San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

That’s fine and I simply disagree. We made our points all on the first post and I understand if you don’t want the race.

You’re certainly not going to change my opinion on it, but I’m sure if Blizzard is looking into it, they see yours too. It’s up to them to decide who to listen to.

In the meantime, we’ll keep discussing our ideas.


Fair enough.

I suppose, in the end, it’s up to Blizzard to decide whether or not any idea has merit, regardless of fan desires. If they think the game would benefit from pressing the Elf Button 'til it breaks, that’s entirely their prerogative.

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Is this legit added to game ??? I made a topic on this subject since I did not know a Mega thread existed for this group of Elfs.

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No San’layn Allied Race currently exists for the game right now, and no worries it happens. Thank you for redirecting to here though!


Blood elf death knights could double as Sanlayn. Or maybe if they made a San’layn race you can choose to switch to sanlayn as blood elf.

Then again you got the same issue with human death knights… Shouldnt they be in the horde as forsaken?

It’s a fantasy games.
They’re chock full of elf races, we’re only getting started.
We need the Vampire Elves, Werewolf elves, Sea elven weresnakes, high elves…hrm…what else? Bring it on.


My San’layns actually a Rogue. I gave her yellow eyes, the palest skin tone and platinum blonde hair. With the right gear she actually looks Undead.


talk about a carrying on luggage

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I have:
5 San’layn DK (For those that know me: Falls, Maddy, Elias, Nar’lytha, Angel’ik)
2 San’layn locks (Maze and Goliath)
A San’layn rogue (Soul)
A San’layn hunter (Maxximus)
2 San’layn shadow priests (Luke and Salder)
A San’layn monk (Viothel)
A San’layn warrior (Vharana)

And I think I covered all of them…

I should post on all at some point just for some fun hahaha


You know, with all this work to support this allied race, it seems quite clear that you have Fallynn for the San’layn. :V

Wakka wakka! :U

(Commission I got from Mizuno)
You better bet!!


So a thought just occurred to me. With all the BLOOD trolls and the BLOOD beasts and stuff, wouldn’t getting the San’layn be a huge asset for the Horde? I feel like that could be a key for helping the Zandalari finish off that group.

Of course, I would hope they wouldn’t get too drunk off the blood mojo. Drunk with power, sure, but only if they remember that they’re on the Horde’s side.

I also wonder how popular blood beasts would be with San’layn Hunters…

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See I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. We’re being bombarded with blood magic.

  1. Blood trolls and the entirety of Nazmir.
  2. Blood elves using blood magic in Nazmir during invasions.
  3. San’layn with more neat blood magic and expanded effects in the Alliance war campaign.
  4. Vry’kul blood magic spells (which hurt) in Island Expeditions.
  5. The inscription questline exploring blood magic more and normalizing it further.

San’layn would be the perfect way to introduce these powerful concepts to the Horde just like how Void Elves allow the use of potent void magic on the Alliance. I think it would be a great and powerful counter asset.


So with my exams done, although with my term paper still needing to be finalized (grumble grumble), I’ve been able to think a bit more of some allied race unlock questlines.

My opinion is that Dreven and his group should be resurrected from the…um…undead version of dead. This can redeem him and tie up the loose end of San’layn not being two timing villains with a Skeletor laugh. Give him a “the ends justified the means” thing while having some form of dignity, and while not being antagonistic.

The questline should lead to Northrend to find more of the San’layn, this can tie into the blood concept you mentioned, and then lead into the sudden need to get back to Zandalar to help fend off the blood trolls, who get decimated thanks to the San’layn. This helps Talanji trust the San’layn more.

I also feel like it should end with a travel to Ghostlands. There were rumors or evidence, can’t remember, of a possible warfront/siege on Silvermoon and the Exodar, and to me, the Ghostlands is a fitting place for the San’layn. This leads to a big battle there against the Alliance.

Obviously the details need to be worked out, but this accomplishes a few things:

  1. Shows that the San’layn aren’t all “MWHAHA I AM TEH EBILS” that was shown earlier, redeems Dreven, and gives the explanation of desperation during that Alliance war campaign.

  2. Shows that the Horde needs allies, both in BfA areas and in general against the Alliance. They’re spread thin in different territories.

  3. Shows that the San’layn need the Horde to actually survive, so it’s a mutual benefit that they pledge allegiance.

Seems very workable to me!


I think you’re missing Goliath!

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Thinking on it even more, I think I should elaborate on how it is important for Dreven to come back and be redeemed for the storyline.

I’ll need a correction if I am wrong, but wasn’t Dreven’s group the only/main contact with the San’layn The Horde had? Seems to me that Dreven would serve the redemption part, but would also serve as a breadcrumb quest to Northrend to find more of the San’layn to recruit. This questline could be one that occurs before the unlock questline that anyone would do to establish the Horde seeking to officially add them to their roster.

Of course, you could just add in another named San’layn in place of Dreven, but that causes a few problems. First, it doesn’t really “redeem” the San’layn, nor does it really explain well why the Horde would still seek them as an ally as well as with Dreven. Plus, this is treading the dangerous possibility that the San’layn would end up as raid mooks in a Sylvanas civil war battle of sorts.

Dreven’s redemption can show some…well, humanity is what I would say but I guess elfmanity would be a thing. The point is to show that they use to be beings before dying and they want to survive. Now, do I expect them to kiss puppies and bake cookies for orphans? No. Do I expect the cut of their jib to be colder than a banker’s heart on the day the orphanage’s mortgage payments are due? Also no. This just explains their actions and gives them a better chance to prove themselves.

Now wait just a second, though! They just sacrificed a bunch of Forsaken ship crew! Wouldn’t Sylvanas be a tad cheesed off?! In my opinion, not really. Remember, she blights her own people, so I don’t see her caring all that much, given the circumstances. Also, she would have an invested interest in getting the San’layn in the Horde, especially with people conspiring against her. Dreven would be the link that could help find the others.

Would then Dreven be the leader of sorts? I’ll admit, I don’t really know a lot on San’layn society hierarchy with the other royalty, but his return could very well suit that purpose.

Also I do recall that the Val’Kir are capable of resurrecting without dying. I’m guessing for the big names, like Sylvanas, their deaths power their plot armor demanded by the plot. Plus, coming from Northrend, they should be familiar with the San’layn, I assume, and would’ve had enough contact while serving the previous Lich King to be able to know how to resurrect them back into the…err…unliving.

I’ll admit that I need to read into a lot of the backstory written here and such to give a better opinion, and that what I typed can be debatable and isn’t perfect. I’ll think more on other aspects of the quest line though, as I can.


I know how you feel entirely. Been working on a microbiology project that I have to present soon and it’s so stressful. Huge congrats on your completion for the most part though and good luck on your term paper!

Definitely possible for sure, as we saw with the blood orb in ICC resurrecting the princes. Which… By the way hasn’t been addressed o.o someone asked about where it was and I realized that no one yet has spoken about it after ICC. Strange times…

I like this and think it’s important. Being on the good side of other members in the Horde is important for them, especially with Talanji being so tentative. Winning her favor would be a one up for them and it’d be using the blood trolls’ own magic against them. Like how void elves will be against the void!

I agree, and many here would love to see San’layn defend Ghostlands. I’ve seen people point out that one area on the end of the scar where Darkhan was killed initially as a good racial hub for them. It is a chokepoint that they could defend.

San’layn were elves that died for their city originally. They wanted to be heroes and protect their people much like DK. I would love to see Blizzard bring that up.

I now feel silly haha fixed!

Responding to more soon! Swapping to laptop after I eat. I like spending my time responding ^^


Another thing about Sylvanas is that with the San’layn, it can add a bit of flavor to Bwonsamdi not being overly fond of her. You can even tie that in with Talanji trusting them after the fact.

I can only imagine the snarkiness he would bring at more souls being taken from him.

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As far as we know, yes. We know nothing of how they connected to Sylvanas aside from that little tidbit that was said in the Alliance ( :frowning: ) war campaign. Horde hero knows nothing of it, either, and there’s never any mention. Theoretically it could be a setup for an allied race introduction though, as a surprise, while still building up hype. But… I don’t know.

I would sincerely hate this. Same with Forsaken and DK too. The leader isn’t supposed to define every single person–we see that with Garrosh. Now, Sylvanas is going haywire, and they better not drag everyone down with them and destroy the gradient of personality types they’ve created. I’m really glad that Lillian is put off by the Baine stuff. I hope we see other undead (aside from Calia and her nonsense, I wanna see undead of whom stick with their Faction and oppose the Dark Lady) doing similar.

Thank you–you are among the few that finally get what I’ve been saying this entire time, with that gradient! No one likes a story where everyone is cliche and the same. There needs to be a mixture. These people are not mindless. DKs… Forsaken… retain a variety of aspects of their previous personality, some more than others. It depends upon the person. I’d really hate for an intelligent undead race like the San’layn to be strictly depicted as sheer evil. They died tragically, as heroes, similar to DK, only to be used as weapons to decimate their own kin… after dealing with the tragedy that struck their city too! It’s very sad irony, and if I had the willpower and mind reobtained after Arthas’s death, I’d be extremely pissed about being denied said free will or ability to do what I had set out to in the first place–protect my people, only this time, with more power. (That’s kinda how I play my San’layn, most of them–monsters, but ones with morals. Some do have them somewhat twisted and situation dependent, but they’re not mindless maniacs bent on destroying all the living.)

Yeah, exactly–Sylvanas of all people knows what is a means to an end. Heck, perhaps she planned Dreven’s sacrifice, along with those Forsaken, to delay the Alliance long enough to get to her goal. In that sense, he did achieve it, and did all that he could do to so. If all were going to die anyway, well… yeah, easy to see she wouldn’t be all that upset if he did what he could for the mission.

We predicted a while ago that he might, but I think there might be some other head hancho running things. Where did Dreven come from? I think there’s a new Blood King/Queen–specifically King. For, the missing Blood Princes as seen in a vision within Silverpine during the Grizzly Hills questline were never seen again since. I bet one or both has had time to gain considerable power.

You know your stuff though and use reasoning well, I applaud you immensely :slight_smile:

Rofl your right, and I could see Talanji approving so long as it isn’t her own people, rather elves fallen in battle, just to spite him because for some reason she hates him dearly.


I actually got the latest novel, Before the Storm, as a birthday present a few days ago. I haven’t read it entirely, but I know that in the beginning, a council is made in Undercity since Sylvanas is now warchief. I think shenanigans occur, but whether they oppose her or have ambition, I need to read further. There are suppose to be undead that aren’t fond of her that still stay with the Horde. The starting area makes it seem like they have a choice to either serve her willingly or be off on their own. Nothing says they can’t feign loyalty to her to a point, though.

I feel like the way Sylvanas is going, once they join the Horde, she can try to pull the “my way or the highway” option, which can lead into the San’layn working with the Horde to dethrone her. Even the Blood Elves, loyal to her at first, are starting to rethink their position, so that would also help explain San’layn player characters that make the choice to be loyal to the Horde over her.

Then with her Val’kyr, it could have been planned to do that and resurrect them after the fact. Nathanos tells the player character to play along with Baine and not worry about getting their hands dirty to keep up the ruse, so if death is just a temporary setback, then she can just easily bring them back if that was part of the plan or a contingency plan if things went wrong.

Bwonsamdi: Oh no way, mon! Ah already have a headache with just one dead elf. Ah don’t need any more!

Now, I don’t see him personally stepping in to stop the San’layn being resurrected. It would just be a humorous flavor text to me and harassing Talanji after the fact.