San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Idea sharing does happen there to some extent, however I’ll post it here on the forums for Blizzard to see when something new comes up. We have some EU friends on discord, of whom can’t post on this thread, so some of the stuff they bring up also is able to be put here via me/anyone else in the discord.

Other than that, they serve as a place for people with common interests. They will be here long after the races get added in (if they get added in) and just become a discord for that race. There’s a lot of art sharing that goes on in discord, and we find artists for commissions we’d like for our toons on there.

We talk about game spoilers, give our opinions, share our accomplishments. Really, the point is to bring a community together and just have fun. In the discord, we’re not limited by the same restrictions as here and can talk about most things including off-topic in an organized manner.

Whereas the purpose of the megathread isn’t to build a community, it’s to show our support, share our ideas, and end it there. You can’t really chit-chat with people here and just hang out.

Very true! That’s why it all comes back to here, and you’ll see me say sometimes: “The discord community has pointed out that…”

Not yet, no. I’m in all of the AR discords that I know about, and they’re also connected by an overarcing AR discord as well. Thus far, the biggest community is hands down the Vulpera.

memes :crazy_face:

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I really like the idea of a crypt or a castle but I have a rough time coming up with where to put it.


I would like to see a HUGE Necropolis! Similar to Naxxramas.

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I’d say if San’layn are ever to be added, their racial hub should be someplace in Northrend. Where else? It would only make sense, in my opinion. I mean… Plaguelands could work too, yeah, but Northrend just seems like the best option.

I agree with you there, I think it would be awesome. Granted, I don’t think we’d get on as big as Naxxramas, but Naxxanar is pretty big and had a gigantic concentration of our vampyr.

I would suggest Ghostlands but Void Elves kinda sorta took that.

Big scary island in the fog with a menacing castle you didn’t see just a moment ago until some mysterious lightning happened?

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Wait what?

Eh they’re not really stationed there, many think the place at the end of the scar could be a good place too. Could always move a necropolis in that location as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah those in EU can’t post on US forums :stuck_out_tongue:


It was suggested some time ago where Dar’khan was could work as a location. Ghostlands kinda fits the San’layn, the location and assets are already there, and they might want to be close to Silvermoon to help their kin. Not to mention it helps against invaders coming from that direction.


For those that have no clue what we’re talking about, here’s a series of pictures:

Deathholme is what we’re saying.


Replace all that green stuff with blood and you’re good to go.


Actually yeah that’s a really good idea, aesthetically it would be very cool and be a line of defense for Eversong and Silvermoon. I mean, you’d have to plow through vampire territory, good luck.


Yeah, that has to really SUCK for the enemy. :V

At any rate the place would look nice for the San’layn to set up shop. Totally a place to die for! :V

Wakka wakka! :U


that hurt…


also, a moment of silence to those banned for character models. Rest in peace.

You’re driving me batty, you know that? :stuck_out_tongue: :bat:

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No. not you too…
Its spreading rapidly. We need to escape before we are infected with terrible pun syndrome.

You two are a pain in the nec- OH GOD ITS HAPPENING TO ME


Paving Deatholme and rebuilding using undead minion labor into a little San’layn village with creepy mist and such, and perhaps even the castle that was mentioned would be a neat way to go.

