San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

As it is right now, if we go by the theme of each race getting an allied race linked to them, we’re missing one for the Goblins and one for the Undead on the Horde side, and theres room for 2 on each faction currently. Honestly, I think San’layn are the best and most likely choice for the Undead side of it. ^^


I got Valanar this time :smiley: Woot!

Also, I bet we’ll get a bulk of Allied Races coming up. Just a feeling of mine. We got a huge spurt prior to the expansion, then a pair at launch ^^


aww spooder taking a selfie


Sylvanas’ Diary, entry 3,458: the impudent little ticks have overstepped their vexations. I considered razing their homeland into the dirt but I remembered they’re from Silvermoon too. Need to work with the living races to establish a new land for the San’layn to occupy. And then burn that to the ground.


Somehow, I wouldn’t put it past Sylvanas to blight Silvermoon for the slightest of reasons. If she wants to get a zombie army from Stormwind, whats to stop her from doing it to other cities?

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I think if they added San’layn they had to let them be DK… Specially if they are not adding new classes who uses Blood Magic! :thinking:




I’m curious if they would add DK to their classes or not. As I mentioned, I imagine San’layn Blood DK’s would be extremely popular if so. ^^

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Yeah that’s why I’m thinking San’layn being added might not be for a while if ever, because while Blizzard said “eventually” for DK allied races, they said there is no plans right now. I knew many including me would really like San’layn death knights of course.

Granted, there’s always a chance that they are released and the class opens up for them later. I feel like things like DID, Zandalari, and KT though should also have it starting off.


Something not High Elf? Already signed.


I think that San’layn and Ogres should form a storyline black-hole themed party, seeing as they both have kinda fallen into another dimension or something and don’t seem to be coming out of there anytime soon. They could totally invite other races people want playable in the same situation storyline-wise. x- x

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I agree. It occurs to me that releasing ogres and San’layn at the same time Hordeside would be a good idea. It would stop the “no more elves” crew from complaining that much on our end, and then would stop the “but we don’t need another ugly race on Horde” crew on your end. :stuck_out_tongue:


Throw in the Vulpera for a cute-yet-deadly race and I think we would have an excellent group of allied races to announce!..well, at least for us. <- <;

Vulpera would offset the ugly, smelly Ogre complaints the Ogres usually get. ^^;


Yeah your right! I’d be really happy for the Horde side of things. Though I think Vulpera would come sooner than those two based on the gigantic amount of stuff out there for them now in terms of the model. Still, all at the same time would be a dream come true.

I’d have to roll a Vulpera and San’layn at the same time though!


You took that first line from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

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Indeed! The PS1 and PSP variants. ^^

It’s the perfect trio for me. I guess if I had to choose the pairs, it would be Night Elf Worgen vs San’layn, Vulpera vs Sethrak (much as I want Sethrak for Horde), and Ogres vs Vrykul. ^^

One Ogre, two Vulpera, and one San’layn for me. I love my alts. ^^

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Woah… not two ogres? I’m surprised haha!

…You don’t want to know how many San’layn alts I’ll have, there’s a uh sizeable amount. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I fear for your wallet if race changes are planned. o- o;

Also, it’s hard to explain, but some races in MMO’s, I can only ever make one of. I have a certain persona idea, and it doesn’t translate well across multiple characters of the same race. Other races, I easily can make multiple of with different character personalities. A bit hard to explain. ^^;


Horde can have sanlayne when alliance gets high/half elves xD. Otherwise I just dont see them adding in more elf look alikes.

Ogres would be legit however.

Personally disagree that Alliance have to get high elves in order for us to get San’layn. I have no issues with Alliance getting them, however I do not intend on thinking that they’re tied down by high elves at all.