San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

They 100% are. Look at void elves and nightborne for example. People love elves if horde got sanlayne w/o alliance getting what they want you would have a massive uproar.

It won’t happen without the other period. Let’s just hope both sides get what they want.

Not to mention people throw around the not enough high elves for a possible race. If there not enough high leaves there definitely are not enough sanlayne.

That’s just like, your opinion, man.


Entirely disagree and don’t care about any sort of uproar. San’layn stand alone as an Allied Race. I look at them individually and not tied down “But this faction should get this!”. It’s not a “you’re required to give this faction this if this one gets a certain race” by any means at all.

No no, they’re not even 1% that way. People can dislike San’layn all they want and not have them added in, but by no means should Alliance BE REQUIRED to get high elves for horde to get San’layn, ESPECIALLY since our warchief right now is an undead elf and extremely relevant.


Its a proven fact, but ok…

I’d prefer both sides get what they want. But thinking 1 side gets exactly what they want while the other does not is entitlement beyond belief. Blizzard will not do it. Not opinion but PROVEN fact.

But like I said I hope both sides get what they want cus more options is always better.

Ok… sigh once again, source for this “proven fact” claim that’s really just an opinion?

Thinking that the entire faction wants just high elves is entitlement.

I’m here to argue San’layn for the Horde. That’s it. I don’t care what the Alliance gets. I’m not begging for San’layn either, we’ll get them when we get them if ever. The Alliance is fully capable of proposing their own races they want and fighting for them, and I’m fully capable of supporting them. In fact, I do, on their own threads.

But this is a San’layn thread. It’s not a “san’layn and high elves” thread. That’s like me going onto the high elf megathread and saying: “Sure, but you should ONLY get High Elves if Horde gets San’layn.”

Would I ever do that? No, because I look at high elves on their own and not tied down by anything but what their supporters want and what Blizzard does.


Your just arguing for the sake of argument dude…
High elf is BY FAR the most requested allied race of all time. People have been asking for it for years before sanlayne were a thing.

I mean come on dude. Just accept it and move on. Wishful thinking is all well and good but the world doesn’t run on wishes.

Besides how can you want a specific race, but be adamant about denying the other side something they want?

This ain’t a 1 faction game. You have to make both sides happy. And since its proven they wont add elves to only 1 side (both factions have 2 elf races) both would need to get it.

Which would be the best outcome.

…No I’m not, you’re the one that came here, and I quote:

Which would be exactly me doing this.

This literally changes nothing, and once again, I don’t care. They have their threads, and they have what they’ve been asking for. That’s fine. Me? I have my thread, my ideas, my stories, and my work all right here.

…Ok? I will accept the fact that I’ll continue this megathread and discussion on what I want to see added in the game unhindered? Because what I do won’t change at all?

looks at Night elves in vanilla, and then Blood elves paired with goat people in BC … Yeah that’s just false, but alright. If we’re going with that argument? Alliance can therefore also get Night elf worgen too. But once again, it isn’t a “we need THIS PAIR of elves” thread, this is a San’layn thread.


So you only care about 1/2 the population of the game? See I’d rather make everyone happy and give both sides what they want.

Anyway I doubt well see any kind of elves added this expansion. Maybe in the next 1, but that’s still suspect.

Dont get me wrong I’d love for sanlayne to be a thing, it just wont happen unless alliance also gets an elf race. Too many elves already, but adding one requested race and not the other would be incredibly unwise.

Horde already has more players, adding sanlayne w/o a good alliance counterpart would only drastically increase that gap.

And did you just compare vanilla and crusade to modern wow? Cus they are completely different now.

I think the real entitlement is coming into a thread unrelated to your interests to declare that they can’t have what they want until you get yours

ohhh the hypocrisy


In this thread. In my San’layn thread, about San’layn being an allied race. Yes. In my own thread, I only care about San’layn being added because that’s what this thread is about. No other allied race. San’layn first, on my San’layn thread. Now, did I ever once say, outside of this, I do not support any other race added? No, in fact…

I support Alliance getting the races they want. The only race I will not support is Lightforged undead. The rest, if the race makes sense, and people want it? I support it. So yes, I do care about other people getting what they want…

…On their own threads. In my particular thread, though, no, I don’t see anything required for anything else. It’s not a “this race costs this”. I don’t see it that way, because I look at races individually. People can propose pairs. Would High Elves be a viable pair? Sure. Are they required? No.

Because one race’s inclusion does not require another’s. That’s my point. San’layn are not required for Alliance to get high elves either. They can be added in before, if Blizzard wishes. They could be added after. It isn’t about “this is required to be a pair”.


Man people now days, you dont want to talk about anything. You just want your way or nothing. Holy crap that’s sad…

I came here just to talk and you guys respond with nothing but hate. Bit sad but fine. Have it your way…

And ppl wonder why the community sucks…

Did you read anything we said at all?! For goodness sakes, at least read this posts! My gods…


I mean you were the one coming in here saying it was YOUR way or nothing, anyway, i’m done responding now. Don’t need high elf drama in our thread, you guys sure like to start fights where they aren’t needed OR wanted


I did, and I said I like the idea. Then I said my opinion and yall respond with anger. It’s fine, you do you lol. I’m not gonna argue with people that do t wanna have a conversation about something.

Sure I’ll admit I was a bit forceful In my opinion but I’m not the one acting out with hate lol.

No–you can’t twist things, we have it all right there. You’re making nonsense up and not responding to what we’ve been saying this entire time. But if you want to play the victim card? Go for it.


I responded to every poi t you guys listed In a calm and reasonable way, sure a bit forceful but not rude like yall. But if u wanna play the ignorant card by all means.

Apparently a rational discussion is out of the queation.

Dude. She literally said she supports high elves, and discusses them ON THEIR THREAD.

But assuming she doesn’t support them because she wants to keep the thread focused on the topic it revolves around is rude in and of itself.

I support high elves too. Would I play one if they came out? Yes. Do I think all debate about the viability of San’layn has to include the potential pairing for Alliance? No.

We respect that you think they’d be a definite pair, but please respect that not everyone will view it that way.


Fair enough, your 100% right. And I apologize for the forcefulnes of my previous posts. But man the absolute aggression you get when you disagree with people is baffling.

To be honest I just wanted to have a conversation on the ifs and hows it would be added, threw in my opinion but I’d rather not get attacked by 4 ppl so nvm

We were not being aggressive .-. I was explaining things in detail. I’m the one that said I disagreed with you, and it escalated from there…


What’s a dark fallen? That was not me.

I tend to stay away from most race chats, as they can turn aggressive quickly lol, as this recent demonstration has shown