San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Ion already said no to high elves. Blizzard does not sound like they are going in the direction of more playable elves. That’s one reason they aren’t going to happen. To think Blizzard would add yet another elf race and to the Horde? There are already 2 type of elves in the horde, then to add yet another 3rd elf race to the Horde doesnt make much sense. There are also very many Horde players who dislike elves and blizzard is aware of this.

Elves are popular, they give a lot of faction/race change money.
High elves are a carbon copy of the most popular horde race, there’s a reason blizzard said no, but the san’layn wouldn’t be going to the Alliance and are not a carbon copy of another race



Except I’m not twisting things at all. I’m using logic. Never once did I claim there’s no more San’layn. I’m starting what I know and what I have a source for, two things you have yet to.

  1. There’s two missing blood princes. That’s a fact.
  2. Dreven had to come from somewhere. Also a fact.
  3. I’m not claiming most weren’t killed on the ship, either. I’m saying we don’t know, and with that unknown information, am hoping the story continues.

Your claims are as follows:

  1. All San’layn were wiped out by the Alliance. You provided that quest line as a “source”. Nowhere did it say all were wiped out. From that, what do we know as a fact? The San’layn on that ship were all slain, including Dreven, the Horde link. I’ll give opposes that one, and add however that a new link can form, or the story can continue.
  2. You claim that there’s less San’layn than high elves. This is an assumption without a source. There’s been no numbers given and the amount of San’layn left is simply unknown. Especially after ten years.

The video I posted has a lot of logical reasons about why San’layn aren’t very possible. But will post it again.

Ok, so it’s now being established that most likely, you don’t want them or are at least speaking for those that don’t. Which is perfectly fine, but don’t claim assumptions as truth.

Also, once again:

  1. We’re not high elves.
  2. We aren’t asking for them instead of anything else, we’re fine with waiting.
  3. The devs haven’t said one thing about San’layn.
  4. I get that people don’t want elves and i don’t care. It doesn’t change my view and won’t stop me from advocating what I want added.
  5. You’re free to not want them, like anyone else. It doesn’t bother me. I simply will have a different opinion that won’t change, and that’s that.

Yes, they are high elves as the base race they were before they were turned. They came from that race originally. They certainly weren’t Night Elves or Nightbourne. I also never said I did not want them. I said others don’t and they are rather vocal about it and Blizzard is well aware of this.

Cool, I have many counter videos on why they would make sense. If people don’t want them? That’s fine. I’ve made my point on this thread. If Blizzard doesn’t agree with me, they won’t be added. Until they flat out tell us no, however, we will continue to be here discussing ideas.

People are free to disagree and point out why. That’s fine and understandable, we don’t want all the same things. Me? I’ll merely disagree and move on.

Those people are perfectly valid too. In the end, it is up to Blizzard.

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Once again I never said I personally don’t want them, I actually do want them. I think they are cool. I just think its not going to happen. If you really like Vampires I hope you will try out Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2 when that comes out.

It might not happen, you’re right. I’d be disappointed if so, but that’s life. I don’t expect them myself anytime soon anyway, but that won’t stop me from hoping.

As for that game, sonunds interesting but I’m going to pass. Single player games aren’t of much interest to me personally.

I think they are. They went out of there way to give the Blood Queen Lana’thel mount to work with her wings on the shaman mount. It looks really cool. (I don’t know how to upload screenshots). Compare this to the Vrykul which have a skeleton similar to orcs… they don’t look very fluid on the Shaman mount.

I would also wager the datamining to the new San’layn architecture a while back to say they will be featured in future content.

I must also point to the new toy in the shop. It features many of the races that players want playable with the toy. I even got to be a high elf with one of the disguises. If you notice anything about blizzard. They love hinting things an expansion or two before anything happens. If you notice them updating older models with dance emotes or as mountable stuff then you can be sure they may have plans for them to be allied races. Even the arrokoa now have a mounting animation… That may be related to the new druids but yea there is already a lot of hinting to what they can be working with. Not to mention the fact the mods extended the threads artificially. (Meaning blizzard clearly sees that players are interested). Last Q and A they said they are now starting to work on allied races based on COMMUNITY FEEDBACK. That is pretty promising in my eyes.

That video has 3 reasons why they won’t but I can give you plenty more of why they would add San’layn/darkfallen to the horde. And that is mostly $$$.


I don’t know, but it MIGHT have a co-op feature of some kind later on.

So why aren’t there vampires of races other than elves and humans? Can you imagine a Tauren vampire? Blood cows! Or a gnome vampire? Ankle Biters! I’d definitely call a gnome vampire a ankle biter. But seriously, why are they seemingly only human and elf vampires in WoW?

I might look into it if so, I’d love to play with my by.

That’s a good question and some of the things we talk about a lot…

  1. Blood elves are mutated versions of night elves, which are mutated versions of trolls. Therefore perhaps all of these species can be afflicted?
  2. Humans, mutated from Vry’kul, originally titan constructs. Same situation as… Gnomes and dwarves, right? Could those species also be able to be afflicted?
  3. Like trolls, Tauren and goblins are evolved from species originally on Azeroth. So could they qualify too?

I dunno. Blood curse is a mystery that I do hope they explore a bit more.


Don’t let the blood trolls find out


Just popping in to say I support playable Horde Darkfallen. :heart:


Not able to discuss as much as I would like lately but I want to remind you not to give up hope.

Even if there is only 1 San’layn left they can make more.

The recruitment scenario could be you just hauling around a coffin that’s cursing at you if it has to be.

There should be around 9 times more dead High/Blood Elves to recruit from then there are living ones.

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@Bagzak: wow man are you sure your not a Blizz Story team employee? Becuse as I read it was spot on how Blizz team would make a dialog scenario! Also Dreven reminded me of Kael before his mana/fel-addict fall into madness… He would be probably the most Vocal about Sylvanas rule and I would see them challenging each others rule over the remaining Elves or even being extremly defensive about the Forsaken sacrifice… I remember he fought directly with Arthas to buy Illidan time… so he would be all over Sylvana like you wrote Dreven. Love your well thought ideas!

@Virden: You forget there is ESO vampires and werewolf game besides the games your suggesting, they sell very well in the game too btw… Also I have learn with Void Elves addition, that Blizzard don’t seem to act on logic or lore when they add something to the game… They seem to have their own plans on whats going forward… so it they at some point wish to add them, they would without any care of what players think.

@ Fallynn When it comes to the Blood Curse it hard to say… Ghuun as a Old Blood God has been around for a VERY long time… so he could be responsible for it? So if its a curse I can easily see how they can create the race of undeath with all the living races as template… maybe the red eye undead is a sort of side effect of this curse an not exclusive to the Dark Range Hero Class? If so we could see this Vampire faction evolve as a new faction with different undead but not tied up to a Class like DK?

Also I would not be surprise if Loa Hakkar the Soulflayer, also known as The Loa of Blood was maybe a Loa that got corrupted by Ghuun or even his avatar form… to hide his hideous true form from the Trolls… Ghuun has been imprisoned even before this Loa existence… so it could be possible that its his doing?

It be cool if they added the San’Layn that their base would be move to the Silvermoon beautifully adorn Catacombs where they have the Heart of Ghuun encase in a Sun Well empowered Crystal that filters the corruption and drips infinite amounts of Bloods for the Darkfallen to satisfy their eternal hunger… Kinda like a Blood Well, part of the recruitment quest could be setting this up and helping them getting Ghunns heart etc…maybe? lol :sweat_smile:
Blood elves have been know to use Blood magic and harvest blood for they Anima Golems and use it as fuel for their magic needs, as seen with the Red Crystals use in Sylvermoon or other places and in BfA scenario with Dreven Ship. So it be a nice way to connect the dots that way, I think… Also it could be the perfect set up for Hero Classes like Blood Mage or other popular Undead Hero Classes…in the future. (IMO)

SO like Fallynn I also hope they explaining the future more about this Blood Curse… maybe it is the reason does resurrected with it are so loyal to Sylvanas instantly, almost like Classic and D&D Vampires, thralls seem so, ones turn by their sire, they are fiercely loyal, huh? :thinking:


Let’s keep advocating so Blizzard can see our commitment! After all, Blizzard sounds like they are working on the Allied races that the community has been asking for. This thread is one of the most popular, though there are a few others that exceed ours.


As fun as that would be, no, I’m not on Blizzard’s team. If I were, you can bet I would be trying to get Ogres playable! I’m just a regular player in WoW that is working on majoring in Accounting, Minoring in Managerial Information Systems. Not nearly as fun as writing up lore for a living. I think a lot of it is that I’ve been playing WoW, and video games in general, so long that it has added to my creativeness.

I would say that San’layn are the 3rd strongest mole!..err, I mean, 3rd most popular allied race megathread (High Elves being first and Vulpera being second).

Blizzard mentioning community feedback is also a reason I try to make at least a post a day in the Ogre megathread to float ideas and discussions around and try to bring awareness to them as a wanted playable race. Viva la Ogres!

That said, I’m glad that we have Eevee for the Vulpera megathread. They’ve done more than I think I ever could to support them as a playable race. ^^