San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Dont be disheartened by them not being in 8.2. They said were not getting an allied race in 8.2. So hopefully it’s still on the table, and sanlayne wont be forgotten ever I think. And you definitely wont be laughed at as sanlayne is one of the cooler possible horde allied races, of course I’m an elf fan boy so i may be biased xD.

Edit: also if lore is to be believed undeath* is the enemy of the void, with (most likely) the next xpac being rise of the black empire it would be a great time to add them in.


Well as I said before, never give up. Theres always room for more races in the future, be they core or allied races. Just keep showing support as time goes on and keep looking for clues. You never know where the story is heading next, and nuts to what people think. ^^

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True, but keep in mind that Allied Races are story-based. If a story is abandoned and just not seen again, perhaps that’s an indication that the idea in general is being dropped. Though, they did say feedback is being looked at, yes, they also emphasized story. Which…

…the quill of lana’thel had nothing to do with San’layn at all, so sadly it was entirely a dead end :frowning:

I’ll still be here though, supporting these guys and of course other allied races that people want to see (of which make sense).


It doesn’t mean they can’t come back to it at a later date. Especially if it makes sense in the story. I mean, Ogres right now can easily be written in when needed, and since the San’layn have had at least some presence in BfA, it does raise the chances, in my opinion.

Could be a long wait, of course. I’ve been waiting since I joined shortly after BC came out for Ogres. But it is something. ^^

Right now, it is looking like the Gilblins, Vulpera, Mecha Gnomes, and maybe those new Jinyu have their time in the spotlight. Doesn’t mean other races won’t come into the picture in the future, though. I for one am excited for the news. ^^

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…I just realized, we missed the anniversary of this thread three days ago. Ah, oops? Well happy 3-days-late San’layn megathread anniversary. :stuck_out_tongue: (thread was on the old forums, I made it prior to Dreven datamines.)


Fashionably late! All vampires need a dramatic entrance


I guess a good question is…what happens to a megathread if their race actually becomes playable? o- o

At the very least, we’d have parties of the anniversary of when they come out, right? ^^


Nothing difficult about making an allied race a DK, sure a starting area like regular death knights would be nice, but that’s pretty much skipped for every other allied race class, so why stop the trend?

Just spawn them in where every class begins at level 58-60, everything you’d have at that level enabled, and let them go on their way to quest.

San’layn would definitely make sense to be a DK.

Works for me =-]
I also think High Elves v San’layn and Night Elf Worgen v Satyr could be interesting.

Saw the female gill goblin is coming up.
Was a bit surprised there’s not a female Ankoan, but what would they look like? It would make sense for them to be more androgynous like the Sethrak.

I’d like to see Gol’dorei (Children of Goldrinn) and Naz’dorei (or similar) added to that list =D


What if the ankoan are all female, and just like anglerfish the males of the species are smaller and get absorbed into the female’s body


So in celebration of this megathread’s anniversary, I’ma leave this skeleton dance video here (starts at roughly 1:43)

I’m sure all that dancing will make people DEAD tired! :V

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Did you guys see that there are Vulpera brewfest icons datamined along with the other allied races? There’s still that dark ranger scenario too.


Both the Vulpera icon and the Gilblin datamine stuff have me excited. I’m really hoping for both to get to be playable in some fashion, given Vulpera are my second most wanted race. Theres also the possibility of Robo Gnomes, too! ^^

Also, I vaguely remember the dark ranger scenario being mentioned a long time ago. Will be interesting if that continues. o- o

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Yeah, at least one megathread might just get what they asked for. I don’t know about the Gilgoblin models. They’re sort of low rezz, but they’ll probably be improved throughout the PTR.

So far the the scenario has been called “Memento of the Dark Ranger.” I hope it’s foreshadowing for the next hero class.

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Interesting if Dark Ranger is the next hero class. Mostly, I’ve been hearing about a Tinkerer class the most in terms of rumors. ^^

And yes, any allied race clues are exciting for me. Alts to make, characters to design in my head, levels to grind. Fun times. =- =

I didn’t really see too much foreshadowing of the tinker class imo. All I saw was the Island Expedition thing that might hint at them, but that’s all. However, Dark Rangers have been all over the place this expansion. They’ve never been more relevant, in fact. New ones have been risen, they now have male models, new voice lines and new uniforms. And if the scenario is anything to go by they’re training new ones Horde side.

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Best case scenario is we get gilblins as the goblin customization extension (with a questline from Hobart, the scientist behind gilblins)

And get vulpera as an allied race

then both parties get what they want


You know, I just realized something that I mentioned in the Gilblin thread. Once 8.2 comes, we might be seeing each other working on 8.2 rep grinding and stuff in-game. ^^

I’m planning to work on reps and stuff on both my Horde and Alliance main. If somehow I see people from here, it’ll be neat to help out with stuff. ^^

I know that The Unshackled will be the main rep I try to focus on, but I will get the others to exalted too.

Hmm… there would be celebrating if a megathread got a race asked for, for sure. I know we’d all have to post screenshots of our characters, and share our thoughts on the race itself when it’s added, likely a lot of praise.

Gods, I wish we’d see that day someday. It would be glorious.


If I somehow get my playable Ogres, I should make silly images of some sort celebrating the occasion to show him off. I’m sure I can creative…

And I’m sure with San’layn, you could eventually have a transmog contest or something. I’d enter as my Bat-Ogre, but I want the competition to be fair. :V

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