curse more and even mentioned San’layn.

((Coming around to BfA now))

  1. Dreven and the entire war campaign, which I don’t need to elaborate on as to why it’s significant.
  2. Blood Elves using blood magic openly in Nazmir
  3. Quill; while the inscription quill does not have San’layn lore, it does have a very neat San’layn-esque design and is named after the late Blood Queen.

So, regardless of whether or not the story continues, we do at least know that something in regards to the vampyr is on the devs’ mind. Perhaps our carried on discussion in this thread has inspired more? But who knows. I hope so, anyway.


The very concept that someone would mock you for playing Elves in a fantasy game is laughable.

It’s best to just ignore them.

The real problem is when Anti Elves pretend to be on different parts of the arguments to try and save face and in hopes if sabotaging the request.

I’m sure you know the onse…

The current Wrath Model does a good job of looking both dead and regal.

Also I finally got a San’layn from the Transmorpher and I noticed they had white streaks in their hair.


It was a combination of BM Hunter, this character’s spec and who is my “main main” between my Horde and Alliance mains, being nerfed and just needing a break from the game. When I came back, BM Hunters were in a much better place than before and with the allied races forthcoming, I really enjoyed the game again.

We’d have a lot more Ogre supporters if that were the case. :V

I’m sure there are people on the dev team passionate about the lore and such. It’s a reason that I hope our ideas and such in the megathreads in general do reach and interest them.

Honestly, I would ignore those type of comments. It’d be more practical talking to a brick wall than trying to reason with them. Besides, I’d hate to be deterred from a megathread because of what races I support being playable, and most of the folks in the other megathreads do have awesome people to talk out ideas and speculate with. ^^

I can only hope that the San’layn storyline will continue in some fashion. It could very well be, if the rumors of a death-themed expansion are anything to go by. Not to mention that if we’re going on the theme of each core race having an allied race variant, then San’layn make the best choice for the undead variant, in my opinion.


Hey, bats Blood Duchess Balesong here. I don’t have the funds for game time so I won’t be on for month after tomorrow. But I still support this race.

EDIT: * Good news, everyone! I think I perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth! I mean, I had enough gold in game so I don’t need money to buy the game time.


The no-sub posting bug is still in effect. If/when you can’t afford a subscription you’ll still be able to post on this forum. I don’t expect this to be ‘fixed’ anytime soon. They seem to be having trouble working out the kinks in this new system.

EU is just very touchy about playable vampires. Dracula happened in their backyard, after all. He’s probably still, like, their boogeyman :stuck_out_tongue:


I quite like the UnderNorthrend idea as well. When I heard that the original plan for both Azjol’nerub as well as the Underrot to both be their own zone, then both ideas ended up being dungeons instead, I was a bit disappointed. I find the whole “Underdark” idea pretty interesting and would be all for some zones like that.
Maybe if we get more old god stuff, we could have some stuff like that focusing on the races that were born from them.

Good analogy. Struggle and flap all about till exhausted…take a break to refresh…flap and struggle about some more. =]

It’s a shame more hasn’t been done with it. Really need to phase it and expand it as a more proper city maybe as a horde counterpart if Dalaran was to go full alliance.

I’m also wondering if my chance N’zoth doesn’t end up being the final boss, if Boralus and Dazar’alor might just remain as the hub cities for the next expansion. Makes a lot of sense as N’zoth is located right between them on the map.

Yeah, not really the curse, but WoD, much like BfA, had a whole group dedicated to blood magic.

If some speculation is true and that maybe the next expansion could be both Old God and Death related, sure would be a nice time to further explore that. We’ve even had Old God minions related to blood magic.

Something also to keep in mind for the San’layn appearance in the War Campaign…there was a whole expansion between all the references to Demon Hunters added in Cataclsym and when they were added in Legion.

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Yeah I remember I multiple occasions that people would get so bad that they’d end up trying to shut this thread down. It’s quite sad how far people will go.

I agree and yep! That’s why we think having bi-colpored hair as an option would be very cool!

I think there are, they just have to come out of the woodwork.

Hehe naturally I agree!

Nice glad to see you’ll stay and chill with us!

Haha fair enough yeah I can see that as a hidden detterent!

I agree and it is a shame the ideas did not go through. Perhaps we could return to one or both of those areas in the future.

Got that right for sure!

I wish. I was hoping we’d be able to have the city to RP with. Or at least as a neutral city with no mobs when you hit max when the faction war is over x.x

Huh that’s interesting… I didn’t know that! And yeah the WoD blood orcs were a thing but I didn’t count them. Perhaps I should since it’s blood magic.

I hope neither make it in. They’re both not needed as we have more than enough elves in game.

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Thank you for sharing your opinion “politely” and “without being rude” however I disagree and of course hope to see them added in soon.

(Once again another example of someone that can’t just express not supporting it without coming across as flat out rude, but I’m used to it.)


It comes across as rude because it’s blunt and disagrees with you.

Disagreeing doesn’t make someone rude.

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^ This comes across as rude, no, I don’t care if you disagree, that’s fine. Not everyone is going to support San’layn, I don’t mind that. You could say “I don’t support this race.” That’s it. I’d nod, respect your opinion, and disagree, but move on. Instead, you word it in a rude fashion.

I’m moving on now, though, you’ve said your piece, I hope you can find another AR to support or something else in game that goes well for you.


I know, right? Some people just can’t handle things the proper way. If you disagree with supporting a certain “speculated” Allied Race…simply do NOT post on the thread that discusses so-said topic! Can’t stress this enough; hope you agree with me here, Your Royal Highness, Blood Queen Fallynn!


I’m perfectly fine with people coming in and saying “Hey, I don’t support this race for this reason”.

  1. “I don’t think they’d fit in.”
  2. “I’d rather have a different race.”
  3. “Not a fan of elves”

Or whatever it is, that’s fine–there’s a way to say it that doesn’t come across as just plain rude, though. Some have demonstrated that, but I don’t understand why people can’t just share their distaste for an idea, give a reason, and do so in a nice manner.


Although my Avatar is on the fritz atm, I have to say the fact that Inscription tool is really sick. Could be a good racial of sorts for a San’layn character.

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Yeah, what’s the deal with your avatar? Where is it? :o

I agree, the design is extremely cool. I do love the bat wing and the red tip, and the effect is very cool. I’m happy that Blizzard is looking into more San’layn-esque designs even if they did not expand lore on them when added in the Quill (sadly).