San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

rate that transmog can get pretty feisty. i know.

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aye hows the male sanlaynn / customization coming along fallynn?

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Desperation is a possibility to help his people survive. If the idea is to redeem Dreven, then he would need to show some form of regret for his actions, in particular with the ways I have been writing him up. This ties into the aggressive attitude San’layn have when needing to feed, which would need to be solved before they become official Horde members.

I’m sure people will make jokes about the Horde elves being junkies in some fashion, but to me it just makes them more sympathetic and allows them to bond more with the Blood Elves and Nightborne.


And you’re such a fanboi it hurts to watch. :smiley:

This is so sad.


Yeah unless you try to legit sling insults left and right and mean it, I don’t care. Some people I sigh and shake my head at but there’s really nothing bankable here lately at all.

Slowly :stuck_out_tongue: my lover is still learning blendr and I’m still learning how to draw so it might still be a bit unfortunately.

Eh I always think of it as like DK. There will always be war and conflict, and therefore killings. The San’layn simply could just feed upon only Horde enemies and go under an agreement, yah? They’re going to die in war anyway, might as well make use of them :stuck_out_tongue:

What he said is simple straightforward knowledge o.o even those not so into San’layn typically know that distinction. Plus, anyway, I mean… Yeah. People that support an Allied Race or lore concept tend to know what they’re talking about. If that makes us “fanboi”? That’s fine. :woman_shrugging: We’re passionate about a subject and naturally would know stuff about it.


So do you not have anymore arguments to make so it’s just insults now? lol


she does this to me consistently when i have my tin foil hat on.

Oh my goddddd pick up the paceeee!!! >:( Cracking the whip to make you both work faster!!! jkjjk

i have no idea whats going on but pass that pop corn.

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True, but my feelings are that they shouldn’t be viewed as monsters that would just backstab their allies on a whim. It’s one of the reasons of showing they are capable of having emotions other than being emo schizoid edgelords. Even the Death Knights do that to a degree. Just how I feel, is all. ^^;;

I just got an image in my head of a San’layn bartender using a blender to make all sorts of bloody concoctions for drinks. I wonder if they’d be the type to add fruit with a little umbrella. :V

“Bartender, give me a bloody stump!”
“Can’t. Chainsaw’s out of gas!”


I’m waiting till they get some good food trucks parked outside the Acherus, then I’m gonna waltz in all sly like and use the DK discount.

For someone not against Sanlayn this guy/girl sure acts hostile towards the idea what with the hurling of insults.

Oh Laeth, I love that gif. BTAS Joker is one of my favorite Jokers.


San’layn make more sense than void elves, so why not?

+1 op


Yeah it’s because they’re lying for what ever reason about not being against while coming back multiple times to oppose us

very strange indeed


I’m pretty sure I don’t need to accept a thing you made up.

And there are probably more San’layn out there than there are Void Elves, who are already a playable race.


I agree. I find it partially amusing and partially annoying that they’re so persistent in debunking sanlayn as an AR and continue to commit to their lie at the same time.

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Oh I know, I agree entirely, haha that’s been my point the entire time. DKs do have plenty of emotion, it depends on the person. It really isn’t them being monsters if they’re directing their needs to the enemy. I mean, humanoids constantly need to eat meat and all that. So I don’t see their diet as a problem so long as they don’t attack their allies. They wouldn’t really be monsters then, just like DK and forsaken are not as well.


Not sure if I’ve done it yet, but I’d like to throw in my support for playable San’layn. They’d be the perfect foil to the Worgen of the Alliance, while I’m not sure if they have much history together, vampires and werewolves just go together, y’know?


Really? That doesn’t sound like their style. Know which video it was?