San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

You shouldn’t be calling this an official thread, because it’s not from Blizzard.

Blizzard doesn’t call their Official threads Official, they use blue text.

This is the official San’layn thread, accept no substitutes.


It’s a bit of a distinction without difference, too. I mean, it is the de facto San’layn thread. If there were issues with that sort of naming, I’m sure they’d specify or mention it here.


Considering the thread series has been here for almost a year come ten days from now, and I’ve been putting a huge amount of work bringing everything together, yes, this is the megathread for San’layn discussion and info that people link to in order to prevent spam.

If people have issues, feel free to report it. I’m however not changing it, and I’m pretty sure that I’d be talked to or penalized if I did something wrong since it’s been here this long.


There never would be an “official” Blizzard megathread for San’layn. If Blizzard said anything about San’layn, it would be taken as confirmation of their existence which would, essentially, render the purpose of this megathread nonexistent.

It is “official” in the sense that it was created first and the participants here try their best to redirect any and all discussion regarding San’layn seen elsewhere to this thread in a concerted effort to reduce spam. That’s good enough for me.


I will say that I like if they add San’layn they also afterwards or at the same time introduce a Class that would let them manifest their unique undeath Blood related Magic traits… Beyond Warlock/Mage, Shadow Priest and Death Knight… Like Necromancer, Lich, Dread Lord, Crypt Lord, Dark Ranger or even Blood Mage… :star_struck:

Specially if we have to level them from level 20 to Max to get their heritage armor! It will keep me very entertain leveling a new class with a new race if they haven’t updated the leveling experience in WoW by that time in the future. :heart_eyes:

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I think that the San’layn would be good supporters for Sylvanas and she need all
the help she can get after the Baine incident.


I figured this is important to mention just in case Blizzard is looking here and thinking about alternatives to an Allied Race. Now–I’m bias. Naturally, an Allied Race for me would be the best thing. If void elves and LFD can be an AR, surely elves twisted and afflicted by the vampyr curse over a decade ago can be an AR. Look at worgen, another cursed race that became playable after San’layn actually existed! So yeah, I definitely, personally, would love an AR.

But that doesn’t mean I’m close-minded at all, and I won’t be overly disappointed or upset if it’s just elf customization. That in mind, if they were looking to only have San’layn be customization, it’d be nice if:

  1. We did have different ear options at that point, from torn up, to bat-like.
  2. An in-depth questline for our San’layn, explaining the blood curse, something probably quite a bit longer than Night Warrior, which is the only example we have right now of customization tied to a quest.
  3. Probably a bit more than just a single skin, though I suppose a very pale San’layn with black or red eyes could potentially work. I really do want bat-like ears, or ear customization. Something a bit more than ‘everyone is gonna look the same with only a small amount of options’, you know?

So yeah, those are kinda just my two cents on the matter. I like the idea of customization being tied to a quest. I prefer an AR for reasons I stated, but perhaps they could make it work.

As for an Allied Race angle, not sure when it would ever happen. We’ve got robots and sea folk coming up, which really have nothing to do with San’layn and the blood curse. However, other things might go on too during this patch, unrelated to that–so who knows. I’ll keep my eyes open for stuff and talk about it when I see it for sure.

More customization is cool to think about for all races. What would they do for others? Night Elves got night warrior. Blood Elves just got golden eyes, I see that as a silly face addition more than anything all that important; there was no questline.

Would we see a mixture of Night Warrior and Greenfire? Speaking of which–I really hope they do greenfire-like stuff for other classes. What if “Blood mage” Was that, for mages? Like, your spells would all have bloody effects?! Or Death Knights too, where unholy you’d summon blood horrors and frost it’d have bloody effects as opposed to frost, and with blood, the splatters would be much more intense.

This stuff is so much fun to think about.

Also, and this is somewhat relevant to undead. Blizzard… if you’re looking here… please please please give us an abomination glyph! I’m so sad it was taken away.


I think San’layn are too unique to really be just a customization option for Blood Elves, and it would be a bit disappointing to see them relegated to it and not really be part of any storyline after the fact. Besides, you’d be missing out on neat possibilities, like them setting up camps and ambush points in the Ghostlands if a Siege on Silvermoon warfront ever became a thing.

If you’re ever bored, you can do what I am doing with Ogres and write up your own allied race unlock questline with some ideas on how it could go down with some lore research to tie it in. Seems to me something involving the Ghostlands and helping Silvermoon against an Alliance onslaught would make for a great allied race unlock quest chain. Would make a neat video to make, I am sure, and I haven’t seen anyone else write up some hypothetical questlines for other allied races.

On another note, I was toying with the idea of a Fire Mage San’layn alt. Was a bit inspired thinking about Dracula from the Castlevania series, although I would think fire would be low on the list of fun, happy, and healthy things to handle for a vampire…


Hmmm, I’m note sure if this was mention before anyway I was thinking…

What if the Burn out Teldrassil was to become the San’layn or new undead starting zone… I mean Sylvanas basically resurrected all elf’s that were willing to comeback… this HAS to mean something in the story…no?

We are not talking about zombie forsaken undead we are talking about the red eye undead like her… We are never given any information for them and clearly not all of them are Dark Rangers so its not a Hero Class Trait.

We still don’t even know what deal she made with Helya, she gave refuge to Blood Prince Dreven and his fellow to join the Horde…

At this point its anyone guess what Sylvanas is Planing but one thing is for sure it has to do with the Death Realm.

SO DON"T LOSE HOPE MY FELLOW SAN’LAYN FANS! I really think blizz will surprise us in the future. :partying_face:

If my suspicions are correct BfA is basically following a similar story line like the WC2 Tides of Darkness… THAT can only mean, the next story would be about WC3 who was all the Scourge, the Burning Legion (which means, Blood/Void/High Elves will be involve) and OLD GODS! :exploding_head:

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Something about burnt wood and embers doesn’t really strike me as a habitat for vampire elves, but that is just me.

I have started to hear rumors about a Shadowlands expansion coming up, so maybe the San’layn could do something to help with it if true. I’m not sure what it would be comprised of, though.


Yeah, those are my thoughts too. I really do hope for an Allied Race myself too, haha but obviously I’m bias :stuck_out_tongue: I would love to see them play a large part, like how DK and forsaken do and show a very nice spectrum of different character types. San’layn and the vampyr branching out in general would be cool.

I’ll keep that in mind for sure! It’s a really good idea ^^ I’d probably make the assumption that the missing Blood Princes are behind the turnings and maybe even on of them is the Blood King or something, and the San’layn proved themselves since they distracted the Alliance long enough for Horde to complete that mission.

That Teld idea is interesting indeed, it’s a possibility! I personally hope for a Necropolis or an underground kingdom myself, since the underground part of Northrend still is so unexplored, and who knows what’s been going on for a decade :o Plus, if we go with necroplis, we could have Naxxanar, which hosted the largest amount of San’layn aside from ICC!

Of course not, we obviously have to redecorate the place for sure! Maybe open a permanent way into the shadow lands!

But yeah that be to much an eye sour for the Nigh Elves… if they hate San’layn now for being undead abominations, imagine how much they will hate them if San’layn home base was made on top of the ashes of what use to be their homeland! :smiling_imp:

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Oh god, they made a title banner.

If you want gothy, pale elves who cavort with dark powers, the Alliance is waiting for you. :wink:

Alternatively, make a Blood Elf Blood Death Knight. Boom.

That’s cute, those two ‘points’ have been covered more than once here, don’t feel like doing it again. Move along


Funny, when points get covered in the High Elf threads, they get constantly brought up over and over again, much to the chagrin of those in favor of helves.

Mind indulging me with how a Blood Elf Blood DK doesn’t check all the San’layn boxes aside from a “turning into a bat” racial ability and having red eyes?

Neat, we aren’t the high elf team though. if this actually concerns you, you can scroll through and read :slight_smile:

oh jeez the alt army followed us here lol


Many character classes. I’m aware not everyone wants San’layn but it’s quite rude to put down the work I put into my thread here. Yes, I did it up to look nice, as people come here in general to talk about the subject and it’s been going for almost a year.

It isn’t my fault the Alliance got a reskin of a Horde race that has much less lore than the San’layn. They branched off and became monstrosities over a decade ago. Void elves are extremely recent. So no. I’m not interested in a substitute for a race I care about and want expanded just because some people cry about elves. I even made it clear that I don’t care if we have to wait a long time or for many other allied races to come out.

Blood curse mutates very obviously what with Lana’thel’s wings and the blood Prince’s odd models. The lore hasn’t even been explored in depth yet, so there’s many ways a model can be mutated. Zandalari used the old hunched troll models for example for a while until isle of thunder. So yeah.

And before this turns into a high elf debate? This isn’t the high elf thread. This is the San’layn thread. Just as Swift said, that can be debated with them. San’layn are to elves as forsaken are to humans. Worgen too. It’s plain to see.

Also yeah, we do get annoyed repeating ourselves when all of the information is in the first post that people don’t bother to read sometimes. There hasn’t been one new point brought up in a long time that I haven’t covered in my first post.

If you disagree that’s perfectly fine. We’re not going to see eye to eye and all of our points are explained in the first post. I’m not here to change anyone’s minds if they don’t want it. I’m here to tell Blizzard my ideas and offer a place to talk about it. People will naturally not agree and that’s fine. They see that too. In the end it’s up to them to see who makes more of a point.

Edit: Of course he has. I’m too tired to bother with the scooby doo gif. sigh note that we’re not liking our own. Someone follows posters at times or uses a bot, I’m not sure, to suddenly mass like posts with alts.


I want those wings so badly :bat:


2k+ posts? Let’s not and say we did.

I’m of the opinion, generally, that we’ve got enough elves. 4 is enough types to choose from-- No Forsaken elves, no high elves, no vampire elves, no this elves, no that elves.

The Elf Store is all stocked up on elves.
The weatherman says it’s Elves with a chance of Elves, with Elves later in the evening.
Someone’s on the phone. Who is it?

It’s Elves.