San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Disagreeing isn’t trolling. But false claims about san’layn being playable aren’t false because its something you want desperately? Ok then…

We never claimed they were playable, this is a megathread brainstorming the possibility of them becoming an allied race in the future. We aren’t even demanding them be added in this round if it continues.

All you have done is repeatedly state false assumptions as though they are fact, and given no constructive additions to the thread.

At this point you just seem salty that your attempts haven’t bashed our hopes


Like I said, false assumptions. Speculating about what could be if they do become playable is not claiming that they are.
But coming into a thread, spreading false information and insulting people who disagree with you is.

If you support San’layn, share ideas about what you hope to see rather than echoing on about how you think they’re all dead.


That’s a logical fallacy. I can want something very much but believe it simply isn’t possible. And is not false information. I’ve spread info that is very much true, you are merely cherrypicking only the parts that I was wrong about. There are other speculations that have solid points, such as Ion saying he would not add High Elves, but then he’d turn around and add a 3rd elf race and give it to the Horde no less for example?

All you do is come off as hostile.

If you don’t like our ideas about them, why don’t you come up with some that you think would be possible rather than being the typical “no more elves!” commentator?

We don’t agree that Ion discounting high elves in the near future completely cuts out any race as a possibility, because quite frankly, if it’s not called a high elf, it’s not the same thing.

So please, drop the whole “ION SAID NO!” bit and try to be constructive. This isn’t a thread about why they couldn’t be playable, it’s a thread about all the things they could add IF they became playable.


I’m almost willing to deal with the RP cringe these elves will provide on WrA…but I still wanna make one for the aesthetic


That’s fine, to each their own! Also, they can be RP’d pretty well but that depends on the player behind the wheel. Same could be said of any race, really.

I personally find that effort and research goes a long way in RP.


I thought DH would supply nothing but cringe in RP, but i have seen some pretty good ones. There will always be bad RPers but that doesn’t mean the whole lot is

If anything it will be fun to read the terrible MRPs of such people while enjoying those who do it properly


Ehh, I’ve never actually perceived anyone as cringe, that was just a joke. I’m fully on board for San’Layn!


Indeed. Falls and I put a lot of work into making our ‘layn. Cringe profiles are just pure yikes, but well thought out characters are great!


Good to see that I can still come to this thread for some epic pvp action. Hopefully Alliance puts up more of a fight here.


Ok, let’s break things down.
–>Many times, on multiple occasions, did I say this:

^ In all of the above cases? Nowhere am I promoting an echo chamber. I’m saying we’re sharing ideas and using the information we have to brainstorm them. I said, in those quotes, that I’m fine if people disagree, but we’re going to continue to talk about. Not only do you come in here, make false claims, and prove that you have no idea what you’re talking about, you jump right to insults.

You could have apologized, but no. Instead?

^False claim, as I said already.

^Literally telling us to stop talking about it.

^Not proven at all and a made-up assumption.

You say all of this stuff, one excuse after another, claim you like them, but then come in guns blazing to say stuff like this:

Like… we get it. You don’t support this, you’ve made it abundantly clear.

We’re going to keep discussing out ideas regardless. You can claim “echo” chamber all you want, but I’ve said MANY TIMES that people are free to disagree, but DO NOT CLAIM ASSUMPTIONS AS CONFIRMED FACT.

Simple. Not once did we do so. We’re saying FACT.

  1. Dreven had to come from somewhere.
  2. There are two missing blood princes.
  3. San’layn were killed on that ship.

^FROM THERE we are discussing what would be cool if the story continued. Oh, and also? Even if there is a low chance? At least we’re trying.


Huzzah! Term paper completed! Now I can spend some time typing up some study guides for…my…finals…aaarrrggghhhh. DX

That said, I was thinking about that Silvermoon Battle scenario I mentioned as a possible allied race unlock questline for San’layn, and thinking on it more led me to consider that it may serve better as another event before the unlock questline actually occurs, or even after it. It wouldn’t be focused on San’layn specifically, though they would play a good role in it, and after the fact, it would give them a reason to set up shop in the Ghostlands to help protect Silvermoon.

In other words, ideas kept flowing, and it started becoming a very epic questline utilizing many of the Horde races. In the future, I’ll try to think that scenario up, and maybe an unlock questline, when I find the time and inspiration.

Then again, my inspiration led to a form of Ogre Democracy somehow, so I’m sure I could figure something out with some research. ^^;


I think that’s something most CAN agree on is the RP cringe these would create. But the aesthetic is cool. I love their masks. It would almost make more sense if San’layn were a class like DH, but then the Alliance would get them and Alliance seem incredibly unlikely to allow them. But then again they allowed DK who have to commit cruel acts to keep their sanity and Warlocks and Worgen…

You should make one big thread about it! Combine your ideas and have others see it, and such like that.


I would feel a bit odd making a thread for something specifically like that. It’s one thing to share that in a megathread to show ideas for that megathread’s race, but I don’t want to give the wrong impression by making a whole thread based on an idea I had. ^^;

However, I was thinking that whenever I get around to writing up stuff for my WoW characters, the forums are an area I was considering posting to. It’ll be awhile before I can fully type up stuff for anything, though. Got loads of ideas and just not enough time or energy to translate them into text. x- x;


I can get behind this idea i would finally love playing a elf then lol!


Would San’layn give an excuse to make the Dark Ranger theme playable?


blizzard is very protective of the dark ranger class but i think they’re maneuvering to make it possible if they feel it’s appropriate. but i feel that way because of them making kaldorei dark rangers. san’layn dark rangers would be a nice combo though.


San’layn and Dark Rangers could probably look mighty similar. But if they add in horror features like bat ears or all-tooth fangs, etc. It might be only one or two options to look relatively “normal”.

So in summary, probably. San’layn would encompass that and the vampyr theme. It depends on what they look like if/when added.

For example, Lana’thel is a twisted blood elf model. Blood Princes use the night elf model but heavily modded. But San’layn are indeed blood elves so hmm.