San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

They probably planned them from the start but are going to use it to say “Hey! We listened, see?”

Trash Gnomes…

Nah, I doubt it. We’d see more story and build up by now if that was the case at least for San’layn. :frowning:

I meant Vulpra.

Ah, yeah in that case probably. In fact if they’d been planning this entire time on those folk, add them, laugh that it seems like feedback was taken but really it was planned all along and ignore other AR feedback… meh.

I just wish they’d tell us they don’t care about the megas and such. Which of course could be very false, based on what they said. But it could be just a way to get people to stop asking.

Then again, they could say “We plan on no more Allied Races. Feedback is interesting but we will no longer be working on it.” which they didn’t. So, at this point… who knows.

As people have pointed out in this thread many times over, there’s possibilities, and I still have some minor hope.


Darn you’d beat all of our sorry San’layn, it’d be impossible to compete! I do think a transmog contest would be tons of fun though ^^


So without going into anything specific, it seems more like Sylvanas is getting the Garrosh treatment. While I can only speculate on what it could lead to, my hope is still that of “Don’t make the San’layn raid mooks and jobbers.”

I have my afternoon class in a bit, Greek Art and Archaeology which is a fun class, but later I may write down some thoughts when I get time in a spoiler tag regarding events. I think I figured out how to do so in the Ogre megathread.

On the bright side, rumors of coup might be getting stronger, so maybe, just maybe, the Horde will realize they have Ogres off just sitting and getting drunk or something. I can only hope. <- <

At any rate, regardless of what happens, never lose hope and keep an open mind. ^^

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Yeah, my major concern concern right now is that the bigger picture will be ignored. Death Knights and Forsaken have their free will, they don’t have to be evil. People come into this thread all the time with:
“San’layn would just be evil!” And if they’re just trash for people to kill and feel good and themselves, I’m going to be so dissapointed. It’s wasted potential for an established playable vampire race that could be fleshed out and have much more depth than “Hah we just want the world to burn”.

With how things are looking based on spoilers though, it’s starting to be clear that Blizzard is building a “if you side with Sylv you’re evil” narrative. Which is such a shame. The parallels to Garrosh are obvious despite how much they want to deny it.


Evil is relative, it’s San’layn are addicts just like the nightborne in many regards. That’s not to say they can’t do kind things, nor is it to say they won’t do things that a living elf wouldn’t be absolutely horrified by.

Sylvanas has one clear motive: preserve and expand the foresaken, everybody else can be raised as the same at her convenience.

Yeah that’s my point, pretty much. I’m of the mind that since they have free will, they have different personalities and such too so would be viable like DK or forsaken. Granted I’m sure that like those two, they would be violent. But that fits into the Horde, the whole “we’ll fight for the right to exist”.

True, but i think that’s the major downfall. The horde warchief should care about the entire Horde as a whole and not just that one race, which has yet to be seen. It just seems like we’re tools for her to use now :frowning:

Honestly my main concern with San’layn would be that they would draw back from the horror during the intro scenario. I honestly think they need one a bit more like the goblins and worgen than the current ARs. The player should understand the hunger and what the Lich King drove them to do.


That would be really neat in my opinion. Could you imagine the uproar though :frowning: “What?! This stupid elf race got an entire complex starting zone?!” Granted if we ignore people like that, yeah, I think you make a good point. Something very complex can be built with these folks for sure. There’s so much we don’t know and that we would love explained in depth (we as in those that want them).

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Not sure about the depth, we know that the hunger and the Lich King drove them to be absolutely brutal. As in war crimes nasty enough I’m hesitant to mention, brutal.

We also know they are experts in blood magic. That more than anything is a potential blocker because it would mean adding a new warlock/mage spec “Blood Magus” which while cool, would leave blood DK’s feeling like Demo warlocks after DH’s came out. More likely they would just ignore that all together as ‘forbidden fruit’ and not care.

Yeah but I’m talking about the blood curse, where it really comes from, how you’re actually turned, how to go from a neophyte to a prince(a new issue brought up in BfA), what they’ve been up for ten years, where Dreven came from, where the two missing blood princes are, and even details about Lana’thel and her daughter a bit more.

You do realize you’re asking for actual lore… ARs are a weee bit lite on that in general. Which actually makes me think they might be better off as a full race rather than an AR, but that gets down a very very deep rabbit hole.

Same this as a San’layn more or less. Darkfallen is the race, San’layn is the faction.

Seems that way, but T&E made an interesting speculation on what if she actually is being setup as the future Lich King/Queen.
I find it odd she’s doing things herself that she absolutely hated Arthas for.
Plus the raising of the Night Elves could easily be the precursor to a similar story to the Death Knight starting area but for Dark Rangers.

Think Taliesin was suggesting we take out Bolvar/LK at N’zoths command/manipulation as he’s the last Legion related holdout on Azeroth, which would allow the Old Gods to assume more control to lead into a New Black Empire.


That is…a scary thought. I also know that there have been several rumors of a death-themed expansion coming after BfA, so I suppose it could make some sense.

I’m sure it has been talked about before in this thread, so I apologize in advance. Does Bolvar, as the new lich king, have any power over the San’layn in general? I know they were controlled by Arthas, and that at least with the San’layn group in BfA, they aren’t really slaves as such? If so, I’d be worried if they are still under the Lich King’s command, and then Sylvanas becomes the Lich Queen.

I’ll type more on the actual plot in the near future, but it does seem that rumors of a coup/possible civil war may be actually happening in the Horde in the near future.

I hope we don’t make the Lich King look like a weak schmuck because he’s not weak at all. Though, I do worry about the same thing happening, that they’re going to make her Lich Queen. Shrugs and throws hands up. This has been quite a ride.


Well somebody better give Sylvanas some bells with those whistles…

…because she is totally a DEAD ringer for the Lich King! :V

She needs a deep sexy voice and male parts before she’d be perfect. Can you imagine Sylvanas with a deep masculine voice upon putting on the helm? XD But I’m all for a death/undeath expansion.

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