San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Lemme see if I can go find it, was a while ago. I’ll timestamp it too. They were just joking around, I was told, though. But initially I interpreted it differently.

Here it is, timestamped :stuck_out_tongue: (I likely looked into it too much at the time. I dunno. I just was like, "oh come on…we get enough flak as it is x.x)

Ah, the days when we actually had hope for San’layn being an Allied Race. :frowning: But yeah. It seems almost, yeah. They clearly aren’t a fan of the idea (aside from the “they are cool though” at the end.)

Keep in mind, I started this thread series before the Dreven stuff came out :stuck_out_tongue: So my want of them isn’t just a spur of the moment thing.


I really wouldn’t lose hope over that video, or any other ones. Just because renown youtubers aren’t a fan of an allied race doesn’t mean Blizzard hasn’t noticed that other people want them, along with this thread and all of its support it has gotten.

That said, I’m going to suggest something I’ve suggested in a few allied race threads that once the PTR has 8.2 and 8.2 officially hits live servers, we should look for clues of any kind for future allied races and discuss them in the appropriate megathreads. If anything, work on finishing the new war campaign quests at the very least, as whatever the next pair of allied races are will likely require an up-to-date war campaign completion for each faction’s new allied races.

Gonna be really fun once the datamining party goes underway. ^^


I could see how you’d take this as a negative thing, but I don’t think it’s targeting the San’layn specifically. T&E would often poke fun at anything new being considered for an allied race by the community, plus you’ve got the whole, “elf fatigue” stuff they’re likely poking fun at as well. Those two are pretty nice to the High Elf folk, so I’d bet the whole, “Just as the High Elf stuff started to become bearable” line isn’t really negativity aimed towards High Elves either.

I think they’re just being silly, is all

Yep, that’s what everyone’s told me about it, so at this point I kinda nod in agreement. I don’t dislike them, anyway, I just don’t really watch WoW youtubers much :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t think any Allied Race being proposed on the forums has really gotten an in-depth look though from any major youtubers (I don’t count, am too small). But like Bagzak said…

he makes a solid point and yeah, it doesn’t matter all that much. Really, my primary counter was to the “why we shouldn’t get San’layn” video posted here, and I meant to say “neither him nor I are all that popular so we really can’t use that stuff as a measure on either video”. Technically mine has more views due to models, but again, not a good measure regardless :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to mention we will get specifics on story soon too, I bet. Tidbits of information not brushed over by the stream. They focused on Mechagon and Naz, but nothing on the other stuff. They pointed out specifically that war campaign would be going through the world and working with allies other than Naz and Mecha in the stream today. So… who knows.

Fingers crossed for more info on where Dreven came from! And possibly where the missing Blood Princes are!


If anything, we may be getting hints of Gilblins and Mecha/Junker Gnomes as allied races, which really excites me. When BfA was live, I was really interested in all the NPC races involved to see any clues of who could potentially become allied races.

On another note, I’ll be keeping an eye out for anything Ogre-specific as usual, but also looking for general allied race hints too. I’m feeling the hype. ^^

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Hehe, people will be pouring into the forums due to the inability to log in. I miiiiight or might not be giving this a poke for reasons.


More Dreven snark!

Dreven: Ah! Is that the king of Gilneas I see? What a pleasure! I’d offer you a bone, but I’m afraid our warchief blighted all the local Forsaken.

Dreven: You know, royal blood has an interesting taste to it. You see, I had a picnic in your wonderful cemetery one fine evening…not quite the smartest of things to leave your darling prince’s body where the local undead army is setting up shop…

Dreven: Aww, why so angry Genny boy? Ah, I get it, you miss your boy, don’t you? You know, I heard Nathanos is running around in someone else’s body, so maybe we’ll just do that with your son. I’m sure he’ll be quite the hot SHOT in the Horde!


inb4 Baine stopped nothing because Sylvanas is just going to do the same with Liam Greymane


Lol DAMN that’s a double freakin whammy right there, I positively love it. points at Blizzard Hire this man!

Inb4 Anduin or Genn x Dreven ships though if that ever happens, hahahaha…

Oh snap that one would hit hard. Man, I couldn’t come up with this stuff, you’re brilliant. This one burns so bad that I can feel it.

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I’ve been trying to figure out a race that could be implemented with the San’layn because they’re not going to just put out one race…but we’d want some sort of a connection thematically, right?

I think it would be interesting for them to give Alliance Ethereals!

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That would be interesting. You did mention a connection though, how would they be connected in that sense? Popularity-wise I think it’d be a pretty good match. I mean… Etherals are so cool, and chances are, I’d totally roll one as well. I’m eager to hear your ideas though, I haven’t thought of that as a pairing and love it!

Same :3

Ethereals are what Void Elves should’ve been, that or High Elves. Adding in another Void themes race now to the Alliance would feel kind of off, which is a shame because ethereals are cool

San’layn would have a natural foil with the Worgen, so whatever race would be added alongside them doesn’t need to be related imo

Because he wasn’t being insulting? lol I’ll be back when there are no San’layn to do my Nelson laugh at you.

Lol, was this supposed to be posted on an alt?

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Again…what’s the point of you being here? You’ve proved that you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to San’layn. When proven as such, you jump to insults. You claim to not “be against them” but here you are still pretty much disproving that.

What are you hoping to accomplish by lying? Why don’t you just say you don’t want them added and call it a day? Some people don’t like the idea. We get it. There’s other allied races to support as well. You claiming to want them really doesn’t help your case if you don’t.


Hey folks, Nobbel made a video on Quill. Yes, it’s not really actually related to San’layn, as it unfortunately has no lore for us relevant to them directly. But, it indirectly talks to them due to the Quill’s name and the learning of blood magic, along with normalizing its use.


If you wanted nothing but a echo chamber just say so. You can want something but think you wont get it. What are you failing to understand about this? Many people want to win the lottery, doesn’t mean they will and they understand this concept for example.

We are fine with constructive opposition but you have added nothing of value