San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’m baffled as to why we’re being painted as aggressive when I explained in detail why I think how I do, and haven’t thrown any sort of insults at all toward any of the races others want. Like, that’s not cool.


To be fair, we get this argument all the time, that we can’t get San’layn without High Elves.

To add to that, it’s the speaking in definites. Saying it IS one way when in all honesty, Blizz isn’t upfront about how they pair races, so it can’t be defined.

Who knows, maybe high elves could get paired with the ogres, and San’layn could get paired with Vrykul because they’re both Northrend-based.

In the end, we just want everyone to get what they want.

San’layn is Thalassian (the language of the Blood Elves) for Darkfallen!

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Fair enough, as I said I tend to stay away from these so I had no idea someone already made that argument. Otherwise I wouldn’t have rehashed it. 2500osh posts is waaaaay too many to read xD.

Like Sin’dorei=Blood Elf
Quel’dorei=High Elf
Ren’dorei=Void Elf
Kal’dorei=Night Elf
…What’s nightborne again?



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Fal’dorei: spooders


The actual translations of the names is actually pretty interesting.

Shal’dorei = Children Of the Night
Kal’dorei = Children Of the Stars
Quel’dorei = Children Of Noble Birth
Sin’dorei = Children Of Blood (ironically enough)
and continuing the pattern:
Ren’dorei = Children Of Void (probably)

[Citation Needed]


I mean I already apologised for being too forceful, and wrong most likely in my posts.

But it’s cool, keep quoting what I said for no reason…

It’s fine, yeah let’s drop it now and just continue to talk about San’layn stuff.

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I hope if they do get added they get some form of vampirism or a bite of some kind that heals u, idk lol.

Lol bite someone and they race change to sanlayne xD, jc ofcourse but it would be funny.

Edit: oooo ya a teleport would rock aswell. I’d say wings, but dh kinda took that cake lol.


Yeah, many have speculated a racial where you’d have leech or bite someone to heal, which would be cool. We’ve seen it so many times with them now (and like, they’re vampyr, so it would only make sense!). That neat blood teleport ala Dreven and friends would be cool too, but I dunno how they’d pull it off.


I mean, a blood teleport could just function as a racial hearthstone.

If it helps you feel better, Fallynn, I’ve lately been getting people miffed at me for a perception of “bumping” the Ogre megathread with “spam”, usually with the argument that noone wants Ogres. This occurs despite waiting usually at least 24 hours roughly if I am the last reply and only when I’m adding discussion/analyzing thoughts to the megathread. Not real fun when people come, break wind, and call it a crop dusting. x- x

Not saying that is what occurred here, of course, so please don’t get me wrong. I just bring that up because it can be a blarg feeling to get yelled at in any megathread-related forum thread. Thats all. x- x;

Man I’d post in that thread more if that OP didn’t absolutely tick me off so many times. Perhaps, for your sake, I should drop it and help out more. I just… I was so annoyed when he slung insults at us a while ago, and puts down anyone that disagrees.

You’re sharing your in depth ideas, though. I would ignore their nonsense. Ogres have been constantly asked for, they’re simply incorrect.


So what is the favored racial if San’lyan ever happens?

If it was a “Bite” that somehow incapacitates (stuns) the opponent in rapture for a small amount time. That would be cool but the real rub of that would be… if you bit a Tauren or a Worgen… would you get a “fur in your mouth” debuff? Gross :cow: :wolf:


I appreciate the gesture, but you don’t really need to. It just helps to vent is all. I’m not one for confrontation, and I try not to annoy people best I can. ^^;

I just mention it as I know you’ve had some “fun times” in the thread, and I know other threads have had “fun times” as well. Gilblin fans got it on a regular basis, for example. x- x;

The way that I see it is that if Blizzard was wanting feedback from these threads, they would be keeping on eye on them in some form, and likely just skipping over people being more peppery than they should be, again NOT saying that is what happened here.

I just support megathreads in general when I can. As I said, different races give different possibilities in terms of storyline and gameplay experiences. ^^

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A stun/leech would be awesome. First person I’d bite would have to be a tauren for that prime meat (blood) and I’d bite em right on the @$$.

Jokes aside a stun/leech would be cool, with neg shadow damage. Or do the opposite of night elves kinda. Sanlayne are stronger (mastery or crit or something) during the night, and weaker,other stats or maybe less elemental defense idk at day.


Very true there. Perhaps they do, I don’t know. I just want to talk about San’layn and other races in relation to them too, if it makes sense (like what you’ve been doing, I love all that you’ve been adding :slight_smile: )

I get that San’layn are unlikely. I get that I’ll be laughed at, and that the race is probably forgotten now. There’s been no sign of them at all in 8.2 (yes, the datamines just started, but let’s be real. We’re not going to see any more information on them or the blood curse, it simply isn’t relevant.) so at this point, just talking about our ideas is all we have.

Until they come up finally in a QnA and are rejected, of course. Which I hope doesn’t happen, but if it’s destined to happen, I’d rather it be sooner than later so I can shift my focus elsewhere.